Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Long awaited chapter 17

Sorry this has taken me so long!!!! I hope you guys enjoy it! OOOH and I wanted you to try and predict what's going to happen when the gang gets to florida! I'm having a sort of competition to see who comes closest, and that person will get the fabu prize of a short story by me! hahahah lame i know, but oh well! Leave a comment with your prediction!!!

Chapter Seventeen

I hustled to catch the others, my shopping bags banging against my leg. The others hadn't seemed to notice that Stitch had disappeared from the group. For a while I didn't say anything about it, but when we entered the tube, I was starting to get nervous.

Um, has anyone seen Stitch?” I asked, “He disappeared after our encounter with Vance.”

Cam turned to look at me, glancing beyond my shoulder and up the stairs. “I'm sure he'll turn up. He's known for just randomly disappearing, don't worry love.”

I sighed and boarded the subway train, nearly keeling over at the heinous smell of overly ripe people and cigarette smoke. I stepped around Cam, hoping to find a seat, but found only a gaggle of people crammed into the seats. Kitty and Jay hand managed to find a seat, which they were sharing. Kitty sat joyfully on Jay's lap leaning her back against him and staring up at the grafittied ceiling, his hands resting around her waist. I smiled; they were just so cute. Glancing around the crammed car again I still found nothing. With a sigh I wrapped my arm around the pole next to me for support and set my bags on the ground at my feet.
“I wouldn't do that if I were you,” Cam chided in a sing-song voice, his accent sounding slightly Welsh for a moment.

Raising my eyebrow I rested my free hand on my hip. “Oh,” I said, “and why not?”
“You never know who will go rifling through your things.” His eyes dropped to my bags.

Following his eyes I looked down at my bags and found a little girl digging through them. Carefully, I bent down to her level, plastering a smile on my face.

“Can I help you?” I asked, my voice rising in pitch.

She looked at me, a confused scowl upon her brow. It was almost as if she was trying to pick out my flaws. “No,” she grouched.

“Are you... looking for something?”

Her glare hardened. “No,”
With a sigh I closed my hand around my bags, smiling at her again. “Then I am going to take my bags, okay?”

Keeping my hand clamped firmly around the handles, I stood up, tucking the bags around my other side. The girl glared at me for a while before turning to a beautiful brunette girl.

“Elle! That girl is being mean to me,” she whined, pointing at me.

Despite her accusation, I smiled at the sound of her high British accent. The brunette glanced up at me curiously. Before I could say anything in my defense, Cam spoke up.

“Now, now, little darlin' was Laela really being mean by taking her bags, or were you being mean by looking through them?” He asked her.

Elle and the girl exchanged glances. The little girl wadded her shirt in her hands.

“Sorry miss,” Elle said, “Kayla has a difficult time keeping her hands to herself.” She patted Kayla on the head, drawing another scowl.

I smiled with a small nod. The train stopped, and the car hardly seemed to change in capacity. For every person that got off, one more got on. Cam managed to snag a seat, patting his knees with a sly smile. My chest tightened and my cheeks burned. I noticed Kitty staring at me, waiting for me to make a choice. As a last ditch effort, I glanced around for an empty seat, but found none. Stepping slowly across the isle I approached Cam. His smile grew, turning almost greedy as I lowered myself into his lap. His hands slipped slowly around my waist, his breath bouncing off my neck, sending a chill down my spine.

“You smell divine, by the way.” Cam whispered into my neck, his lips brushing against my skin.
I sat up straight as a board. “Cam, I have a boyfriend.” I nearly growled.

He pressed his lips against my neck. “He's not here,” he murmured silkily.

“Cam, I love him. Don't do this—” by breath hitched uncomfortably as his hand dropped to my thigh.
Thankfully the train slid to a stop and Kitty jumped up from her seat and grabbed me, glancing pointedly at Jay and dragged me off the train. Behind us I heard Jay chewing Cam out.

“Thank you for saving me!” I whispered uncomfortably, fixing my shirt. “I don't know what he was thinking. I have a boyfriend...”

“That's just how Cam is.” Kitty sighed, “He's a...very um... physical person?” She sounded unsure of her words as we trotted up the steps and onto the city street.

