Sunday, April 24, 2011


I attended the Teen Author's Boot Camp yesterday, and one of the things all the authors there stressed so much was to start a writing critique group, which is exactly what I intend to do. This group would consist of whatever writers wish to join me. We will set up a schedule where we will send out a piece of writing to the others in the group and they will critique it seriously based on whatever that assigned writer asks for. One writer will send their piece out to the rest, and will recieve feedback, and then the next week, a different person does the same. So on and so forth. I'm looking for people who love to write, and want serious feedback and will be willing to give the feedback. If you're interested, comment below, and leave your email address. Invite friends you know that are writers. The more the merrier!

And now, enjoy the next chapter of Kiss It Better.

Chapter Three:

Abby walked back to Mrs. Starling's classroom and sat quietly in the back. As there was nothing for her to do, she busied herself with her lyrics book. Abby wasn't one for drawing or artsy things, but she loved to write. Her life consisted mostly of reading and writing songs, and trying—mostly unsuccessfully—to write a tune. She could play her guitar just fine, but when it came to writing a tune for something she wrote the words to, it wasn't as easy. Most of her songs were about her curse, but she cleverly disguised them as break up songs, or cute little love songs. Only Nikki had guessed that they weren't all they seemed, but she didn't know the real meaning of them. No one would. Occasionally Abby had dropped hints that there was something that would happen before the end of the year that would change their lives, but no one ever thought anything about it. They were seniors. Of course something life changing would happen.

I was helpless to save you
Left you bleeding
What have I done?
Now I need your saving grace
If only to break free
I long to have you with me.

Abby's eyes started to tear up as she thought of Kartik's face, covered in scarlet, his blue eyes vacant and lifeless, and the murderous sneer of his brother searing her shoulders. She hadn't saved him. She could have saved him. If she could go back in time and change anything, it would be that instance. She wouldn't think twice of stepping in front of Kartik and sacrificing herself for him. He would have saved her... and what did she do for him? Nothing.

Suddenly her phone buzzed in her pocket, drawing her out of her mourning. She sniffled, trying to hide her shining eyes and slipped her phone out of her pocket and glanced at the screen. It was a text from her brother. Food here or at home? Abby rolled her eyes. Of course he was worried about food. Her parents were both at work at this point, so they wouldn't know if the two came home for food, but Abby didn't know how much food was actually in the fridge. Here. I'm not sure if mom has gone shopping yet. Ryan never answered, and Abby figured it meant he was brooding. She tuned into the last part of the lesson, and waited until the bell rang. She waited for the students to file out of the classroom, said goodbye to Mrs. Starling, and walked into the massive hallway crowd. As she attempted to navigate her way through the bodies, two heavy arms suddenly dropped around her neck over her shoulders. She glanced down, noting the familiar scar that ran the length of his lower arm and smiled.

“Hey baby, how's your day been?” Kaden asked, walking in step behind her.

“Great, but like I tell you every day, I'm not your baby.” Abby said resolutely, keeping her eyes fixed on her path.

He was quiet for a time, just following behind her, never letting her go. “Would you be?” he asked sincerely.

Her breath caught in her throat and she choked. “W-what?”

“Will you be my girlfriend?” He stepped around her, so he was walking backward staring into her with his deep chocolate eyes. “I've waited long enough to ask you.”

Abby's heart fluttered. Could he be the one to save her? She stared up at him for a while, only stopping when they reached the commons area. He hadn't let go of her, and stared intensely at her, waiting for an answer. She didn't know why she couldn't just say yes. He was a good kid. And a great friend. He had always been there for her, sworn he would protect her, and keep her happy, all the benefits of fierce friendship. That's exactly what she didn't want to lose: the friendship.

“I... Kaden, I would say yes, but what's to stop something from ruining our friendship if we break up? I don't want to lose a great friend like you.” Abby admitted, looking shamefully down at her feet.

She always felt as if she turned away all the boys she needed to save her. Every knight in shining armor that had ever presented himself she had turned away believing there was another right around the corner.

“Give me a chance, I promise I won't mess up our friendship if it doesn't work.” he begged, his eyes becoming sad. “I've just been too intimidated by you until now to be anything more than friends. I've wanted it for so long, but you're a strong, smart, and beautiful girl, and that's scary.”

Abby swallowed the lump in her throat, and before her logic could protest she said, “You have to promise me you'll be there for me. Always.” She watched his reaction; there was no twitch, no pause nothing before his eyes lit up and a smile broke over his face.

“I promise,” he scooped her into a hug. “I'll always be there for you.”

A warm rush flooded her chest. Her excitement peaked, but fear set in. What if he wouldn't save her? What if he ran at the prospect of her death like the others had. Would he really live up to his promise to keep her safe always?

Still embracing their moment was disturbed when Austin and Nikki approached, bickering about something that had happened moments before. Austin towered over the girl, being at least a foot taller than her even in her four inch heels. She was arched backward, her dark brown eyes locked onto his blue ones. She wasn't about to back down, and would happily take Austin in a fight, but her slight frame would be nothing against the football player.

