Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools.

It's a great day, but somethings are just awful. Practical jokes are great if you play them on someone, but not if you are the victim. Today I called my dad after returning home from school and finding all the doors locked. The universe had turned against me. First, I had ripped my pants getting into the car on the way home, and then, the doors were locked. Zenna locked the window we usually climb into and the other option was higher than my ripped pants could handle. They ripped again while I tried to get up. It wasn't working.... anyway I called my dad and told him that someone had broken into the house. He flipped out. It was hilarious, especially because there have been burglaries happening on my street for the past few days. It was believable and funny, but i couldn't keep it up for too long because I was laughing soooooo hard, and he was really starting to panic. My dad hates April Fools day. Always has. Anyway.... Here's the last half of thirteen. Enjoy....

I struggled to keep myself awake for the remainder of my classes, but managed to make it through with minimal sleep. Walking back to my room turned into a monumental task. My body felt like lead while I walked, and the books in my arms were bricks. My bag seemed to weigh a thousand tons on my shoulders, and I could hardly keep my eyes open. When I reached my floor I was the only one to exit the elevator. I lifted my foot out of the car with extreme effort, and dragged my body down the hall. No matter how far I walked, the hall seemed to extend out forever. I swayed while I walked, knocking into the wall.

I give up.” I muttered, content to slide down the wall and stay there.

Just as I let my knees fall, someone put their arm around my waist. In a state locked somewhere between consciousness and dreams, I looked up through the haze and saw a blonde boy. He smiled, and I closed my eyes.

Room 304, please...” I drawled in a sleep filled slur.

Between the elevator and the hall, I hardly remember making it into the room, let alone my bedroom, but when I woke up I was tucked into my bed, and feeling fully rested. I rolled over to look at the clock. It was only three in the afternoon, which meant I had been sleeping since one thirty. I rolled out of bed, still dressed in my uniform, and went into the kitchen. Paying no mind to the noise coming from the living area, I opened the fridge to check for a water bottle. Extracting one, I turned to walk back into my room when I heard my name.

Have a nice nap, Laela?” I turned to look at the source of the voice. It was Carmen, one of the more bearable of my roommates.

I nodded. “Yes, it was great,” I said smiling. “I'm not so sure why I was so tired today, but that felt great.” I glanced around the room. “Carmen, do you know how I got in here? I honestly don't remember.”

She laughed and crossed the room, grabbed an orange from our fruit basket and began ripping off the peel. “I didn't see you guys come in at first, but when I saw him leave your room I had a shred of hope.” she said.

I raised an eyebrow. “Hope? For what?”

Well, you know, that he was.... well wasn't a flamer.” she looked at me like I should be understanding who she spoke of.

Who isn't a flamer? I'm really confused, Carmen.”

Oh! Right, right. I didn't tell you who it was! Sorry,” she scratched the back of her head, smiling timidly. “My brain thinks a lot faster than my mouth can keep up with. It was Daniel. He brought you in here, and somehow knew where your room was. Did you tell him?”

No, I can't even remember more than leaning against the wall in the hallway and giving up.”

We both sat in silence for a moment, thinking about the possibilities, and then the door opened and Molly entered with Kitty and Hillary. Molly glared at me, like she had every time she saw me since the day we met, and entered her room, promptly slamming the door. Hillary approached her twin, stole a piece of orange, and went into their room.

Anyway,” Carmen continued. “He just came in, I assume you told him where the room was, and when he came out of your room, all I could think to myself was 'Please, if there is a god in Heaven, tell me that Daniel is not gay.' But I don't think it worked. I'm pretty sure he's still gay.”

Kitty laughed, putting her hands on her stomach and throwing her head back. Carmen and I turned our heads slowly to look at her, our expressions matching at every point.

Carmen, did you just admit that you like Daniel Harper?” Kitty laughed, wiping a tear from her eye.

Carmen blushed. “N-no, I just.... it was for the good of all womankind.” Carmen stuttered.

Kitty's laughter didn't stop there. In fact, it got worse. “Good of all womankind? That's a good one. But really! Do you like him?”

There was a long drawn out pause before Hillary stuck her head out of their door and said, “Yes, she does.”

Carmen swung around on her heel, eyes cold as death, and face set in a menacing glare. “Hillary, I hate you.”

We all knew the answer, we were just waiting for someone to say it!” She stuck her tongue out at Carmen and shut the door.

I smiled, “Carmen, it's okay to like Daniel. He's pretty attractive if I do say so myself.” I admitted, drawing Kitty's attention to me.

Why are we even talking about Daniel?” she asked, her laughter subsiding.

He brought Laela in. She was falling asleep in the hall.” Carmen told her, throwing her dark brown hair over her shoulder and finishing her orange.

In the hall? Wow, you must be exhausted. I guess we can wait until tomorrow to visit my place.” Kitty sighed, turning to her room. “I'll just call the boys.”