We walked across the street to the school. The boys were still behind us, bantering back and forth in quick sentences which I found difficult to make out because of their accents. Upon arriving to the elevator, Kitty swept me inside without waiting for Jay or Cam and pressed the button. We rode in silence, the soft jazz melodies seeming to draw haunting pictures in the quiet. Kitty had her Blackberry out and was clicking away rapidly at the keys, paying no attention to me at all. I sighed, leaning against the cold metal wall. The ride seemed longer than normal somehow. Just as I worked up the nerve to break the silence, the elevator lurched to a stop and the doors opened. Kitty stepped out without averting her eyes from her screen, and walked mechanically down the hall. I shadowed her, glancing around the walls as I went. They were dull, now that I paid attention to them. Typical hotel walls, random paintings of fruit adorning them.

“Kitty, is there a reason you're not talking to me?” I asked, sidling up to her, stepping around her and blocking the door.

She glanced up at me. “I... it's nothing. Don't worry about it.” she said with a smile and a flourish of her hand.

Rolling my eyes, I stepped aside and let her through the door. She went straight to her room without a sound and closed the door loudly. I stood, staring at the door, my eyes dropping into an unattractive scowl. Growling, I moved across the room silently into the mini kitchen and threw open the refrigerator door and extracted Fanta, stormed across the room and sat on the couch. One of the twins exited their room and walked groggily into the living room. I looked at her, watching her walk into the kitchen and pull a chocolate bar. She ripped the wrapper off and turned around, suddenly aware that I was sitting in the room. Her eyes grew wide, resembling a deer stuck in the headlights.

“D-don't tell anyone you saw this.” She stuttered. “They don't know.”

I raised my eyebrow, yanking the tab on my Fanta and listening to it fizz. “Tell them I saw what?” I asked, raising the cold can to my lips and taking a long drink.

She fidgeted, putting her chocolate down. “I'm on a diet, and I'm not allowed to eat anything after nine... and I'm especially not allowed to eat chocolate.”

I smirked, “Don't worry, I won't tell anyone, your secret is safe with me.”

She smiled, finishing her chocolate quickly and quickly stepping into her room again. Taking one last look at Kitty's room I heaved myself off the couch and went to my room, put my soda on the dresser and stripping not bothering to put my pajamas on, leaving only my underwear on, and finished my soda before flopping into bed.

“Everard!” I called into the dark forest. “Everard where are you?”

The noises of the forest seemed to magnify ten fold around me. Owls hooted loudly, calling to their mates in the darkness. Small creatures twisted around my feet, cackling calls at me, taunting me as they ran. I had been waiting in this spot for hours, waiting. Everard had promised he would meet me. He promised. The sun had set an hour ago, and the moon hardly penetrated the thick canopy above me. My own form was hardly visible in the darkness, even when I raised my hand within inches of my face. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and felt the hum of the world around me. The magic in the air was tangible, and I called it to me. Focusing it into my palm I created a small pillar of flame. The immediate area suddenly flooded with light. I spun around and screamed, falling to the ground.

“Shh... you'll wake the rabbits.” Everard whispered, a smirk in his words.

My heart rate had spiked beyond a healthy level; I clutched my chest, lying flat on the ground, the chill of the autumn leaves biting into my bear shoulders. “I hate you.” I hissed, my heart rate starting to slow.

He dropped down, lying next to me. “Sorry, didn't mean to keep you waiting. I met...competition.”

I turned my head to look at him, but my flame had diminished and couldn't see his beautiful face looking back at me. “Competition?”

“Marianea... the “Phoenix King's” apprentice. They're getting edgy.” he chuckled.

I felt his hand on my skin pulling me toward him. Rolling into him, I stopped against his side, my stomach flush with his side. We sat there in silence for what seemed like forever. I could tell he was thinking deeply, his chest rising and falling in calm intervals. His silence drew me into my own mind. I needed to tell him. He needed to be protected, and only I could do that for him. I sat up, and looked down at him; the pendant hanging on his chest was glowing a faint blue, drawing drastic shadows on his face.

I drew in a deep breath. “I need you to listen to me.” I breathed, using all my air quickly, and then holding it in my throat.

He didn't say anything, just looked at me with a smirk and waited for me to continue.

“It's important, Everard, I need you to take this seriously.” I glared at him for a while before his smirk faded and he watched me carefully. “He's coming to take me away. He won't stop until he has me, you know it's true.” My voice wavered as I felt my tears well up in my eyes. “I know he'll come after you. He'll kill you, Everard. You know it, and I know it. He's viscous and soulless” My tears were bitter and angry, splashing on his neck. His hand slipped up my thigh, resting there to comfort me. I hardly found it comforting. “Please—” my voice broke as my emotions broke into chaos. “Allow me to make sure he can't ever hurt you.”