“I'm telling you, I meant nothing by what I said.” she huffed, her cheeks slightly flushed in anger.

“Didn't sound like it to me.” he countered, a smirk on his face. “In fact, it sounded as if someone admitted their feelings for someone else.”

Nikki's cheeks reddened. Opening her mouth to make a return comment, she found herself without words, and ended up making a series of huffing sounds before she finally snorted and turned away, folding her arms over her chest. Austin's smirk widened, and his eyes narrowed .

“Told you it meant something.”

Her hand was in his gut faster than they could blink. Surprised, he closed his hand over hers, staring in beweilderment for a time before dropping her hand.

“You've got a wicked jab.” he said, another smile breaking over his face.

“I can do worse. You better watch yourself. I could kick your trash.” Nikki replied, glaring up at him.

Austin chuckled, and looked at Abby, still safely tucked into Kaden's arms. The smile vanished and a frown quickly replaced it.

“What are you two doing standing there like that?” he asked

“Is it a crime to hug my girlfriend?” Kaden said, glancing down at Abby then back to Austin.

“Girlfriend?” Austin laughed, “You're not serious, are you? I thought Abby was against boyfriends.” He looked at Abby as if he expected her to confirm his words.

“I'm not against them,” she said, “I just haven't had the best of luck with them. That's all. But we're trying something new, and yes, I'm his girlfriend.”

Nikki squealed and quickly ripped Abby out of Kaden's arms and towed her to the lunch room. She walked in silence the entire way until they stopped in line when she suddenly bombarded Abby with thousands of questions in one breath.

“Geez woman, slow down or you're going to pass out!” Abby laughed. “One at a time!”

“When did this happen!? It's only like the first half of the first day! Keep your pants on woman,” Nikki teased.

“Haha, very funny. It happened like two minutes ago. I was opposed to it at first because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. But we'll just see how it works out.”

Nikki turned to her with a sly smile. “Is he going to turn into one of your mushy songs?”

Abby blushed. “No.... maybe. I don't know!”

Nikki nodded fiercely, congratulating herself on embarrassing Abby once again. The girls talked throughout the lunch line about their classes. Abby told her about Study Hall, and Math. When Nikki found out she had to stay stuck up in a room with Brittany for an hour and a half every other day, she nearly passed out.

“I am so sorry babe, I would shoot her.” Nikki proclaimed, loud enough for the rest of the people near them to hear. “Brittany is a brat.”

“That's not even the worst part,” Abby continued. “Marek is in that class too. He sits right next to me, and I've to to deal with Brittany's gaga stares across the room the entire period.”

“Marek? Is he cute?” she waggled her eyebrows as they purchased their food. “What's he look like? Red head?”

“No, quite the opposite. He's got black hair, and hazel eyes. He's got to be an athlete with that body, and he's relatively quiet. But his accent is amazing” she shivered thinking of the sound of his voice. “Oh, and you were right about Brittany being all up on him. They were sucking face in the hall during third period.”

Nikki's eyes grew wide. “No way, already?”

“Yes, and that's not the worst part. You know Oliver Greene?” Abby paused while her friend thought for a moment and nodded. “He and Brittany were together until the two of us found her eating Marek. I felt so bad for him! Mostly because he was ever dating her, but it's always sad when someone finds out their girlfriend is cheating right beneath their nose. Literally.”

Nikki frowned sadly, “Poor kid, he's a great guy. Why would he ever date the likes of her?”

Abby rolled her eyes. “I've got one easy explanation for that one. Head cheerleader, and football star. They always end up together, don't you understand high school stereotypical relationships? Geez Nik, I expected better from you.”

Nikki laughed. “You're right. You can never escape that stupid mindset.” She sighed. “Why won't the football players date normal girls?” she stared off out the window toward the football field.

“Don't you mean why won't one particular football player date a normal girl named Nikki Flanders?”

Nikki went rigid, her face flushing pink.

“It's not a secret. I've known that's what you were after for a while now. He's just... well a football player. Why don't you ask him out?” Abby suggested, scanning the lunchroom for the boys. They were sitting on a table at the far end of the room, laughing with each other. “In fact, why don't we double? Kaden and I can come, and you can ask Austin. It won't be weird that way. And then you can move on from there.”

Before Nikki could answer, the air around them became thick with icy tension.

“Excuse me, but I do believe you're sitting at our table, freaks.” Brittany's voice was like the ice age. “Move. Now.”

The girls glared up at the cheerleader, her squad flanking her sides, and gathered their things. “One day you're going to get what you deserve, whore.” Nikki spat as they retreated from the table.

“Doubt it.” she jeered, sneering at them.

Nikki raised her arms and flipped her off. “Brat.”


  1. Hey, I know were not like best friends, but I think that critique group thing sounds awesome.

  2. Have you hit Lorelle up about the critique group? Once the play's finished, she might be interested.
    And I just decided to read your story today (for the 1st time. Shame on me, I know) and I love it! For some reason, I feel like I'm an inspiration to the story ;)
