Friday, December 24, 2010

Random Crossover Exercise!

SOOOOO Erin did this first and I loved it, so I had to do it myself. Naturally. Anyway, the characters are mostly from different stories. It's intended for the characters to be from the same book, but oh well. If you're going to do this yourself, make your list of ten characters before you read the questions~ it's more fun that way!!

  1. Alex Day (Shai [uh... she's not technically my character, but I write her all the time.] )
  2. Larkin Renate (Branded [working title])
  3. Seili Sagasu (The Glade)
  4. Tripp (Shai)
  5. Uruviel Ancalimon (The Glade)
  6. Alexander Reza (Branded)
  7. Quinn Karter (Shai)
  8. King Gage Foxburr (The Glade
  9. Jaycee Kudro (Branded)
  10. Tesla (AtLA: Fourth Season [that's a story that Erin writes.... again I don't own her, but she's based off of me.] )
1) 4[Tripp] invites 3[Seili] and 8[Foxburr] to dinner at their house. What happens?
    Blood. Seili wouldn't sit in a room with Foxburr after what he did to Kaeli. Seili would go crazy, grab whichever weapon he could be it his bow or his sword, and Foxburr would whip out his crazy fire magic, and poor Tripp would be stuck in the middle of it, probably cowering in the corner freaking out about magic. He's already had to deal with loosing Alex, but of course he never knew she was a magic user, but that's beside the point. I'm sure the conversation would go a little something like this.

Tripp swung the door open happily, "Welcome Seili! Now that you're here we can start." he smiled,

Seili said nothing, following the blonde back to the dining room. When he entered, he saw the other guest seated at the table. He growled, his hand flinching to his sword.

"What are you doing here you low life?" Foxburr asked, glancing nonchalauntly up at the other man.

"I'm here to kill you," Seili replied, charging for the table.

Yep, that's how it would go. Battle ensues and Tripp makes it out alive!
2) 9[Jaycee] tries to get 5[Uruviel] to go to a strip club.
"Oh come on, it'll be fun!" Jaycee urged, tugging on the pirate's arm.

"You think going to a strip club is fun? I daresay if that is your definition of fun, I would rather play with a Minsk for an hour." the crimson eyed woman replied, tucking her ghostly white hair behind her ear. "You go, I'll be fine."

"Are you sure? There's bound to be a hot guy just waiting for you there. Lots of people like... pirates."

Silence was the only answer she needed.

3) You need to stay at a friends house for the night. Do you chose 1[Alex] or 6[Alexander]?
Oh, that's easy. Definitely Alexander. He's a lot less likely to use me as a test subject for the Virus. That and he's smokin hot.

4) 2[Larkin] and 7[Quinn] are making out. 10[Tesla] walks in...their reaction?
Ya, that would never happen because Larkin is terrified of men to the point of passing out, which usually doesn't help her. But, since this is just a writing exercise,I'll go along with it.

Tesla peeked through the door, the lights were off, but there were weird noises coming from the corner of the room. Cautiously she drew water from her hip holster and molded it into a long whip before flipping on the lights. There was a scream, and then water hitting ice. Quinn sat, holding Larkin in his lap, his shirt half buttoned, and hers missing, staring at Tesla with a look of shock.

"You're a waterbender?!" Tesla exclaimed, forgetting to ask what they were doing. "I didn't know that! From what tribe?"

Quinn stared blankly at her. "Water... bender? That's a new term for it, and I'm sure I'm not from a tribe."

Tesla glared apprehensively. "Sure..."

5) 3[Seili] falls in love with 6[Alexander]. 8[Foxburr] is jealous. What happens?
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH *shot* That's just too funny. For one, they are all men, and I'm pretty sure they're all straight. Like straighter than a board. So we're gonna skip that one before my eyes bleed.

