Tuesday, January 4, 2011


So I'm so sorry I've been missing for so long! AH! Anyway I've been good, nothing much going on, just trying not to kill myself with my mosaic for mythology. UGH, it's soooooooo annoying.I'm ready to be done with it. You have no idea how annoying it is unless you've done your own. Eventually I'll get a picture up here.... Maybe. Anyway I've been working on my project 365 and I meant to put my pictures here, but I haven't. Hahahah I'm such a procrastinator. Days1-4. Let me know what you think!

OK so I watched the new episode of Castle last night. I highly recommend that show to anyone who hasn't seen it. It's addicting. Anyway, this particular episode was about how Castle's book got turned into a movie, and the actress that was playing the main character came to shadow Beckett for a while to "get into character." I'll say. She's freaky! I was so frustrated with her the whole time because no one gets in the way of CastlexBeckett and lives. She made me sooooooooo angry!!! Ask Nikki, she was there. She was angry with her too and she didn't even know who Nikki Heat was. Gah! Anyway, aside from that, we also watched the Bachelor, and there are a bunch of girls that I think are crazy already. I do like Ashlee. She's cute. Plus she got the first impression rose, which is good. But there is this crazy chick! She sharpened her canines so she has fangs! She's nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OOOH and while I w as doing dishes the other night, the trailer for I Am Number Four came on and i squealed. Yes, I squealed like a little girl and jumped up and down while watching the always sexy Alex Pettyfer on the screen. Can't wait to see that movie!

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