Friday, January 28, 2011

New Story:

Again, I have a college announcement to make! I got accepted to BYU Idaho today!!!!!! Now I have a problem. Which school do I choose? AHHHHHHHHHHH! Anyway, I've begun a new story, and Erin is super excited about it. She keeps asking when I'm getting a story on here, so here it goes. There's not really a title yet as this was based on a dream, but i'm working on that. Anyway, enjoy. Oh wait, here's a picture of our main characters. Terra is the girl, Aeros is the boy; also known as Yin and Yang, or Harmony and Chaos.

Blaring screeches coming from every possible system in the entire ship rang in my ears. I clamped my hands over my head trying to drown out the sounds, but I couldn't do it. I glanced to my right where, across the length of the cockpit, Aeros worked frantically to right the problems. It wasn't going to work. Even if we used our powers there was no way to salvage the ship. Something had hit us. Something meant to kill us. As I made to take a step toward him the next sound I heard will forever be engraved in my mind. The sounds of tearing metal and sparkling electric chords. Showers of sparks and the ship had ripped in two. Aeros on one piece, and me on the other. I screamed his name, stumbling backward and slamming my head on something hard, and my world was engulfed in black.


Blip!...Blip!...Blip! What were those strange sounds? Was I still on my ship? Had it survived the crash? I scrunched my eyes tighter closed, trying to recall the last moments before I blacked out. Tearing metal. The other half of the ship hurtling away through the clouds. Aeros! My heart rate accelerated instantly and I sat up rapidly, breathing quick shallow breaths. I was in a bed in a white room. There were furnishings around the room that I recognized, but some I didn't. What on earth were these things? I tried to move my right arm, but a sharp pain stopped me. I cried out and looked down at my arm. A small tube with a needle was embedded into my arm. I yanked it out and tossed it across the room. Where was I? Glancing around I noticed a woman sleeping in a chair near a window, the sun streaming in across her face. Around her neck was a strange device. I stepped quietly out of the bed, my steps making no noise as I moved toward her. Leaning down to study the device, my long white hair fell over my shoulder and landed on her face. Startled, she woke with a scream. I jumped away from her, holding my right hand out in front of me defensively, gripping it tightly with my left hand, waiting to throw her through a wall if needed.

You... you're awake!” she cried, a smile spreading across her face. She picked up the device and held it up to her eye. What was she doing? Suddenly there was a bright flash of light and I couldn't see a thing. “This is amazing!”

I shook my head, dropping my hand and heard glass shatter. Looking up again I found the machine to my left which had a large screen that was once one sheet of glass, scattered across the floor. The woman was staring wide eyed at the machine. She had paled.

D-did you do that?” she was pointing at the machine.

Do what?” I asked, glaring at the device around her neck. What was that evil little box and what had it done to me?

The TV... the screen. It shattered when you put your hand down.”

TV?” she must have been referring to the box to my left. “Maybe. But what did you do to me? What is that infernal device around your neck and where is Aeros?!”

What?” she looked at the black box. “It's a camera; it takes pictures of things. And who is Aeros? I don't know them.”

I raised my arm again. “You're lying! You shot our ship down, and you've captured me in this... place and are keeping Aeros from me! It's a bad idea! You have no idea who you're dealing with!”

She started to say something, but I heard nothing. My vision got hazy and my heart started pounding. Aeros. He was connecting with me. I knew my eyes had become completely black and without an iris. I happily welcomed the state of suspension between worlds. In the strange darkness I turned to find Aero's glowing figure, his dark hair waving slowly in an invisible wind. My heart leapt. I ran into his arms, burying my face in his chest, drinking in his smell. I looked up into his eyes, completely white, beneath his black hair. We were one. One being. One in purpose. Two bodies. Harmony and Chaos. Yin and Yang.

Aeros! You're alive,” I felt tears forming in my eyes though I knew they would not fall. Our race could not shed tears unless both of the Bonded cried. “Where are you?”

In a strange city far from you.” He said, stroking my hair softly.

I saw a flash of images cross my vision. Moving vehicles. Huge buildings. Hundreds of people. A street sight. Wall Street. It said.

Where is Wall Street? Are you on the streets?”

He nodded. “I woke up in a heap of garbage. I don't know where the ship landed.” He looked down at me. “Where are you? What happened to your clothes?”

I glanced down at my body. I wasn't wearing my white dress. Instead I was wearing a strange spotted gown. My feet were bare and my necklace was gone. Distressed I looked up at him. “They've got me in some strange asylum. I woke with a needle in my arm and a woman sleeping in my room. When she woke she used a strange device on me. There was a flash of light and then this thing called a TV shattered. I lost control of my powers. Whatever she did caused me to break the glass.”

Do you know where you are?”

I shook my head again feeling tears rise to my eyes. Aeros never cried. “I'm so scared. We can't be apart too long. The Elders warned us of what could happen. What you could do. They worry for Chaos. Never for Harmony. What can I do? Be too generous?” I chuckled at the thought, “You... you could destroy everything if you're away too long.”

He kissed my hair. “I'll find you. I can feel you. I'm coming. Stay safe.” He released me and the vision collapsed.

Blinking again I found myself back in the asylum. The woman wasn't alone anymore. There was a man in a long white coat and a woman in blue behind him. They were staring at me, analyzing me. I raised my right hand again, preparing to fight. The runes on my hand flared up, glowing black up the length of my arm.

Where are my belongings?” I demanded. I shoved my hand at them, my palm beginning to itch with power. “Where are they!”

The woman in blue pointed to my dress neatly folded pile of clothes on a shelf. I made my way to them, still watching the group of people. They looked nervous. I pulled the drape off my body, leaving my naked body, white and shimmering. That was the one thing that set Aeros and I apart from the other gifted people of our race. We had been gifted above all else, blessed by the gods with their forms and powers. It was our charge to bring balance to whatever world we were in. Pulling my dress on, the material contracted to fit the contours of my body perfectly leaving my shoulders bare, and flaring out around my waist. I pulled on a pair of white shoes that also contracted to fit my feet perfectly. I fastened my necklace bearing the "Yin" symbol around my neck and when it connected

Let me out of here.” I said, stepping toward them.

They separated and I was out of the room and running down the hall. The woman with the camera chased me out of the room, snapping pictures as I ran. I had to get away. I had to find Aeros before it was too late.

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh. This is going to be cool! =D
    p.s., you should go to BYU-I. It's closer, so you can come visit more often. ;]
