Wednesday, April 20, 2011


WOOOOOO! Here comes chapter two!!! But before I do, I have some quotes for you!!!! (PS that all ryhmed.)

"I have standards. Ish..." Cynthia Chan. I love you!!!!!!

"Your hair smells like.... an ocean breeze on a warm day." Kaden Hendrickson. He smelled my hair on the field trip for zoology, and that's a direct quote. It was the funniest thing I've ever heard him say. And no one has ever described my hair like that before.

"He who does not believe in his friends, does not believe in himself!" ME. I was trying to say he who does noe believe in himself cannot believe in his friends, but it was late and I was tired, but i do like the way it actually came out.

Now, onto chapter two!!

Chapter Two: Change

“Marek? Very Scottish sounding.” Abby laughed. “Have you seen him?”
Nikki shook her head, hitting her cheek with her long black braid. “No, but Brittany sure has. He's living with her family. That slut. She's going to be all up in his business. American Style.”

Austin bent over Nikki's shoulder, a sly grin on his face, giving her a long once over. “American style, huh? You'll teach me that one sometime?”

“Only in your dreams.” Nikki countered, taking two quick strides away from him.

“I'll hold you to that one!” Austin called, joining the boys in laughter.

Nikki rolled her eyes and linked arms with Abby, quickening their pace to distance themselves from the boys. The girls compared their schedules. They shared U.S. History together since the two of them had neglected to take it until their Senior year, as well as P.E. The bell rang from the school just before they stepped inside. Nikki waved at Abby as she dashed down the hall. Her first class wasn't a class at all. She had Study Hall. Free pass to sleep for another hour. How that class had even ended up on her schedule she had no idea because she wouldn't need it. Abby always did her homework and stayed on top of things. She smiled to herself remembering the only A- she had ever received. She was a smart girl. Always had been. With a sigh she strode through the library doors and into a room full of slackers.

The librarian looked up and smiled. “Oh, hello Abby,” she said sweetly. “I'm so glad to see you! How was your summer?”

Abby smiled. Clarissa was young, only 24, and newly married. Abby had made friends with her in her Sophomore year when she spent most of her time as a recluse in the back corner of the library. It was an awkward stage of her life where nothing seemed to work right, and everyone was against her. Abby put her backpack on one of the tables where the other students were sitting and approached the counter Clarissa stood behind.
“It was great, I spent a lot of time with the family though.” Abby sighed, leaning her back against the counter and staring at the class. “It was a pain most of the time. Especially since Cindy is starting to realize she has to act like a girl if she wants boys to like her. That's a whole different story though,” The door opened and man walked in. He was young, probably not older than 26. He approached the desk and leaned over it, giving Clarissa a kiss. Abby turned to smile at her. “Nice catch. Is he the Study Hall teacher?”

She nodded. “Thanks, this is his first year teaching. He's also teaching Health. We're happy, even if the pay isn't too great.” she said, smiling at her husband across the room.

Abby took her place at the table and shouted for roll call, then listened as Mr. Fevre explained the rules for the class. Abby pretended to listen, staring idly past his shoulder and doodling designs on her notebook. The class passed in a haze. When the bell rang Abby nearly toppled out of her chair. She jumped up, tucking her notebook into her bag and made her way to her next class. The bane of her existence. Math. She slipped into the room, sitting in the back corner near the door hoping the teacher wouldn't give them assigned seats. As the room started to fill up, she heard the high pitch laugh of Brittany Knols float through the door. Abby cringed, curling over her desk and hoping the laugh wouldn't come through the door. Unfortunately, it did.

Abby glanced over her shoulder, seeing the obnoxious blond slip in the door with an entourage coming in behind her. She laughed loudly again, and Abby noticed the boy she was clinging to. She had never seen him before. He was tall; nearly a foot taller than Brittany, which put him somewhere around 6' 2. He had short black hair combed up into a small fo-hawk, and bright hazel green eyes. He was well built and lean, definitely an athlete. She couldn't take her eyes off him as he crossed the room with Brittany and her cronies. Abby watched him for a moment, fearing one of the girls would give her the stink eye, and looked away as he looked up in her direction.
“When I call your name, please come to the seat I point to.” the teacher boomed.

He began calling out names and the room slowly shifted as people moved from seat to seat. Abby ignored all the names until she heard her name called and managed to focus on the seat which had been pointed out. She quietly moved across the room and slipped into her chair, extracting a notebook from her bag and slapping it onto her desk. Her row was among one of the last to be called, the only empty seat was to her right against the wall, and there was only one person left standing in the back of the room.

“Marek Bain,” the teacher announced, turning and stomping to the front of the room.

Abby slowly turned to look at the boy who sat down. He stared back, no expression on his face. Abby smiled, hoping to break the awkward silence that had settled between them.

“Hi,” she said, “I'm Abby Wurthington. It's nice to meet you.”
He smiled, “I'm Marek Bain.” his accent was thick, stressing the middle of each word. “It's nice to meet you, too.”

