Monday, January 10, 2011

Random Character Exercise

So..... I got bored and found this ridiculous character development questionnaire. So I just took the last questions as I don't want to fill out all 100+ questions. But I decided to just Alex Day because well recently I've been writing her a lot. So..... here goes nothing!

1. What is the thing that has frightened you most? Do you think there is anything out there that's scarier than that? What do you think that would be?
     What frightens me the most? Hmm.... well certainly not dying. I'm not afraid of spiders. I'll tell you what I'm afraid of. I'm afraid of losing the man that I love. The thought alone scares me out of my mind. I've gone over and over my plan in my mind but there's no way to complete it without dying, which doesn't hurt me, but it means I can never see Quinn again. Nothing could be scarier than a place without Quinn. I don't want to admit it... but maybe I am scared of dying because I'm scared of losing him.
2. Has anyone or anything you've ever cared about died? How did you feel about it? What happened?
      Has anyone or anything I've cared about died... well certainly. I fought side by side all my friends in the Great Shaian War. I've lost my family, my country, and of course my planet. I thought it was gone forever until Quinn came into my life again. But beyond that I plan on losing my life. No, I'm not taking it myself, I'll fall by the hands of the King, but this will come full circle. He'll die. He will.
3. What was the worst injury you've ever received? How did it happen?
      The worst injury? Well, I've lived well beyond any person, and experienced beyond the human spectrum of pain, but the one injury that I received that caused me the most pain came because of one of my experiments. He turned sour, and well.... tried to gut me. He got pretty far before my squad came to the rescue. I ended up in the hospital on Shai for three months.
4. How ticklish are you? Where are you ticklish?
      Am I ticklish? What kind of question is that? If you want to know, no scratch that, if you must know, yes I am ticklish. Quite ticklish actually. Where, I will not tell you as that could be used against me one day.
5. What is your current long term goal?
       To kill the King, and spread the Virus among my people once more. This is something that I've been working on for quite some time now.
6. What is your current short term goal?
      To kill the King. It's really important.
7. Do you have any bad habits? If so, what are they, and do you plan to get rid of them?
      Bad habits.... yes I have a few of them. I don't plan on getting rid of them any time soon. They actually help me along in my field of work. I'm in the military.... well moonlighting in the military. My actual job is to lead the Rebellion. I've got nearly half the kingdom on my side already. I think my worst habit is that I hold grudges. I don't know if I can eliminate that from my life.
8. If you were a mundane person, what would you do with your life? What occupation would you want, and how would you spend all your time?
     If I was a mundane? What is that? A magic-less being? Well I suppose if I hadn't been born on Shai I think I would probably have been a doctor.... or maybe still in the military. I'd get married and have a family. Believe it or not, I would like a family. I think I could be a decent mother if I didn't have such a bad rap sheet. It's not my fault I'm good at what I do. 
9. What time period do you wish you had lived in? Why? (Looking at this as an attempt to change history doesn't count.) What appeals to you about this era?
     I've lived in all of them. I think times were simpler when people believed in magic. I didn't have to hide what I was then, and people loved me... and feared me. They feared what I was capable of, but loved me as a leader. I kept them safe from the outside. That was the only time I would go back to. The time when I didn't have to hide.
10. How private of a person are you? Why?
      I enjoy my privacy yes, but I also enjoy being out in the world. I don't like people snooping around in my business, I take great lengths to secure my secrets seeing as most of them are reason for me to be sentenced to death. Yes, I guess I'm a very private person. 
11. If you were to gain an obscenely large sum of money (via an inheritance, a lawsuit, a lottery, or anything else) what would you do with it?
       Well, considering I've been wealthy all my life (remember when I said I had lived through all the periods of time on earth? I kept all my money) so if I were to say, inherit a large sum of money, I would use it to fund my research that I of course don't pay for. it would just be nice to have.
12. What would you wish for if you found a genie?
      That the King would be dead. Things would be a lot easier if he would just die already. That would be my first wish to ensure that I got it. My second? That Quinn and I could live happily ever after without being disturbed. I want to live my life out with my husband without the hassles of the outside world. Third wish? That the next king wouldn't be such a turd.
13. What do you do when you are bored?
     Research. Experiment. I've turned a flower into a man-eating plant, I've fused animals to make monsters, and I've changed the DNA structures of children and made them into monsters. Rory was my first. Remember that injury I mentioned before? He was the experiment gone wrong. Slowly he lost his grip on humanity and didn't understand anything except that I had changed him. Made him what he was, and he wanted to kill me. That's what drove him. I eventually killed him. It was a sad thing. I liked that kid. He had so much potential...
14. What is the most frightening potential handicap or disfigurement you can conceive of? What makes it so frightening?
      Club-foot parasitic twins with a foot growing out of their head. They have a chimera triplet. And I can't even feel sorry for baby spiders with birth defects. It's a disturbing mental image. That's why.


  1. soooo... I think you're really awesome.

  2. and preeettty gosh darn talented.
