Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I love Castle

Love the show, love the characters, love the witty banter and comical moments, especially love the writer. Love Jameson Rook, love Nikki Heat, LOOOOOOVE Roach (Raley and Ochoa) and omg I love the books!!!!! I laugh out loud at least four times while I read, in mostly silent areas, such as seminary, at well... some parts are slightly inapropriate but I love them anway!!!!!! I highly reccomend you all read Heat Wave and Naked Heat. Greatest books ever, and if you haven't watched the show Castle REPENT! Begin now but start at the beginning!!! If you just picked up now, you wouldn't understand the complex relationships between the characters.

Moving on. I wrote you the fourth chapter of Perfect Strangers. Enjoy.

Two hours later I found myself in a cafe with Kitty talking about my schedule. She insisted that she look it over while she showed me the town. We had first and sixth period each day. They had eight period days in this school. I didn't know if I could survive that. My school was broken into two days: Day 1 and Day 2 with four classes each day. I had gotten into a schedule of my own, but now I would have to completely redesign it to fit in homework for every single day. Kitty assured me it wouldn't be too awful, and I didn't have Mr. Croissure, which was apparently a huge relief. After we had ordered a coffee Kitty snatched me up and began parading me around town, showing me all her favorite places. There was a park near the school where students loved to hang out after school to do their work. When I asked Kitty what was so special about a park she blushed so deeply her face looked like a cherry.

Come on,” I prodded, speeding up to walk backward in front of her. “Tell me what it is.”

She buried her face in her shoulder. “It's nothing, really.” she lied.

I raised my eyebrow at her, giving her the eye. “Kitty, I know you're not telling me the truth. It's written plainly in the blush on your cheeks. C'mon, cough it up. It was Jay wasn't it? This has to do with him!”

Her face, if it were possible, seemed to grow steadily more red. “N-no!”

I smiled, satisfied and turned around, walking in front of her. I knew if I acted smug enough she would come clean.

O-okay, so this is where Jay told me... well he... this is where Jay and I first met and where we came after the movie. He kissed me and told me he wanted me to be his girlfriend.”

I spun around on one heel. “I knew you were dating!!”

She looked at the ground. “Y-yes, we are... don't tell anyone though. I don't know if I want this public yet.”

I nodded; I knew how that was. For a while my relationship with Tony was in the same boat. I didn't want it public, but Tony did. He was polite and cared enough to wait until I felt right about our relationship. I sighed, thinking of Tony made me homesick. I longed to feel his arms around me again, and hear him whisper in my ear. He always made me smile, whispering ridiculous nothings in my ear and telling me ridiculous jokes. The more I thought of Tony though, the more thoughts of Stitch crept in to the edges of my mind and lingered in the shadows. I was reminded of the kiss in my dream, and my lips felt warm. The pendant around my neck shuddered again and I nearly screamed. Kitty could see my distress and put a hand on my shoulder.

Hey, Laela, are you okay?” she asked.

Um...” what did I say? Was I okay? No.... I needed to tell someone about these crazy dreams. I looked her square in the eye. “Kitty, there's something I need to tell you, and you can't call me crazy or laugh okay?”

She pulled her thin eyebrows together, staring at me skeptically. “Okay, I promise.”

I dragged her to a tree and sat down beneath the branches. There weren't many people in the park at the moment but I whispered anyway.

I've been having these weird dreams since I got here.” I whispered.

About...?” she raised one eyebrow, clearly leery of where this conversation was headed.

Stitch.” Her jaw hit the grass. “I know, I know. It's weird for me too. I hardly know him...”

What are these dreams about? Are you two... you know?”

My face flushed. “N-NO! I mean, no, not... well okay, so the first dream was strange.... I was running through this forest and I knew I needed to find someone, but I didn't know who. I was dressed in a medieval type dress and I felt like someone was going to die if I didn't make it to them. When I cleared the trees I was standing in a field and there was someone on the other side. I couldn't be sure, the sun was down and there was lightning, but I knew I had found this person. Then I started yelling at this person and it got weird. I had magic, and there were two people. One of them was Stitch. He was scared. I... he called me Laelais and I called him Everard.” I sounded completely delusional telling all this to her, but she listened as I recounted all the dreams in extreme detail.

When I had finished she leaned back on her hands and stared at the sky. “What do you think it all means? I mean... Stitch did give you a necklace exactly like the one you had, maybe you just dreamt that up but I don't know. You didn't know him hardly at all and it's sort of strange having dreams like that about a boy you don't know.” she sighed, laying back. “You described them all like... you had lived them.”

I nodded absently. It was true. Each dream had felt more real than the last. They were becoming increasingly more real as the days went on, and Stitch seemed to be paying more attention to me as well. All of it was unnerving. What did this mean?

You don't think... I know this sounds completely crazy, but you know.... what if it was real? What if every one hundred years I died and was reincarnated? Why else would I have these dreams, and why would they be triggered as soon as I met Stitch?”

You sound completely off your rocker there darling, but I think it's plausible. Many people believe in reincarnation, but magic? That's a different story.”

My heart sunk. She thought I was crazy. I sounded crazy. I had almost convinced myself I was crazy when I suddenly heard his voice.

You ladies mind if I join you?” he asked, his shadow falling over my back, blocking out the warmth of the sun.

A chill ran up my spine and I found myself sitting straighter, my eyes locked on Kitty as she sat up. She squinted up at him, an awkward smile on her face.

Sure thing, Stitch.”

1 comment:

  1. Ah... finally. Much better... I've been waiting for an update for a while. Now I feel satisfied. Question: Can you imagine Castle and Beckett married?!? I was thinking about it the other day and it seems... so... I dunno it would take me a while to get used to. But I share your Castle Craze, watch it every week can't miss it.
