Sunday, February 20, 2011


Well, last night was preference for my school and I had a blast! I went with my friend's boyfriend (wierd I know, but oh well) and we had tons of fun! For the day date, which I still don't understand why people feel compelled to have them, we played board games. We borrowed the game that I'm addicted to, and need to get for myself before I graduate, Betrayal at the House on the Hil. It's an amazing game. We all had so much fun. My date was the traitor, but we beat him. Barely. All the boys had died (or were the traitor) so the girls kicked some serious trash. For dinner we went to Julie's house and had a home cooked meal. Her little brother made the most amazing chicken! It tasted sooooo good! Then we went to the dance and had a blast! Even if it felt like the floor was going to cave. UH.... I'm still debating whether or not I want to do Miss Orem or not, so tell me what you think. Like honestly guys. And beyond that, I wrote chapter five. Okay, so I listened to the same two songs over and over while writing the last.... well better half of this chapter. It's pretty intense if you listen to the music that I did, so I will tell you what I listened to, and give you cues in the chapter as to when the music is to be played. Sound good?? OKay!! I hope you like this chapter, and remember last post where I mentioned some of my 'other' characters? Well, here one is. Hope you like him hahahahahahahahhah.

The songs are as follows:
1. Main Theme (Speed) by Mark Mancina
2. The Rescue (number two on the Speed sountrack.) by Mark Mancina

Chapter 5

I didn't dare look at him. I wasn't sure if I could handle it. I had tried to avoid him as best I could after each dream. It was strange facing him even though they were just that. Dreams. I felt him sit down beside me, and instantly my heart screamed out for me to sit closer, to cuddle into his side, to be close to him, but my mind said no. My mind screamed louder. Screamed for me to stay away from him. I wasn't sure which voice to listen to. Kitty was watching me from beneath her bangs, watching for a tell. She waited to see how I would react before she did anything herself.

Stitch looked at the pair of us and smirked. “Did I interrupt a private moment?” he asked, smiling slyly as I had seen him do in my dreams. My heart fluttered for a moment and when he looked at me I feared he had heard it. “Please, do continue then.”

“Tonight,” I said simply, glancing at Kitty who nodded in agreement.

Stitch chuckled, “Ah, secret girl meetings. The joys they bring to a man's life. You know this is why we don't understand you, right?”

Kitty chuckled, the apprehension leaving her almost immediately. “Oh? Do elaborate, if you please.”

“The cryptic answers, the girl code, all things we men are unfamiliar with, even it seems in marriage, and the one girl you wish you could understand seems to be the hardest one to decipher.” he had turned to look at me while he said these words, and my face turned a light shade of pink.

I opened my mouth to say something, but my phone buzzed loudly against my thigh in my pocket and I yelped instead, earning a laugh from the two of them. With a glare I extracted my phone from my pocket and glanced at the caller ID. Tony. I smiled, and flipped the phone open.

“Hey darling, I'm with some friends right now, can I give you a call back later?” I said.

“Oh, uh...... yeah, sure. It's nothing.” he said sounding rather upset.

“What is it Tony, what's up?”

“You're busy, don't worry about it. I'll call you tomorrow.”

I had funny feeling come over me like Tony was hiding something, but I decided not to push it. Instead I sighed and said, “Okay, love you Tony.”

“Love you too, Laela.”

With another sigh I snapped the phone shut and looked back at Kitty and Stitch. “Sorry about that.”

Stitch raised an eyebrow, “Trouble on the home-front?”

I shook my head quickly and stretched my arms above my head, my shirt raising enough to expose the skin above my pants.

“Nice tattoo,” Kitty giggled.

Suddenly self-conscious I yanked my shirt back down, my face turning bright red once again. “Um thanks...”

Stitch leaned closer, “What is it of? Tribal ink? Tony's name? Barbed wire?” he teased.

I scowled, “No, not barbed wire or Tony's name, but tribal ink, yes. What of, that shall remain secret unless you can guess.”

He smiled, accepting the challenge and stared deeply into my eyes. I began to feel uncomfortable and vulnerable under his stare. I was suddenly taken back to that field I had visited so many times in my dreams, walking with him, his eyes lingering on me, a soft smile on his face just before he kissed me, and then, he chuckled, pulling me back to reality.

“I think I've got it.” He said, a confident smirk in his lips.

“Oh you do?” I challenged.

“It's a butterfly.” My breath hitched in my throat and he smiled. “Nailed it. Now let's see it.”

I scowled, but I had said if he could figure it out, I would let them see, and so I lifted my shirt high enough that the purple and black tribal butterfly on my stomach could be clearly seen. I thought back to the day I asked my mother if I could get a tattoo. She told me it was stupid, that I'd have to live with it forever, but supported me and signed all the papers. She was relieved when she found out I wasn't tattooing Tony's name on my back like a tramp stamp, but still didn't completely agree with the idea. She helped me design the butterfly, putting in all her efforts to make me happy. It hurt, but I told her I wanted it and the pain wasn't too terrible. Everyone loved it, even Tony who is so completely anti-tattoo. Keltie went and got herself a tattoo months later. Stitch's eyes lingered on the tattoo, and he looked as if he wanted to reach out and touch my skin, but held himself back.

