Monday, April 4, 2011

Chapter Fourteen


Here's an edit for you all. Now, Nate had a hard time visualizing the outfits described, and I may not have done them justice, I don't describe clothes very well.... But I went and gathered the pictures I used. Now I must say this. I created Kitty in my brain a long time before I even imagined this chapter, and the model in the first picture (the one with the light wavy hair) looks just like her. I'm  serious. So if you ever needed a reference for her, here it is.

This picture features the two outfits that Kitty picked, and the first outfit Laela tires on.
This is Laela's winner. One of them. Picture it with a butterfly instead of an owl... and pants.

These are the twinner outfits.

Top right for Laela's second outfit.

and i can't find the rest, but enjoy them anyway......

Chapter Fourteen

A shiver ran down my spine as I buried my phone in my pocket, and approached Kitty. She slung an arm around my waist, glaring at the boys.

We'll leave you behind if you don't stop fighting. Honestly, Cam, Stitch, you're acting like children!” Kitty stamped her foot on the ground. “I can't take you anywhere!”

Stitch made a mock injured face, putting his hand on his heart. “My apologies Kitten.” He winked.

Kitty grumbled something I didn't understand, and closed her eyes, sighing and then opened them with a smile. She left my room, tugging me behind her, and went into her room. I entered hesitantly behind her. I had never been in her room before, but was surprised by what I saw. Her room was elegant, and soft, both in color and design. She had a pale pink canopy over her bed, a soft down comforter to match. Her furnishings, like mine, were dark mahogany, and feel of her room was gentle and happy. Pictures of her and her friends from school littered the walls, and above her bed she had a picture of her and Jay, and next to it, a picture I didn't expect to see. I approached the wall, studying the picture. I reached up to touch it, when Kitty turned to me.

What are you doing?” she asked, staring at me with a smile.

Oh, sorry,” I said, lowering my hand. “I just couldn't tell what it was. So... you've known Stitch for a long time, huh?”

She smiled. “Yep, he and I have been friends since primary school.”

I looked at the picture. It was the two of them, cake all over their faces and clothes, as if the cake had exploded. They were laughing at each other, their faces dripping with cake and frosting. I felt a pang of jealousy well up in my stomach.

What happened?” I asked, pointing at the picture.

She laughed. “We... attempted to make a cake from scratch. Needless to say, it didn't turn out too well.”

I laughed. “Looks like it. So... if you two have known each other so long... have you ever... well dated?”

She blushed. “No, but there have been times where I wanted to. Stitch is an amazing boy, and so kind. He's got an ancient sense of chivalry and respect for women. It's amazing.” she smiled at me, “You two would make a good couple. I'm just saying. I know you have a boyfriend and all, but just think about it.”

I do... all the time. I thought. “Maybe...” I said, staring around the rest of the room. On the walls were many pictures of butterflies, and drawings of them. “So, you like butterflies?”

I love butterflies. That was what made me curious about Stitch. When I saw him for the first time he was sitting in the park, holding a sad looking butterfly in his hand. Its wing had been crushed by something, and he held it carefully on his finger speaking to it.” She approached a picture of a large monarch. “I approached him and asked what he was doing, talking to the butterfly like a loon. He looked at me and said, 'They have feelings too, and its a shame people ignore such beautiful creatures. He's worried about not making the migration now that his wing is broken. I'm just trying to help him feel better.'” She paused, staring at the picture. “I thought he was crazy, but hey, children think weird things. I helped him take care of the butterfly, and even though our butterfly didn't make it for migration, and died here with us, I had a good time. He and his family used to raise butterflies, you know.”

His family? You knew them?” I remembered Stitch saying his parents had died in a car accident when he was young.

No, I never met them. I've seen pictures... but that's it. They died when he was five. He told me he loved raising butterflies with his parents. It was the only time he spent with his parents... and then he met a girl who loved butterflies...” she looked at me. “But I'll let you ask him about that story. We should be going if we're going to make it to Seven Dials before closing.”