A shiver ran down Abby's spine. Kartik had been Scottish, and she had grown to love and long to hear their accents. She opened her mouth to speak again, but was shushed by the loud voice of their teacher. Abby stared straight forward, taking notes on the needed materials for the course. She kept her eyes on her page, careful not to look up, or at Marek. She could tell he was staring either at her, or over her, probably at Brittany. Abby stole a quick glance across the room at Brittany who was making cutesy faces at Marek. Abby gagged, drawing the attention of Brittany, who glared harshly across the room. She looked back at her paper, not daring to look up again. Brittany had tormented Abby since the first day of second grade, and never let up. Brittany always had to be better than Abby in every way, except when it came to grades. Those were the portions of triumph Abby held, but grades didn't make people like you—unless they happened to be nerds. Oddly enough, they were the only people who seemed to be attracted to her as well. Abby sighed internally. She had her fair share of nerds and knew that they never came through when the situation got sticky.

Abby was pulled from her thoughts when a bright pink paper was waved impatiently in front of her face. She snatched it out of the air and put it on her desk. She sighed, not bothering to look at the paper for longer than a few seconds. Disclosure documents were a waste of paper; no one ever really read them. While the class followed along with the teacher, Abby stared at the back of the person in front of her. She noted the way they hunched their shoulders forward in a hulking manner, and she could picture them waiting in a dark alley to spring at some poor victim. She shivered; she needed to stop thinking about being attacked and enjoy her life while it lasted. The rest of the class passed in a dull roar, and when the bell rang, Abby gathered her things quickly to avoid Brittany. When she stood and hopped out of her desk she found herself pressed uncomfortably against Marek's body in the tight row. Her face turned bright red as she looked up at him. He was staring down at her, a bemused smirk upon his lips.

“S-sorry, I didn't mean... I wasn't paying attention.” Abby muttered and stepped sideways away from him.
He smiled. “'S okay, don't worry abou' it.” he replied.

Abby smiled, but the unmistakable sound of Brittany clearing her throat made Abby move out of the room without another word. She trekked down the hall to the front office where the TAs were to meet. She found a few people she knew from years previous, but no one she really would talk to. Counting the ceiling tiles in the office she didn't notice the tall blonde moving toward her.

“Hey, Abby... right?” he said with a nervous crooked smile.

Abby jerked back into reality and looked up at the boy. He was vaguely familiar to her, but she couldn't recall why. His hair fell in a short messy shag around his forehead, and his eyes were a soft shade of blue. He had a small amount of stubble on his square jaw, but the stubble made him all the more attractive.

Abby nodded, keeping her eyes on him. “Yeah, but... I don't remember you... sorry. I feel awful saying that.”

He laughed. “It's okay, I wouldn't expect you to remember me.” He looked away for a moment, staring at the ceiling. “You were always busy counting ceiling tiles I don't think you ever really looked at me, though you were looking in my direction. We had Health together last year with Coach Nelson. You sat across the room from me, but you never seemed to be paying attention.”

Abby blushed. “Oh. Well I...” she paused. I've taken hundreds of Health classes in my life, and they're all the same. “couldn't really focus on the lessons with Coach Nelson's voice. He makes me feel like I'm on the football team with all the short caveman sentences. So... you must be... um...”

“Oliver Greene, football player.”

Abby turned a darker shade of red. “Oh my gosh, I didn't mean anything by that comment earlier!”

He laughed again. It was a lighthearted laughter that made her smile.

“It's fine. Some of us are more eloquent than others.”

The secretary stood up suddenly and started speaking. “Well, if you're here, you're my new set of TAs. Come tell me what teacher you would like to be with, and then you can go collect their signature and be out of my hair. Please also be aware that we do need office assistance....”

The mass of students swarmed forward and started requesting names. Abby and Oliver moved forward, and each requested a name. When they had their slips, the two of them exited the room and made their way to the classes, which happened to be across the hall from each other. Oliver had chosen Coach Nelson, and Abby had chosen the Mythology teacher, Mrs. Starling. Quite happily Mrs. Starling signed the paper and sent Abby back to the office. She met up with Oliver on the way.

“Just can't get enough of him, can you?” she teased, smiling up at him.

He looked down at her. “I picked him because I know I can just sit around. He never makes his TA do anything.” Oliver countered jokingly.

As the two turned the corner, they found themselves face to face with the lip-locked Marek and Brittany. His first day and he's already getting lessons, American Style. Ew. I hope he gets Herpes or something. Abby thought to herself, staring at the scene. Oliver tensed beside her and made a noise a little like a gasp and as squeak. The pair broke apart, Brittany hiding behind Marek until she noticed Oliver standing there.

“Oh,” she said, her voice a bit husky, “Oliver. Hi. I... we... it's not what you think.”

“Then what is it?” his tone edged on a viscous note.

“I was just... Oliver, please baby, can we talk about this?” Brittany stepped around Marek, her big blue eyes pleading with Oliver. “I messed up. I love you.”

“Sure looks like it.” His eyes narrowed at her. “Glad to know this is how you show your feelings. You can keep her mate, I don't want an infidel.”

Oliver turned on his heel and headed for the office, his shoulders square and rigid with anger. Abby felt sorry for him; she hadn't known he was dating Brittany, but to see such a great guy get hurt like that made her upset. She looked at Brittany, whose eyes were glossing with tears, and grimaced. She was so shallow. Then she noticed the curious stare of Marek. He almost seemed to be studying her. Feeling uncomfortable under his stare, she walked to the office, and found Oliver handing his paper over, a dour glare fixed on his brow. When he turned her way, his gaze softened slightly. Abby handed her paper to the secretary and left with him.

“I'm sorry about her. She's.... well. She's a skank and a great guy like you doesn't need a scumbag like that.” Abby spat.

Oliver started laughing. “I like your spunk, Abby.”

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