Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dear World,

To echo the words of my dear friend Jasmine. Dear Fergie, No. Sincerely, Everyone. Agreed. She should not be allowed to sing live. She's awful. The whole band isn't much better. Background dancers were better. And way to go Slash for ignoring Fergie when she was all up in your business like a skank. True form. True form indeed. I'm all for the Greenbay Packers. We're taking bets as to the score of the game. So far, my dad is losing. He's going for the Steelers. They're having a bad game. I don't even usually watch football, but I will watch the Superbowl. Only for the commercials and to win bets, which I seem to be good at. Anyway, hahahhhahhahahahah so the other night I was at Erins and we were playing our favorite game, and Amber had turned traitor, so she was Death. We had to play her in chess. The goal was to beat chess in a game, and we would win. It was harder than we thought, but we won! So I drew this picture:

And onward to the story update!!! This is the rest of chapter three for Perfect Strangers. Yep. This is awesome. I hope. Love it.

Chapter Three part Two

I walked down the hall in a huff and entered my room. I slammed the doors behind me as I made my way to my room. I yanked off my shoes and chucked them across the room and shed my sweater and pants, putting on a cozy pair of sweats and one of Tony's t-shirts. I didn't even bother pulling the covers back and just pulled my fleece blanket out of my suitcase and fell onto my bed. With a grumble I closed my eyes and willed myself to sleep.

I was back in the immense field, but this time it was different. The sun shone overhead, blazing down on the world; the birds sang cheerfully in the forest and tiny animals scurried through the grasses. I wore a dress of violet with a heavy skirt. The bodice clung to my body, accentuating my curves. The dark skirt flowed gracefully as I walked. Where I was going I wasn't quite sure, but it was like some force was pulling me toward it yet again. It was a familiar pull, like I had experienced it before, and then I came upon a cleared patch of grasses, and I stopped. In the center of the circle stood a tall young man with dark hair that fell past his shoulders. It had a slight wave to it, but there was something familiar about him beyond his hair. It was the way he stood. Proud, and slightly arrogant, sure of himself for certain, but mysterious. My heart fluttered in my chest, and as if he could sense my excitement he turned around.

Shocking emerald eyes locked onto mine. He smiled, a smile I knew all too well. This was Stitch. He wore a thin white cotton shirt that seemed almost transparent in the sun. His shirt was half tucked into a pair of brown leather pants. His boots were made of a darker leather, and engulfed the bottom of his pant legs, keeping them tight against his leg. He spread his arms out wide, smiling once again. I smiled, felt my cheeks flush, and then before I could think, I rushed into his arms. Why was I doing this? It was almost as if I had no choice, and then, I spoke.

“I thought you wouldn't come, Everard.” I said.

He chuckled, closing his arms around me. “Silly girl. You know I shall always come when you call, no matter how far away.” he replied, “But tell me, Laelais, why have you summoned me? Is something wrong?”

My gut squirmed uncomfortably. There was something wrong, but I didn't know what it was, but my dream self seemed to. “Its... oh it's that wretched man again! Everard he claims that he and I are to wed! He speaks madness. My heart could never belong to such a monster as he.”

Stitch paused, thinking for a moment. I looked up at him, staring deeply into those pools of green beneath his dark hair. The silence between us made me nervous. I buried my head against his warm chest, hoping he would speak soon.

“Tis true that your heart could never belong to someone as vile as him, it is far too kind. But I wonder then, who could your heart belong to? If not he, a warlock of such high stature, then who? A commoner, perhaps? Or a noble knight of the King?” his smile was teasing, willing me to answer his questions.

I stared blankly at him. How was I supposed to answer that question? I took a deep breath, trapping the air in my throat. I didn't want to tell him the answer. What if... what if he left me? He watched me, waiting patiently for an answer; he never pushed for an answer, and what was one thing that I loved about him. Slowly I hissed the breath through my teeth.

“A commoner, yes. But not an ordinary man.” I said, hoping that the answer was enough.

He smiled, “What, no name? How cryptic of you.” his smile grew, his eyes narrowing slyly.

I stepped away from him, hiding the flush in my cheeks. I started to walk across the field. I quickened my pace, reaching the middle of the field and he appeared at my side, walking in time with me. He watched me, silently, like he always did. He never pressed me for an answer in anything, just waited for me to tell him in my own time.

I glanced up at him. He had always been taller than me. Even when we were children. “You and he know each other better than you think.” I told him.

He raised an eyebrow, his green eyes twinkling. “Oh we do?” he replied, then stepped in front of me, placing his hands on my shoulders and looking me straight in the eye. “It doesn't matter to me who your heart belongs to, but know that my heart belongs to you. Forever.”

He leaned forward and his lips met mine. My body flooded with warmth. He pulled away and smiled.


I woke, the moon shining through the curtains of my window onto my face, and immediately raised my fingers to my lips. They felt warm, like the kiss had been real. It all felt real. The feel of the grass on my ankles, the rustle of the skirts against my hips. The breeze on my cheeks. The heat of Stitch's touch. I glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand. 2:45. There was a note next to the clock. I used my cell as a flashlight and read: Hey, American Beauty. Breakfast is at seven. I'd be happy if you would accompany me. You were asleep when I came by, but I will be back at seven tomorrow morning. Sweet dreams.- Cam. Cam? Really... this kid wasn't going to give up. I was flattered, but flustered. I had a boyfriend that I loved very much. What didn't they understand about that? With a sigh I dropped the note and rolled over, burying my face in my pillow and drifted back to sleep.

Next thing I know there's a knock on my door, pulling me from a dream that I didn't want to leave. I was with Tony again, it was our first date. The knocking didn't stop. Then I heard Kitty's voice from behind the door. She was yelling something at me, but I really didn't care. I rolled over and glanced at the clock. 7:10. Great. My blanket was around my feet, and my shirt was bunched up around my chest leaving my stomach exposed. The door slammed open.

“Are you alive in here?!” Kitty complained. “Laela, Cam and Jay are here. Come on! It's time for breakfast.”

I could hear Cam's voice from the entry. He was talking to Jay. With another sigh I raised my arm and mumbled “Jusa sec,” and rolled onto the floor. When I was awake enough I stood and found a sweatshirt and threw it on, pulling my slippers on and exited. My hair probably looked like a whirlwind had taken it victim.

Cam looked at me with a smile. “Good morning beautiful,” he said.

I rolled my eyes. “There is nothing beautiful about this...” I pointed at my hair.

Jay laughed. “Bed head suits you.” he said, slinging an arm around Kitty's waist.

I sniffed a chuckle and we left for the dining hall. Breakfast passed silently on my part. While the others conversed, my mind wandered to my family, probably all still in bed. Hopefully. I couldn't be sure about Kyler. It was a weekend, and he, like me, was a partier. I chuckled to myself, picturing Kyler crawling through his window to sleep about now. While I entertained this thought, I suddenly felt like I was being watched. I looked up and found Cam staring straight through me. I turned, looking over my shoulder and saw Stitch, sitting with several girls, watching me. I shivered, and then noticed what he was looking at. My neck. I glanced down. He couldn't see anything. Then I felt something against my skin pulse. I grabbed the sweatshirt, and felt the butterfly pendant beneath it.

What? When did I put this on? I glanced back at Stitch, who was smiling like he knew something that could change the fate of the world. I made a mental note to find out why later.

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