I threw myself onto his chest, my tears drenching his shirt. My body rocked with sobs. He wouldn't understand the danger he was in. He would die if the Phoenix King made me his bride. He would die even if I didn't become his bride. I was the target, and the fatalities on the side wouldn't matter.

“I'll accept your protection on one condition.” Everard said, lifting himself to kiss the top of my head.

“Anything.” I sobbed. “I'll do anything, just let me save you!”

“Marry me. Forever, marry me.”

My heart stopped.

“LAELA, YOU SLEPT THROUGH BREAKFAST!” Kitty screamed, yanking my blankets away from my body and tossing me out of my bed.

I hit the floor and rolled a few times. “What the hell was that for?” I grouched, sitting up and glaring through the curtain of hair in front of my eyes.

“Class starts in five minutes!” she called as she exited the suite

Without thinking I stood up and scrambled to get dressed. After I had put myself together, I threw my hair into a messy bun and dashed out the room and down the hall. Kitty had left me to fend for myself in finding my first class. It wasn't something I was looking forward to, and I managed to stumble into class with ten minutes left. Kitty glared across the room at me, and when I sat down she shoved her notes at me. Quietly I thanked her and went to work rapidly copying down the notes. When the bell rang I managed to copy down the last sentence before Kitty yanked the pages away and stormed out of the room. I couldn't understand why she was so upset, but I didn't think much on it as I left the room and met Cam in the hall. He seemed to be brooding while we walked, his anger almost tangible.

“Uhmmm, Cam?” I put my arm around him. “Are you okay?”

“Fine.” he growled through gritted teeth.

We entered the class together and sat down in the back of the room. I idly listened to the lecture, but kept the majority of my attention on Cam. I didn't understand why both he and Kitty seemed so bitter. Their sour moods seemed to kick in right after we got off the subway last night. But why? I ripped a piece of paper out of my notebook and quickly scribbled: Cam, are you sure you're okay? I'll listen. I shoved it at his arm, and kept my hand there until he took the paper from me. A few seconds later the paper was returned to me. Fine. Was all that was written on the page. I glared at it. I'm serious Cam, what's wrong, you and Kitty are both so angry, and I wanted to know if its me, or something I did... or said? The pause between the return was significantly longer this time. No, it's not you. I... its more... it doesn't really matter. Don't worry about it. Its just one of those days.
I looked at him, raising my eyebrow; he kept his attention forward, ignoring me for the remainder of the period. When the bell rang he sprang from his seat and left the room. Why was everyone so tense? Leaving the room, I quickly made my way to Shakespeare, finding Jay and Daniel seated and waiting for me. I slipped into my seat and sighed, cradling my head in my hands, running my fingers idly through my hair. I felt a hand on my back, moving back and forth, the soft fingertips drawing goosebumps to my skin.

Are you okay?” it was Daniel.

Fine. I just have a feeling that people are angry at me, but I don't know why.” I sighed, keeping my eyes trained on the dark mahogany on the tabletop.

I'm sure they aren't mad at you. Who could be mad at such a pretty girl?” I felt myself smile. “Besides, everyone has off days. Maybe this is just one of them.”

I tried to tell myself he was right, and that they were probably just having a bad day, but something about that felt like a lie. I knew they were angry at someone, but whom was unclear. Mr. Lauri suddenly spoke up, declaring we had partner projects. We were to choose a partner and a scene from the play and work over the break to perform it when we returned. Jay looked at me.

Partners?” he asked, smiling.

I smiled back, “Sure thing.” I replied. “What scene?”

Something with Lady Macbeth and Macbeth, what about the very first scene with them. I love that one. We can even practice over the break while we are at your place.”

I nodded, and felt my phone vibrate in my sock. I pulled it out and glanced at the screen. Darlin' dearest, we need to speak, I love you tons and miss you! I need a girl around here to gossip with!!! I laughed picturing Keltie distressed back home without her friend around, and stuck in a group of boys. I snatched a notebook out of my backpack to take notes on acting directions from Mr. Lauri, but instead found myself looking at Tony's note.

I've written a little something in each of your notebooks since the day you told us you were leaving. I also start with the exact same first three sentences. This is just so whatever notebook you happen to open first still leads you to find the others, and now, here's where it gets different. From the first day I saw you in English so many years ago, I knew I had to have you, and worked every day to get your attention. Every other guy seemed to have it, and I craved it, then one day, you looked my way. I was never so happy. I hope you felt the same way about me. I love you Laela, hope you're having a good time over there in London.
Love you, Tony.

