Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Past to Present:

OK, so since this blog has been started randomly toward the end of the year, I will use this posting space to catch you up on my life. Starting with school. It's my senior year! Yes!! I feel so cool! Anyway, I'm taking like five english classes this year. Yes, that's me, the crazy girl. I want to major in English when i go to college, so I figured I better start now. I have always loved it anyway! Hmmmm well currently my favorite classes are Mythology taught by the greatest woman ever!! Kori Crampton! She makes learning way fun! No matter what others say about her, I love never knowing what we're doing. My other favorite class thus far is Creative Writing. It's AH-MAZ-ZING. Mr. Park is great. Well, I'm stuck with the same group of people (love you bunches guys) because I'm not adventerous enough to try and fit in elsewhere. I mean I think about it all the time, but I never get the guts to do it. Mostly because I don't want to leave Alex behind. Not me Alex, different Alex. She's a junior, and a great friend.

Hmm..... I didn't go to homecoming. I didn't get asked. That's not new though. I hardly ever go out, which makes me sad because well.... this is gonna sound concieted, but I think I'm a great girl with an awesome personality, and I think I'm pretty. Usually, depending on the day (but we all have those, right?). Um, boys... Well there was this one guy, Kelly (yes, I promise that's a boy), we had a thing for a while, and I loved it. (Prepare for random momentary gushing). He was just so sweet, and super considerate. Plus he was good-looking. Like really good looking. Blonde, blue-eyed and an athlete. Oh boy does he fit my type (since I noticed that all the boys I've been with are blonde and blue-eyed... plus or minus the athlete.) and he was funny. Always able to make me smile. He is a good kid. I'm using past tense here because well, he dumped me. "We should just be friends." That's how it ended. One kiss, whole bunches of fun, and that's how it ends. Now, he dumped me because he didn't want to get into anything too deep with anyone since his mission is coming up, and I want to be upset, but I can't knowing that I was dumped for God. Weird to say, but true. Yes, I miss knowing someone out there likes me, but there are other fish in the sea. Besides, who needs boys in high school? Oh dear, what am I saying.... I DO! I feel out of place among my friends who all have their significant others. Moving on. I took the ACT at the beginning of the year with studying, and got a 23. I took the ACT again in um... October I think, without studying a bit, and got a..... 24. Yep, I went up one whole point. WOW Alex, congrats.

Let's think, what else have I done? Well, I got a job at the Claire's in the University Mall, and I'm loving it! It's so much fun, but I'm sad since it's only holiday work. I hope they keep me on. I procrastinated my college applications to the very end. NOTE TO ALL FUTURE SENIORS: DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT PROCRASTINATE YOUR COLLEGE APPLICATIONS! IT WILL SAVE YOU SO MUCH SLEEP AND STRESS I CAN PROMISE YOU THAT MUCH! Hm.... Wow, talk about brain fart. I can't remember my life. Uh...... well I guess that's where my life ends. Well no, it doesn't end, but that's where we catch up to the present. Yep, uneventful life. But I recently decided that starting this challenge for art would be awesome. It's called the 365 Challenge. It's basically what the title says. I do a drawing every day for a year. This will challenge me because I'll have to think of a drawing everyday for a year, and they can't all be the same! AHHHHH! I'm excited but nervous all at once, so if you have any suggestions, let me know! UM.... present as in today: Watched a funny video about how link can't talk. Its on youtube. It's called A Heart for the Hero or something like that. Um.... Nikki came over for pie. And I sang about it.

Quote of the day: "NIKKI I HATE YOUR FACE!" but that's not really what was said it was: "Nikki can I paint your face." Just said really fast.

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