6) 4[Tripp] jumps you in a dark alleyway. Who comes to your rescue? 10[Tesla], 2[Larkin] or 7[Quinn]?
Not Larkin. She's learned after recent events that people shoot at you when you close yourself into an alley way, so she concequently avoids them like the plauge. WATERBENDERS TO THE RESCUE! They would make a pretty kick butt team and I'd be safe from Tripp in no time. But I'm sure it would take one solid glare from Quinn and he would drop me. No magic required.

7) 1[Alex] decides to start a cooking show. 15 minutes later what is happening?
"Now, we marinade the chicken for twenty-four hours," she says to the camera in front of her, smiling as if she is programmed to. "Wouldn't want tasteless chicken, would we?"

She's doing great, believe it or not she's an awesome cook.

8) 5[Uruviel] is in a car crash and is critically injured. What does 9[Jaycee] do?
Uruviel: "What the heck is a car?"

The frantic blonde dashed around the street, screaming into the phone, "You have to save her, she's gonna die if you don't! She's delusional, claiming she's a pirate and that she doesn't know what a car is. Yes, right away. Corner of Lexington and 3rd."

9) 3[Seili] has to marry either 8[Foxburr], 5[Uruviel] or 9[Jaycee]. Who do they chose?
Like i said before, Seili is straight. Besides, we saw how his and the King's relationship was. Not good. Hmmmmm well, Uruviel ends up dying, so that leaves.... wait. Jaycee dies too. Oh boy. He would probably pick Jaycee because she's human, just like Kaeli, and she's blonde, just like Kaeli, and she's short, just like Kaeli. Hmmmmm.

10) 7[Quinn] kidnaps 2[Larkin] and demands something from 5[Uruviel] for 2[Larkin]'s release. What is it?
Why the heck would Quinn kidnap Larkin? OK, well what would he demand for her release.....

"I want Alex," Quinn whispered harshly, "Bring me Alex, and Larkin goes free."

Yep, that's how it would go.

11) You get to meet either 2[Larkin] or 6[Alexander]. Who do you chose?
Alexander. He's hot.

12) 10[Tesla] challenges 4[Tripp] to a chariot race. Why?
Tesla's pretty sure she can beat Tripp. He's small. Not very strong looking, and she's a waterbender. Duh. She's gonna cheat. That's why.

13) Everyone gangs up on 3[Seili]. Does 3[Seili] have a chance in Hell?
Bring it on. He's taken on the King's army and lived, he's kick butt.

14) Everyone is invited to 2[Larkin] and 9[Jaycee]'s wedding except for 8[Foxburr]. How do they react?
"WE'RE GETTING MARRIED?!!?" the girls screamed at once.

15) Why is 6[Alexander] afraid of 7[Quinn]?
Because Quinn is an alien. That's right. He's an alien that looks like a normal person. Quinn knows everything, and he can bend water.

16) 10[Tesla] gathers everyone around to tell them a fairy tale. How does it go?
"Okay everyone, we're having story time!!" Tesla exclaimed, herding everyone into a group and telling them to be seated. "Well, I'm gonna tell a story that all of you have never heard. I guarentee it." There were a few moans from the older crowd, "It's an epic tale of one small boy and his band of friends. They were off to save the world from the evil Pheonix King...."

Captivating, I'm sure. It really is. Check out my other blog:

17) 1[Alex] arrives late for 2[Larkin] and 9[Jaycee]'s wedding. What happens? And why is 1[Alex] late?
Well, she's probably late because she was sleeping with the general and forgot to get up. If there even is a wedding. I'm sure Larkin's not happy with this arrangement.

18) 5[Uruviel] and 9[Jaycee] get roaring drunk and end up at your house. What happens?
There would be lots of singin. Singing about walking down the street, singing about pirates, singing about being drunk. Singing about singing. Uruviel has to drink a lot to get drunk. She's a pirate and can hold her own against a good brew of whiskey and rum. Jaycee.... she's a cheep drunk.