Kitty, wait! We can still go, I'm okay now. I'm feeling much better.” I said, feeling as if I had pounced on her.

She turned around, her eyes bright, and smile wide. “Yes! You're going to looooove it! I love this place.” she threw her arms up in the air, and turned in a quick circle. “I'll call the boys. I don't know if they would want to come anyway. It's not like its something most boys enjoy.”

What is it?”

She smiled slyly. “That, I will not tell you, but you need to change.” she pointed at my uniform. “Unless you want to go out in that, in which case, feel free not to worry.”

I glanced down at the uniform, deciding that I would rather be wearing some of my own clothes. I went quickly into my room and sifted through my clothes, picking out a cute white sequin tank top and a blue cardigan, a pair of jean shorts, and my golden gladiator sandals. While I changed my phone buzzed on my dresser. Pulling the tank top over my head, I lifted my phone and looked at the screen. Another text from an unknown number.

Hey Laela! This is Daniel, I just wanted to make sure you were feeling okay. You were really out of it when I picked you up in the hall. Reply ASAP so I can stop freaking out up here.

I laughed. He was so great. Quickly, I replied: Hey Daniel, I'm feeling much better. Thank you for taking me to my room! I don't know why I was having such a hard time staying awake. Thanks for everything again :D As I pulled my shoes on and started buckling them, my phone buzzed again. Good to know. I can calm down now. I smiled, setting the phone down and finishing my shoes. Kitty burst through the door, the boys on her heels. I looked up, finding Stitch in the back of the crowd. I sighed, relieved to see him. I couldn't explain it, but for some reason, I felt lost today not knowing where he was. The though frightened me; why would I care where he was if I hardly knew him? He smiled at me, and another flood of relief washed over me. I had been worrying all day about that note, and why it made him so upset. At first I thought he was angry at me, but something didn't seem right. He was far to upset about that piece of paper. But he was smiling now, and whether or not that was nothing more than a front, it was a mask I was grateful to see.

All right!” Kitty pronounced, jumping into the middle of the room.

Are you going to tell us where we're going now, Kitten?” Cam teased, winking at Kitty.

She glared at him. “How many times have I told you not to call me Kitten?” she moaned.

More than I can count, love.”

Then why” she flung her arms in an outward motion, sighing dramatically. “do you insist on doing it still!”

You never seemed to mind before,” he commented, staring at Jay.

Kitty blushed. “Things were different then! I.... just don't call me Kitten anymore!”

Stitch laughed. “Can I call you Chessy?” he asked, a genuine smile on his lips. It wasn't a smirk or a sneer like I had seen before, but a genuine heart melting smile.

Kitty glared at him, but a smile crept onto her lips. “What do you think I am? A magic cat?”

He shrugged, the both of them laughing. Cam and Jay exchanged glances before Kitty recomposed herself and threw her arms above her head.

All right! As we all know, we're visiting our favorite places to give Laela a feel for our lives here, and last night we went to Liechester Square. Today, we're going somewhere better.” she announced, looking around the room with a smile a mile wide.

Okay,” Jay said, “Now, how 'bout telling us what it is that we're doing.”

She giggled. “Ok, but you boys don't have to come if you don't want to. I won't make you.” she spun around in a quick little circle and stopped with her hands on her hips. “We're going to the Seven Dials!”

All of us stood and stared at her, lost as to a location. Jay raised his eyebrows and turned his head slightly to the side.

I... have no idea what that is.”

Kitty grumbled. “It's a shopping centre! You know, you take the Convent Garden tube down there, it's that junction of the seven streets?”

We all shook our heads and waited.

You know what, don't worry about it. Just know we're going shopping. Are you in, or are you out?” she pointed her finger at each of them.

Jay smiled. “I'm in,” he said.

Only if you promise to show me what you try on.” Cam said, winking at me.

I'll come,” said Stitch, glaring at the back of Cam's head. “Someone's got to keep him in line.”

Cam turned to glare daggers at Stitch. “I don't need a babysitter, Mazzigati.”

Could have fooled me.”

Cam turned to face Stitch, puffing his chest out and glaring harshly. “You better watch yourself. I'm only tolerating you for the girls.”

Suits me just fine. I just pretend you don't exist most of the time. It's a miracle I even acknowledged your prescence.”

Cam raised a fist, but Jay clamped his hand firmly over Cam's shoulder.

Easy, boys. Let's not do something too hasty.” Jay said, looking back and forth between the two. “Wouldn't want to get any blood on Laela's carpet. That would suck.”

Stitch stood his ground, staring Cam down, who shrunk away when Jay's arm pressed against his chest, drawing him down.

Wouldn't be my blood on the ground.” Stitch muttered.

Watch it, or you'll regret it. The games have just begun.” Cam's eyes grew malicious, staring at Stitch.

And you're the loser still.”

My phone buzzed, drawing me away from the quarrel. Beware, lest ye judge good to be evil, and evil to be good. Looks aren't everything, love.

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