Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Hey! Welcome to my life on a blog! I decided that since it's my senior year, and I'm going to do so much (hopefully) this year, why not blog about it? Yep, that's exactly my thought process there. So here's a little bit about me, if you don't already know.... I'm the oldest of five children, I have a younger sister named Zenna and three younger brothers: Ian, Colin and Devin. It's a whole buncha mess at my house with everyone running around, but I love em! Well, what else can I say about me? I loooove writing-- hence the blog title ;p I thought my URL was creative. Anyway, I'm an aspiring novelist, and have finished (sort of) my first book. I am really proud of it! I also love reading. I read mostly fantasy because that's the only world that entertains me. I mean reality is great, but I live there. I want to escape to somewhere else while I read, and fantasy novels are the best way to do that. Hmm... oh! I also looove to draw. I focus mainly on the Japanese anime style, but I'm trying to branch out and do more with my art. I love to hang out with my friends and just do random stuff. My friends are the greatest!

Um... here I'll hopefully give day to day updates about my life, but mind you school comes first so the posts may not be daily. I'll create a list of my favorite books, and movies and other random stuff so that people in this world can blog-stalk me. I blog-stalk people all the time. It's quite entertaining. Now that makes me sound creepy. I only stalk my friends, but everyone does that with facebook, right? Anyway, I'll also post tidbits from stories that I'm writing, and hope that you guys will give me feedback on it! I would like that very much! Let me know what you think guys! I love you!!!

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