Thursday, December 9, 2010

Timp's Got Talent

Hey y'all! Before I delve into the events of the day for today, I must first tell you about last night.

To start off I was stuck at this awful rehearsal for my choir concert on Saturday. Our director gave us our music like a week ago, and this concert has been advertised in Deseret News apparently. Yha, we didn't know. Thanks Mr. Swenson for that lovely bomb there. We sound so awful!! We know like two of the songs, and those are the ones we practiced with the orchestra. OH MY GOSH. I sound like a dying cow because I sing alto 2 and those notes are funky! For the "Silent Night" song we're supposed to be the "angelic background singers" for the soloist David (and or Dallin not sure which but it's one of the two) Ballis. He sounds great, but we sound like dying cows. We don't know any of our notes, which is bad because this concert is supposed to be huge. Last year when we did it we had two apostles show up. Yep, I got to meet Pres. Uchdorf and Elder Oaks. It was fun. UHG, anyway, wish us all luck with our concert. I'll let you know how that one goes on Saturday.

Ok, moving on. After I left rehearsal (earlier than every other poor soul in that room) I drove down to the Provo library for the senior dinner dance. That was so much fun! Dinner was great, we had some sort of lemon chicken with roasted potatoes and beans and a roll that was more fluffy air than it was roll, but it tasted good. Hmmm, oh! We put our names in a drawing for prizes, and I won a free pizza delivery during class any time I want. Pretty cool, but I don't know when I'm gonna use it. Probably when I get super hungry or something. I'd feel really fat though ordering a whole pizza for myself. HAHAHAH that's OK, I'm a fatty anyway. Um the dance was FABULOUS. I discovered that I, among all my other friends, have the dirtiest dancing style. I think I'm sort of proud of that in a strange way. I had no idea I could move my body the way I did last night. It was sort of hot, I'm not gonna lie.Some kid told me I looked really good while I was dancing. He was hot too. I don't know who he was, but I don't think I'd ever seen him before. Er..... slow songs.... I never really get asked to dance, I don't know why, but it makes me kinda upset. Um, I was gonna ask Kyle to dance, but then I thought it might be weird if I had to go to class the next day and see him. He's way cute, and I wish I wasn't well.... with my crowd, maybe I'd have a chance with him. But I guess he saw me dancing and told me he wished I would have come over. Oh well. I was wearing these sexy lace tights that everyone loved, and a great red dress. Only problem with that was the fact that the dress was really flow-y, and came up when I jumped around, so put lace tights and flow-y dress together and you get a disaster waiting to happen. But it didn't, thank goodness. I had a blast, but I thought it was really weird that we had a dance on a Wednesday night instead of like a weekend. Well.... that was the senior dinner dance.


Well today was the school talent show, and may I say that the kids in the talent show today were amazing! Taylor White has amazing skill. He's only got one arm, but is still an absolutely amazing guitar player. And his voice is beautiful. Karoline, sexy as ever in her ballroom number. Chance. Oh boy. He's just weird, but his number was funny!!! He sang a song with every country in the world in it. Nolan!!! He's in my web design class. He sang that Trolololo song so good! Hmmmmm what else. Oh Alan and Tim did this amazing dance. It was super sweet! They are awesome, and their random dance to Taylor Swift's song um....... that Romeo and Juliet one. Forgive me, I don't listen to the whiny hormonal girl sing about boys and her problems. Anyway, I saw a few people recording it, so if I can get my hands on a copy I'll post it here. It was so cool!! Amy has a beautiful voice! I didn't know she could sing, but her voice is just as pretty as she is.

Um that's it. Well Kyle invited me to play Call of Duty with him, and I accepted. What was I thinking?! I don't play that stupid game!!!! I don't even know how to shoot! UHG. What we do for boys. I hate it. But oh well. I have until next weekend..... I think that was the plan... to learn how to play. Then they can watch me as I fail miserably in front of them. Oh well. Wish me luck!

Yesterday my friend sang about something random. Like completely out of the blue. He's so weird. Today Robyn sang about knifing people in Call of Duty during fourth period. It was so fun! Hahahah I love it! Oh and I found out the boy that sits in front of me in Zoology is going to the junior Olympics next year. He's a fencer! That's so cool! I didn't even know he did that until it was on the announcements today. That's super awesome. Eew and may I say that this certain girl in that class is dumber than a bag of bricks. She isn't one of those pretty girls that acts dumb to get attention, at least I don't think so because her stupidity seems genuine. Completely genuine. It's sad. She makes me want to hit my head against a wall.

Anyway, I'm checking out for now.


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