Thursday, February 24, 2011

Life Sucks, and then you Die.

Your day kind of crumbles when you open an email from a college regarding their decision for admission, and you have so much hope for the insides of the email, and when you click the link to read their decision, and they've rejected you. Yeah, that's my day right now. I just got an email from BYU and I've been rejected. I'm working on a scholarship for their creative writing program, but if I've been rejected, what's the point of trying? Aren't most of them based on admission? I feel like crying, but I'm in the middle of class, so that's not really an option.

I felt so good about this scholarship, and I believed I really had a chance, but now I'm not so certain. Should I keep going and submit it, even though there's like 1 in a million chance that this could change things. So I ask you fellow followers, what do I do? Do I keep pursuing this scholarship and hope it changes things? Or do I give up now before I have more reason to cry my guts out. My mom said I should still apply for the scholarship, but I don't know if I want to have more reason for disappointment. Then she gets angry at me because I didn't have someone review my application to BYU but I had my dad look over it. Okay, so now that we've established that Alex sucks.... okay not really, but her day sucks, what do we do? OOOOH I know, she can show you this brilliant logo she created in Commercial Art class.

 This is the front part of the shirt. We were designing them for Skills USA, obviously.
This is the back of the shirt. We were supposed to design them for the Utah team, I really liked my design, but it didn't win. I can show you what one did though.

This was done by my besties Rachel and Mike. It's pretty cool right? 

Anyway, beyond that, I'll probably have a post with chapter six later. Depending on how long I'm at this social for Miss Orem. Oh yeah, did I mention I'm competing for Miss Orem? Yep,  you all should come... when it gets to that point.


  1. Submit the scholarship application ya dumb! You'll get in for sure if you submit it! You are an AMAZING writer, and I love you for it. (: plus if you get into BYU you won't be that far away. Baha! Submit it! It won't hurt to take a chance, would it? I say just do it and if they reject you again it's their loss for sure.

  2. I love that design! How'd you do it? Photoshop lessons for Austin one day? I think yes (although you probably think "meh... prolly not gonna happen" ;P )

  3. It's okay Alex, I knew I wasn't going to make it into BYU... So I cheated. I applied during the Summer. They'll let anyone in then. Submit the Scholarship, I know you feel horrible and completely depressed right now but it'll pay off. You can't give up, dear, trust me. If you stop trying then the world will leave you in the dust. GO GET 'EM!

    PS. Why couldn't you have been a year older? The designs for last year were pretty lame.
