Monday, May 23, 2011


Here's some filler stuff while you guys wait around for chapter....whatever i'm on. I never remember.... Have some junk i created while in commercial art. First is my magazine spread about my future life if all the dreams I ever imagined came true..... the next is my planner cover for next year. Hope it wins. I would much rather have a planner like this than some lame wolf one. My double page spread is being shown in the senior art show. I'm pretty proud.

here's the story that went with's kinda cheesy.
   Once upon a time in a land far, far away, there lived a girl. She wasn’t like the other girls in the kingdom, no, she was different. She spent her time pouring over the pages of countless books, and writing her own stories. Her dream was to become a world famous author and bring joy to readers everywhere.  Today, that dream has become a reality. We’ve seen countless copies of her best selling novel Branded on shelves in bookstores across America. “It’s amazing even to me when I walk into a bookstore, and see my works on the shelves. I feel like a child at Christmas.” Alex said.
          Alex started writing as a young girl, always the adventurous one, and has continued to do so to this day. In her career as both an author and a copy editor for Crazy House Publishing in New York, New York.. It was here at work she met her husband, Marek Bane, a Scottish author. “I can’t say it was love at first sight,” commented Alex, “In fact, I think our feelings bordered on loathing. It took some time, but we are now blissfully in love. Our wedding is in June, and will be in Scotland at his ancestral home.”
    Alex enjoys taking time off to go camping with her fiance, but while she camps, she writes, and writes. They tell each other their stories, and even while they hike through the mountains, they laugh about their jobs. When she’s not with Marek, she spends her time in her apartment with her dog, Cael, writing, reading, and dancing wildly around her apartment. “Hopefully one day with our money Marek and I be able to move to a cute little toudor in England,” Alex said, the ghost of longing in her eyes. “I’ve always wanted to live there.”
      When asked about her dreams, Alex had this to say. “My dreams are already coming true. I’ve always wanted to be a copy editor, and have a book published. Marek is a dream I never knew I had, and living in England would be amazing. The people there are incredible. When I had my first book published, I splurged on another one of my dreams. My car.”
    Alex drives a bright orange Lotus Elise. It became the car of her dreams one fine summer day when she was sixteen. She had been on tour with her choir, the American Heritage Youth Chorus, in Saint George, Utah. Her host family owned the car of her dreams, and when she sat down in the driver’s side, she just knew it.The feel of the leather beneath her, the purr of the engine, and the sleek body of the car drew her in. There was only one problem. It was a stick shift. From that day forward she worked hard to master the automatic transmition on her own car, a beat up red Ford Ranger. Now, at the age of 23 she’s mastered it, and owns her dream.
      Whenever Alex gets the chance, she heads to the West to visit her family in Utah. As the oldest of five children her visits often consist of catching up on everything she has missed, and while she is out there Alex retreats to her favorite vacation spot. Lake Powell.
      “When my best friend Nikki took me with her for the first time I was fifteen. I fell in love with it instantly.” she said, “I love the sun, and water, and most of all, I love boating! Sometimes it gets rather dreary out on the East Coast, so I take some time off to bask in the sun of Lake Powell.”
     Well, whenever Marek isn’t tossing her into the water.
      “Dreams do come true,” Alex said in closing, “But you can’t just wait around for them to fall into your lap. You’ve got to work hard, and one day you’ll have exactly what you earn.”

And here's the planner.

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