Sunday, January 30, 2011

Two Posts in a day? Go go Alex!

Hahahahaha well you can tell how bored I was. I've been watching Gone With the Wind for the last like twelve million years. I'm starting to atrophy here on the couch. And goodness gracious..... why is it in my nature to be super and overly flirty? It's something that I never realize I'm doing untill it's too late. I hate myself for it, but most people know that if I like someone, it's really obvious, both to people who don't know, and the person I like. Usually. I guess it depends on what person it is. I think I need to stop. It's only causing people problems. Both me and the boys. That's probably why no one asks me out. I realized that... in an odd way, I can relate to Scarlet O'Hara. She's the main character in Gone With the Wind. She's a walking scandal. Maybe that's what I am. I'd better stop....... I need a boyfriend. UGH.

Here's the third chapter of Perfect Strangers. Enjoy, and please let me know what you think.

Chapter three
The movie was being shown on the back lawn of the school where a large outdoor stage was settled at the bottom of a hill. There was a sound building at the top, and the slope created a semi circle around it. There was a large white screen dropped down, set in place by heavy speakers. Kitty had come down earlier and set up a blanket for everyone, so our spot was already claimed. She and Jay sat down together and I sat on Kitty's right. She paid me little attention as she was so focused on Jay. I didn't mind though. That gave me time to think about the dream I had. What did it mean? It felt so... real. It was almost like I was reliving a memory that had been buried deep within the recesses of my mind for a long time. I was so focused on my own thoughts that I didn't notice Cam sit beside me. The movie started when the sun had set far enough that the light wasn't so bright. I hardly paid any attention to the movie. My mind wandered from place to place. From a distant land I heard Kitty whisper, “Gosh it's so cold out here.” Jay shifted and suddenly I felt lonely. I wished Tony were here to keep me warm. I sighed and leaned back, propping myself up on my hands, but they hardly had time to find the ground before my shoulders touched something.

Startled, I yipped quietly and glanced over my shoulder. Stitch was sitting directly behind me grinning like a hyena. He patted his knees, giving me an invitation to lean back. With a scowl I turned back to the movie. Concentrating on the movie was difficult for me, and so I let the movie pass by me as a blur. After it had ended Kitty started laughing.

“Oh what a wonderful movie! Didn't you just love it, Laela?” she asked, leaning over Jay's leg to look at me.

“Oh! Uh yes, loved it.” I replied.

Stitch snickered from behind me. I glared over my shoulder at him. He smiled innocently, raising his arms at his sides. We stood and gathered our things and I shivered as a breeze rushed through the area. I hugged myself, wishing once again Tony were here to put his arm around me and pull me into his side. As if someone had read my thoughts a blanket was dropped over my shoulders and someone's arm pulled me into their side. I glanced up, finding Cam staring back at me.

I glared, but found the gesture comforting. “You should know that I have boyfriend.” I said, hoping he would drop his arm, but he didn't.

“I'm only trying to keep you warm, love. No harm done.” he said, smiling at me.

I rolled my eyes but kept close. The wind had started to pick up so it was nice to have someone to block out the wind. He rubbed my arm rhythmically humming to himself. He seemed more smug than when I first met him. He tugged me closer as we neared the building as if staking his claim. When we reached the door I noticed a pretty blonde walking in line beside us. Cam was staring at her, a smug grin across his face. The girl was glaring harshly at me. Did I know her? She seemed to know Cam. She seemed to know him well enough that she hated me. I could see it in her eyes.

“Court,” he said shortly, nodding to her with a smile.

She wasn't so polite as to reply with more than a huff as she twitched away, her hips swinging widely as she walked. Her blonde ponytail swayed while she walked, flicking her back.

“Girls. What are we supposed to do with them...?” he sighed, half chuckling.

I looked up at him. “Leave us alone?” We stepped inside and I shrugged the blanket and his arm off my shoulder. “Thanks for the blanket,”

I turned and made my way toward the elevator, leaving Cam standing alone. I reached the elevator, and as I reached forward to press the button, a perfectly tanned arm reached around me and pressed the button. I glanced backward, finding myself face to face once again with Stitch. He smiled.

“Enjoy the movie?” he asked casually.

“Immensely.” I replied, turning back and waiting for the doors to click open. When the doors slid open I stepped inside and turned around, blocking the doorway as Stitch tried to enter. I smirked, “Sorry, this elevator is full.”

He returned my sly grin. “Fiesty. Just like I like em.” he winked at me and the doors slid shut.

I backed against the wall, sliding to the floor. He was a... what was it that Jay had said.... Stitch was a loon. A loon that kept my brain turning and wallowing in his mysteries.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know... I don't think it's "scaring" the guy when you let 'em know. It's kinda weird to start with, but then the guy goes, "Hey... I'm SPECIAL!" So I don't think you need to stop, just maybe tone it down a bit ;)
    ~Hokage's father