We left the room, the boys were waiting patiently in the living area, and silently we all exited. I could feel the tension between Cam and Stitch behind me as we walked, and wanted to somehow fix it, but I had no idea how. Upon exiting the school, I expected us to mount the bikes, but instead, we headed out on foot. Not too far from the school we entered a subway station and caught a train. The car was crowded, but we didn't stay too long. We got off when Kitty skipped up to the door, beckoning us to follow her. We jumped off, weaving our way through the people in the “tube” as they called it. Kitty began chatting away at us faster than we could understand, explaining why this was her favorite place to shop. I didn't catch most of it, but what I heard sounded interesting. The Seven Dials wasn't just a place to shop for clothes, but she made it sound like you could find just about anything there. We entered an alley between two large brick buildings, and Kitty turned to stop us.

Okay, I've been thinking this whole ride over.” she said, a devious smile creeping onto her face. “What about a little competition between the boys?”

I looked at her like she was crazy. Hadn't she seen the near shedding of blood in my room not fifteen minutes ago?

What competition?” Cam asked eagerly, stepping up behind me and putting his hand on my shoulder.

Her smile widened. “Each boy will pick out an outfit for Laela and I, and whoever picks out the one we like most—now it has to be something we would actually wear, and not just something you want to see us put on—” she glared at Cam, and I felt him shrug. “Whichever outfit wins, I will buy for us, and the person that picked it out gets a date with us. Sound good?”

Cam squeezed my shoulder. “Sounds great, but we aren't really going to try for you. We know you'll pick whatever Jay gives you.”

Kitty's jaw dropped, and her brows turned upward, “That is so not true!”

Yes it is,” Stitch said. “He's your boyfriend.”

Her face turned red. “H-how... Jay did you tell them?”

Jay shook his head. “No, but it is a bit obvious, love.” he said, shrugging. “And you know what, it's okay that they know. I'm ready.”

Kitty's smile faltered for a moment before growing to fill her face. “I've been ready for a long time.”

Anyway,” Cam stressed, staring at Kitty. “You can't just choose Jay. That's a rule, as of now.”

She smiled. “Well, try hard, he knows what I like.”

She moved to the side and lead us into an area full of buildings with brightly colored windows and doors. There were people all over the place, weaving in and out from shop to shop and sitting on the benches on the road side. We filtered in, and Kitty dragged us all into a shop and set the boys on the loose to find an outfit. The challenge applied to two stores, which meant I was up for grabs, twice. Kitty instituted a rule that we couldn't know who picked out what outfit so we didn't have any sort of bias while picking our favorites. She waited with me in the dressing room, a store attendant had been informed of the challenge, and agreed to help us. She brought in our clothes, and when we were handed out piles, I was amazed. These clothes actually looked, well, decent.

Try on one outfit, and we'll go out and show the boys.” Kitty told me, rolling her eyes. “That way Cam is satisfied with his shopping trip.”

I laughed and entered the dressing room, putting my clothes on a rack and noticed the attendant had separated them out into outfits. I picked out a simple white button up dress with a fitted waist and flowing sleeves. The neck was nicely rounded with the flow-y ruffles from the sleeves pouring onto the neckline. White wasn't really my thing, but the dress was cute. Suddenly the attendant knocked on my door and asked for my shoe size. I told her I was a nine, and she left. When she returned she shoved three boxes under my door and told me what outfit they corresponded with. I found the box for the white dress, and pulled out a pair of high heeled black peep toe sandals that laced around the ankles. I put them on, and there was a knock at my door.

You ready?” Kitty asked. I opened the door with a smile. She looked pleasantly surprised to see me. “Holy crap! That looks good on you! I wonder who picked that out.”

I looked down at myself. The flowy material bounced as I walked, and showed off my long lean legs. I glanced at the outfit Kitty wore, and smiled. It was perfect for her. It was a simple dress, cut high above the knee, and tapering out behind her, ending at her calf. The material was a pale pastel color with flower-like geometric pattern with a white extension piece around the bottom. A small jean vest covered her bare shoulders, and brown calf high boots adorned her feet. She turned once, her wavy hair bouncing around her shoulders. We stepped out of the dressing room together, laughing at some joke neither of us had spoken. The boys waited on some chairs in the area outside the dressing rooms, and before we had completely entered the room, I heard Cam's piercing whistle.

