Friday, December 17, 2010


So there has been soooooo much crap going on lately it's driving me to bits. I've been ready to break down and cry for the last few days. All the stress from every project that I've got going on is killing me. I've been working on my mosaic for my Mythology class. Hopefully I'll get some pictures of my progress up here, but forgive me if I don't. Oh and for all of you who commented before on my posts, for some reason they all disappeared and I can't get them back. I don't even know if you've commented recently. For some reason its not working and that makes me really upset. SO, I'm going to make a special request of all of you who read this post. Please comment so that I know if I'm crazy or not. Oh, and if you know my number, or see me, text me to tell me you left a comment so that I can check, or shoot me an email to Thanks guys. I'm really sad that all the comments are missing. Sorry guys!!! I still love you. I've enabled my blog so I can receive comments from anonymous people, so just leave a comment if you can. Thanks guys again for this, I know it's a strange thing to ask but I really do enjoy reading your comments. They make me feel cool.

Oh! I also finished these shoes I had been working on for my friend Torie. She ordered them for her brother-in-law for Christmas. He's a huge Saints fan, so that's what I did for these shoes. I am super proud of how they turned out!!! I'll post pictures as soon as I can. (I'm writing this at school)The fleur de lis nearly killed me there, but I really loved how it turned out! UH......... oh, I'm working on my portfolio for creative writing, so I have another request to make of you my 5 followers and random readers. Of the three (I say three because I am going to post a new one below) pieces that I have put on my blog, which would be the best to put into my portfolio? I've got my required pieces, but I have to insert seven others besides those. I'll be posting a few other stories and such up here and I want to know what you think. After it's all done and my portfolio is completed I'll post everything I've done here. Maybe. If I want to. So.... thanks again everyone! I love you guys!

This was an assignment we did in class. Our teacher put on some instrumental music and we were just supposed to write whatever came to mind based on the music we heard. This is what was created. I don't know what songs were played, but this one started with a dark sort of underscore with some strings and what sounded like a timpani, the music swelled suddenly and there was some sort of blast with a bunch of drums and then the strings played a dark intense and urgent spell of music. The end resolved in the same dark sounds as before with a hint of something lighter. Hope that was an accurate description and it helps you understand the piece a little better. I'll ask my teacher what the song was and maybe put it up. I would love to get his cds. There are a bunch of songs that I could use to help me with my writing. Anyway, here's my piece. It's without title. Just Song #2. Enjoy.

One more floor, I stared at the monstrous building before me , fixing my eyes on the highest floor. If he could just get up one more floor we would finally understand why our lives had been turned upside down and we had somehow become enemies of the United States.

We heard a crash over the earpiece. I tensed up, feeling Arden and Killswitch do the same. We sucked in a uniform breath and waited in intense silence for a sign that Alexander was still alive. He had volunteered himself for the job, and reluctantly we let him go. For some reason I felt my heart squeeze when he left. I didn’t understand it; I couldn’t let myself open up to anyone… especially a boy who had the ability to take advantage of me just like Ryan had. I felt my hand tightening around the walkie in my pocket.

“There are security guards everywhere!” Alexander whispered frantically over the earpiece that Arden had stolen from the security guards we encountered earlier. “I don’t think I can get to Duhn’s office.”

I bit my lip and looked at Killswitch. He was still focused on the building, his face drawn into a scowl, probably analyzing the place for the best escape routes he could see. Suddenly, I became aware of a red beam trained onto the center of his forehead, and before I had time to think about what I was doing, I tackled him to the ground as the cement block of the shop behind us exploded with the impact of the bullet. I rolled over in the debris just as another sniper took aim at Arden.

“Arden move!!” I screamed, hearing Alexander’s frantic questions hissed over the earpiece but I couldn’t answer. “Alexander, get out of there!”

Killswitch dragged me to my feet and pulled me behind him into an alley way, leaving Arden behind. I wanted to yank my hand out of his; I couldn’t be alone with him. I didn’t care if he was my friend… I couldn’t—wouldn’t—be alone with a man. Ever. I clawed at his hand with mine, hearing the recorded sounds of Ryan’s voice in my head. “Larkin, stop trying to resist this. Just cooperate and everything will be okay; tell your mother and you will all be living on the streets.” I felt tears stinging at the corners of my eyes as the memories enveloped me. Killswitch’s grip on my wrist tightened and I was yanked back to my senses.

We were being shot at. We had agreed that if something like this were to ever happen, that we were to run. It didn’t matter if we were together. It came right down to self preservation. If one of us lived to get our hands on the information that would redeem all of us, better one, than all. I felt bitter angry tears in my eyes. I wouldn’t let the monsters win again. Not this time. They had already taken so much away from me and I wasn’t going to give them more. I had to go back for my friends.

Killswitch’s grip tightened again as if he knew what I was thinking, and then the sirens reached my ears. We had learned that when the sirens came, it didn’t matter where we wanted to go before, we ran away from the sirens at all costs. A shower of brick shards fell on us from overhead, gashing my arm. I cried out in pain, but kept running, never looking back. Alexander’s voice had disappeared and I couldn’t hear Arden’s over the earpiece either. Killswitch was yelling something at me, but I didn’t hear it. The snipers… had they taken another one of my friends?

My tears burned, just like my lungs burned in my chest and my legs screamed at me to stop, to give up, but I couldn’t. I ran faster. The sirens were getting closer.

“I’ll come back for you, Alexander.” I whispered, hoping my promise would reach him and hoping it wouldn’t be too late. “I promise.”


  1. COMMENTING!!! I love this story you're writing. Keep it up.

  2. ... I really need to read your book now. That's an intense story (especially for something that just randomly came to you from music!)

  3. Commenting! :3

    Ooh. I like this one. A lot! =3