“That's beautiful,” Kitty commented. “When did you get it?”

Putting my shirt down I answered, “When I was sixteen.”

She nodded, but didn't say a word. Stitch however did.

“Your parents let you do that?” he sounded shocked.

I pulled my eyebrows together. “Yes, they did, why is that so hard to believe?”

He shook his head and muttered something like “they've never been that lenient before...” (cue song number one) I wanted to ask what he meant when the sky became suddenly dark. Kitty and I turned our gazes to the sky, watching as dark storm clouds rushed in from no where. Thunder rumbled and lightning cracked, illuminating the suddenly black sky. The wind picked up and Kitty shouted something over the noises, but her voice was lost in the thunder.

 Stitch hadn't moved since the sky changed, but sat with his eyes fixed on something in the distance. His scowl was as dark as the sky above him; his body was rigid and tense with anger. He clenched his hands into tight fists and began to rise slowly. The weather seemed almost to respond to his movement, the wind picking up speed and rain began to fall from the clouds. Kitty took hold of my arm and yelled that we needed to leave but my feet stayed rooted on the spot. Kitty kept tugging, but I couldn't move. I now saw what Stitch did, and for some reason I felt compelled to stay by his side.

From the other side of the park approached a boy not too much older than Stitch, but age meant nothing. Their physical appearances couldn't be more opposite. This boy had hair the color of sunlight, skin that seemed to shine on its own and piercing blue eyes. His walk was confident, but not arrogant, and his posture was perfect the way he held his head high and kept his body at its full length. He had a smirk on his lips, like he knew something. He stood within a hundred yards of us and Stitch stepped in front of me, blocking me with his body.

“Go back to that hole you climbed out of,” he shouted, his body shaking slightly.

I moved around Stitch's side to get a better look at the boy. He smiled at me, nodding his head slightly to acknowledge me. I felt myself blush and Kitty tugged again. “Come on, we need to get out of this rain!” she shouted.

I had almost forgotten about the rain which had soaked us clean through. We were the only ones left in the park, the four of us, sopping wet, and the two of them having some sort of standoff. Kitty tugged a few more times and realized her attempts were futile, and ran off without me to seek shelter. The blond took a step closer to us, and Stitch seemed to tense again. I could sense something was amiss, but didn't understand what. Why was Stitch so bothered by this boy? Old rivalry perhaps? The blond took a long look at me, drinking me in, and Stitch moved in front of me again. His back was close enough to me that I had to take a step backward to avoid touching him. Even from behind I could feel his glare and the air around us had become thick with tension. The storm raged over head, and the rain came down harder than ever. (cue song number two)

“I told you to get the hell out of here and back to that hole you crawled out of.” Stitch growled.

The blond laughed. “Always the kind one, bravo.” he chuckled, the smirk returning to his lips. “And so polite in front of a lady,”

Stitch growled again, and the weather responded. The thunder grew louder and the lightning seemed to grow more intense. The wind shrieked, and my damp hair clung to my face. My shirt seemed to grow heavier with the rain, and I knew if I stayed out much longer I would get sick, but I couldn't leave Stitch here with the blond boy. Something would go wrong if I did, I knew it. He could get hurt and I felt this unexplainable urge to protect him. I reached forward and took hold of his arm, which was surprisingly warm in contrast to the freezing rain. He looked down at me for an instant, his eyes softening and growing cold once more.

“Stitch, please, don't do anything stupid.” I begged him, “Let's just go back to the dorms.” I pulled lightly on his arm, hoping to pull him away, but he stayed firmly planted on the spot.

“Run along home, Stitch,” he snickered, “I'll have what you want most in no time.”

Lightning ripped across the sky again and the blond turned on his heel, heading back in the direction he came. I moved around the front of Stitch, looking up at him. He watched the blond leave, disdain in his expression. I pressed my hands against his chest and pushed him slightly, but his arms locked around me, pulling me against his wet body. For a moment I wanted to fight his hold, but stopped and enjoyed his closeness. Something about the encounter with the blond had made me Stitch's hand slid down my back and rested on my waist before he put his arm around my shoulder and turned to walk the opposite way of the boy. When we reached the edge of the park he released me and stepped up to a sleek black bullet bike and mounted. He glanced back at me, offering a helmet. Cautiously I took it, slipping it over my head and mounting behind him.

“Hold on tight princess,” he said, and I could hear the smirk in his voice as I snaked my arms around his waist and he tore out of the parking stall.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm... much MUCH more intense with the music. Got any other great sound tracks you love? I'm always looking for music that will inspire.