19) 3[Seili], 8[Foxburr], 6[Alexander], and 4[Tripp] all go to the zoo for 8[Foxburr]'s birthday party. How does it go? What presents do they get 8[Foxburr]?
I can tell you what Seili's gift to the King would be. The taste of his blade in his throat. There would be no safe place if these two were stuck at a zoo. Foxburr would summon his demons and there would be a rampage, I'm sure. Seili would likely be a mad man on a rampage. Alexander would make a beeline to wherever felt safest. He's good at getting away from situations like this. Tripp. He's probably looking for a control room where he feels safest. Technology comforts him. He's such a nerd.

20) Everyone gets together and start protesting something outside of your house. What are they protesting? What do you do?
Seili's probably protesting those questions where I had to write him and Foxburr together and Foxburr wasn't dead. Jaycee, is proably shouting about being killed off. She had so much to live for. Alexander and Larkin, probably the fact that they're 18 and fugitves. Tripp would be sad about losing Alex. Alex is angry about the fact that the King of her planet is still alive and she died. Quinn.... protesting the same thing, with a high emphasis on the fact that Alex is dead, and he's not. Uruviel... she's dead. So she's probably yelling about that, but making sure that Keichii is still safe. Tesla.... Maybe the fact that she's not with a certain somone yet. (Erin, hint hint wink wink).

21) 9[Jacyee] murders 2[Larkin]'s best friend. What does 2[Larkin] do to get back at them?
Awesome. A lover's spat. Well, considering all the crap that Larkin's been through and the fact that either Killswitch, Arden or Alexander are now dead, she'd be filling Jaycee (a contact that gives her information) with lead.

22) 1[Alex] and 3[Seili] are in mortal danger. Only one of them can survive. Does 1[Alex] save him/herself or 3[Seili]?
They're in mortal danger?? Alex must have been the cause of it. She has a way of doing things like that. Alex would of course save herself because she has no emotional connection with Seili whatsoever. Now if it was Quinn, or Tripp, she'd save them. Definitely.

23) Which one of them is most likely to fail at life?
Uh...None of them?? If we want to go 'fail at life' in the sense that they die, early of course, then... Jaycee, Alex, Uruviel, and possibly Alexander. I haven't decided on him yet.

24) 5[Uruviel] is trapped in a cave. 10[Tesla] comes to rescue them. What happens?
Shapaow! Waterbending attack on the rock. Lol just kidding. Tesla would for sure get her out, probably by leaving a trail of water she's bended from the entrance to wherever Uruviel ended up.

25) 3[Seili] starts a day camp. What happens?
It would be a boot camp. They'd all be training to kill the King. Yep, that's how crazy he is. Alex would enjoy the camp. Thoroughly. It's a little sad.

26) 4[Tripp], 6[Alexander], and 7[Quinn] are doing the Hokey-Pokey. 8[Foxburr] walks in. What happens?
They would. Maybe not so much Quinn as the other two. Quinn would probably be half-baking it, and the other two would be all out. Foxburr might think it was some sort of ritual to make him stronger, and join. That, or just watch wondering what the heck they are doing.

27) 1[Alex] starts to write a fan-fiction where 9[Jaycee] and 10[Tesla] are going out. What is 2[Larkin]'s reaction?
So long as she's not the lesbian anymore.... I'm sure she's fine with it. But why would Alex write something like that? She's evil, but not that evil.

28) 7[Quinn] makes an apple pie. Is it any good?
Yes it is. Quinn is a good cook too! It was his mother, she raised him good.

29) 8[Foxburr] and 3[Seili] go camping. For some reason they forget to bring any food. What do they do?
They don't have a problem. Who cares that they forgot food. They'll kill each other. Simple as that.

30) While they are camping, they run into The Blair Witch. What do they do?
Foxburr probably summoned her. That sneaky little poop. Seili would kill her. It might take him a while, and by the time that's over, Foxburr is gone. Oh well.

31) The quiz is over. What does everyone go to do now?
They go back to their lives. Well, who ever is left alive. Seili would probably be looking for Kaeli since he's in the human realm and that's where she went back to. Tripp would go home to Alex's old house. Long story. Anyway, they'd be normal again. Mostly.

Hahahaa I did this because I wanted to. What else to do if you're sick?

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