Saturday, December 4, 2010


Oh my gosh, prepare for the most gush blog post ever. So tonight is the best night of my life. I'm a long time fan of Dancing with the Stars, and my ultimate fav star ever is Apollo Ohno, the famous Olympic speed skater. My friend Erin and I decided we were gonna hang out, and as all nerds do, we hung out at a book store. Yep, pretty epic if I say so myself. As we went in, Erin was all "Why are there a bunch of people camped out in the middle of the store?" We didn't really look into it that much until I was searching for a book, and she found the sign that said Apollo Ohno was coming for a book signing that night at eight. So, we got hot chocolate, called my sister and Nikki, told them to get their butts down here, and waited. Then we proceeded to stand in line and wait our turn. We felt like idiots just standing in line without his book, so Nikki picked it up, and was debating on whether or not she wanted it all the way up to the point that she had it signed and there was no turning back. But anyway, can I just tell you that Apollo really lives up to his name. I mean his greek name. Because Apollo the god is beautiful beyond all description and so is Apollo Anton Ohno.

But anyway, we were in line and got up there to meet him, he signed the book and we were off. That didn't satisfy the fan girl inside me, so I doubled back with my camera and started taking some pictures which you can find below. My sister's camera is broken, so the quality is bad. But I got some really good ones. People told me I should become a professional creeper AKA a paparazzi. Yes, I think I just found my new calling in life. Well after my camera phase was over, I wanted a hug, but all his little people shoved us away, so I went outside and we found his tour bus. Yep, we took pictures by that too. We wrote messages in the dirt with our fingers, and then...... HE CAME OUTSIDE! We were the only ones out there, so I took a deep breath and said these exact words:

"Um, can I make an odd request?" Pause...

Apollo's friend: "Sure,"

"Can I have a hug?" Pause............... for a long time.

Apollo: "Sure thing,"

OMIGOODNESS! BEST DAY OF MY LIFE. I got to hug Apollo, who by the way smells really good, and is super attractive. I was smashed against him because Zenna and Erin joined my hug, and his jacket was so fuzzy!!!! AH! Yep, floating on nothing right now. :D Loving life. Plus I got Richard Castle's book Heat Wave. I'm excited to read it! Well, that pretty much sums up my night. Erin and I decided that we are stalking book signings more often. It turns out pretty good. And when I become a famous author, I will stay for an hour, instead of just a half hour.

Pictures below:

My favorite picture! Love his face here.

This was another great proving moment for my new found
paparazzi skillz.

This was just before we hugged him.

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