Friday, February 18, 2011

I Am Number Four

First of all, let me say this:

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Pettyfer,

Thank you for giving birth to such an amazingly attractive boy. Thank you for letting the world watch him on countless movie screens throughout the world and, thank you for well.... making him.


Your son's fan Alex.

Here's his picture for good measure:

I saw I Am Number Four today, and, whilst the book is simply splended *note to all those who have read the book and aspire to see the movie. Go simply for the movie. Not the book because you will be thuroughly disappointed.* Alex Pettyfer is a great actor, and he's really attractive. I squealed a little when he came on the screen. Yep, every time he was shirtless... which was quite a few times, I squealed. Though I do have to say that movie definitely left a scar. I was disturbed a few times with the graphicness of some of the er... deaths. They were a little more graphic than needed that was for sure. It made me wonder what this world is coming to. I mean there were children in that theater! Now, it is rated PG-13 and for good reason, obviously, but still, that was a little uneeded in my opinion. Like I said earlier, the book and the movie are polar oposites. While the movie is great, and Six fit all my mental descriptions and apparently not Nikki's hahahha, the book is like eighty thousand times better. That's what happens with all movies though. Oh well, about half way through I told Nikki to screw thinking about the book and that we would both just watch the movie. It ended well.... mostly. We are however still scarred.

Updates on the blog, yes, it got a facelift inspired by Erin's revamp of her blog. I also learned through reading hers that there is such a thing as pages. I've added one for Perfect Strangers. I'll update there, but the posts will also come here. That way if you want to read it, it is all in one place for your convenience. UH the text for some reason is being a bum and wont get bigger. I'm working on that, but for now, you'll just have to deal with it. UHHHHHHH story updates. I'm kinda at a standstill with everything. Darn school. I'll work as I'm inspired though, so I'm apologizing in advance. Love you all, but school comes first. I'm out of things to talk about. Except Alex Pettyfer, I could talk about his good looks forever. I've based a few of my characters off of him, none of them you have met yet though. Maybe eventually you will meet him. Anyway, toodloo!

Just because I can.

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