Damn girl!” Cam howled, “You look amazing!” he was staring right at me, his smile spreading. “You too, Kitty.”

I blushed. I glanced at Kitty, who looked a little flushed herself. The boys appraised us for a moment and then we went back into the dressing rooms and changed. My second outfit starkly contrasted the first. The colors were dark, the shirt was brown and semi-transparent with one strap over my right shoulder that , and the jean shorts were a dark wash. There was a long golden necklace that went with the outfit, and a pair of simple cross strap sandals. Kitty waited for me outside my room.

Geez woman, how fast do you change?” I asked, amazed to see her standing before me in such a complex outfit.

She glanced down. “This? This is nothing.” she waved her hand carelessly. “I've put on something more complex in less time. I'm guessing that Stitch picked this one out. He's come shopping with me a couple of times. I quite like it.”

The thought that Stitch could pick out something this elegant and chic amazed me. It was a sheer polka dotted black and white shirt, a white high waisted skirt, a white three quarter length sleeve jacket, black tights, and black suede pumps. She looked me up and down.

I guess sheer shirts are in. You wear it better. It makes your tattoo noticeable though. Be ready for that.” She warned, pointing at my waist.

I glanced down, grumbling. Hopefully no one would be looking that hard. We stepped outside again, and I waited for Cam's whistle. This time though, it was a howl. When I spotted him, he had moved to the front of his chair, staring at me eagerly. Stitch stood behind him, glaring. The boys all made comments on our outfits, and we went back into the dressing rooms for the last outfit. I grabbed up the next outfit, threw on the skinny jeans, white tank top, crème leather jacket and gray scarf with a black and white checkered fedora and gray scarf and gray ankle boots. Surprisingly, I exited the dressing room before Kitty, and when she stepped out wearing a near replica of my outfit, we both laughed. Her pants were black, and a black jacket to match, brown knee high boots, and a bright orange scarf. Laughing we both exited the room, and when we saw the boys, they looked at each other, and laughed right along with us.

Get those ones. You guys could be twins.” Jay gasped through his laughing fit.

Laughing all the way back into the dressing rooms, I changed back into my street clothes. I stared at the outfits, and picked the second outfit and exited the room. Kitty stepped out, holding the first outfit. When we went out, we announced the outfits we had chosen, and Jay punched a fist in the air.

Yes! I am so good!” he cheered. “She didn't even know it was mine and she picked it!” He pulled Kitty into him and gave her a kiss.

I raised my outfit and glanced around.

That was mine,” Stitch said, a smirk forming on his lips.

I blushed. Kitty checked out for us, and then dragged us quickly across the street into another store. Following custom from the other store, we snagged an attendant, explained the plan, and she agreed to help. Kitty and I went into the dressing rooms and waited. When piles of clothes greeted us, we went to work, and three outfits later, Kitty and I exited with our favorites in our arms. Kitty held out a pair of navy shorts, crème baggy tank top, a black and white polka dot vest, thick wood bracelets, a black sun hat and black flats. I held out my outfit, a simple knit shirt-dress with a bright purple butterfly on it, and a pair of gray skinny jeans with a pair of black ballet flats and thin gold chains for a necklace. Upon our exit, we held our outfits out for claim.

Kitty, that one's mine.” Stitch commented, pointing at the clothes she held.

Told you he knew me.” Kitty laughed, staring at Cam pointedly.

I held out my choice, and Cam leapt from his chair. “Yes! Yes!” he ran and gathered me into a bear hug. “I had no clue what I was doing, but it worked.”

Laughing we purchased our clothes and left. The sun was setting, and while we walked back to the tube, Cam put his arm around my waist leaned over, his nose against the top of my ear.

I've got one request with my outfit.” he whispered. “Will you wear it for our date?”

I nodded. “Of course.”

He tugged me closer. “I have a great feeling about this.”

In the alley behind me, I heard Stitch's voice echo off the bricks. “I don't.”

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