I smiled. Now I couldn't wait to get home and see him. I needed to see him. The bell rang and we left. The remainder of my classes were enjoyable, all except PE, which I always hated. After showering to rid myself of man smell, since the girls always ended up smelling to high heavens after a workout with Coach Bram, Kitty and I hurried to the front gates where we had agreed to meet for the day's adventure. As we approached my heart began to race as my eyes traveled up and down Stitch's body as he leaned against the fence, smiling that smile that melted my heart and made my soul cry out to be in his arms. Strange as the feeling always was, it seemed as if I had been in this situation many times before. When we finally arrived, Stitch and Jay turned to greet us. Our crowd lacked the usual fifth wheel; Cam was missing.

“Where's Cam?” I asked, turning around to look at the school. I stood on my tip toes, glancing around in hopes that I would see him, but did not.

“He said he couldn't come today,” Jay said, making me turn back around. “he also said his favorite place wasn't somewhere that was conducive to the weekdays. He requested we go to his place tomorrow night.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Then what are we going to do today?”

“I've still got my place, love.” Stitch said suddenly, rolling himself off the fence and taking two long strides toward us. “We could do that today.”

“Splendid, since Cam seems to have vanished, probably off with Vance....” Kitty practically growled the last half of her sentence, her eyes darkening. “Lead the way Stitch.”

“We're not going to change?” I asked, glancing down at my uniform. At least I had taken off the sweltering sweater-vest and was left in my white blouse and tie, and beneath it all, the butterfly necklace.

“No need, besides, that uniform suits you well.” Stitch smiled at me, extending his hand for me to take.

Nervously I stared at it, and everyone else it seemed did as well. Slowly I extended my hand, letting my fingertips touch his palm, and my hand began to tingle with heat. He waited patiently for my hand to slip into his, and then closed his hand around mine walking out of the gates. We walked to the tube, took it out to the edges of the city, and then boarded a train to ride into the country. I stared out the window watching as beautiful farms passed and ancient manor houses towered over them. Finally the train stopped and Stitch lead us out. He hadn't said a word to anyone since we left the school, and walked a few paces ahead of us down the gravel road. I walked with Kitty and Jay, taking in the beautiful scenery. Suddenly I wished I could paint. I would come out to places like these all day and paint everything if I were an artist.

“Stitch, do you come out here to draw?” I asked before I had realized it.

He turned back over his shoulder, still walking. “Yes, quite often actually.” he replied, and then returned to his silence.

Suddenly the trees and scenery changed as we came upon a great mansion. I gaped at it. Three more houses lined the secluded road each as beautiful as the next. We passed the first two, and Stitch stopped, turning to face an enormous red brick mansion. It was three stories high with a rooftop terrace; the trimmings around the house were all white stone, marble almost, enormous windows with small square panels, and a lush green lawn. As I stared at the house, a picture formed in my mind of the same mansion in a photograph. An old black and white photo of a man and a woman with a small boy standing out in the yard. I shook my head, noticing Stitch's eyes, and looked back at the house.

“This,” he said, motioning to the house. “is my favorite place. It's my family's ancestral home.”

“This is amazing, Stitch.” Jay said, looking around the grounds. “So, do you own it since... well you know...” he broke off, looking embarrassed.

“Yes, it was left to me in my father's will. I often come out here to stay on the weekends. It does get quite boring since it's just me... well and the groundskeeper. Come on, I'll show you around.”

We followed Stitch inside. I thought the outside was amazing, but the inside was like Olympus on earth. The pillars were made of marble, and the floors were the same. The furnishings were lush, dark wood and velvet. Paintings and statues filled hallways and corridors. There were bedrooms everywhere. As I trailed behind the group, lingering to stare at paintings, I couldn't help but feel at ease in this home. All my worries had faded away it seemed, and then I felt something rubbing up against my leg. I squeaked, jumping away from it and lifting my leg to my chest, staring down at the ground where a fat orange tabby stood staring up at me with piercing green eyes. Calming my heart rate, I put my leg down and continued on, all the while the tabby trailing after me.

“Stitch, is this your cat?” I asked, glancing behind me at my new stalker.

“Oh yes, his name is Leo. He seems to have taken a liking to you.” Stitch chuckled, looking knowingly down at the cat. “He's a sweetheart.”

I smiled at the cat, and let him follow me. We left the house a few minutes later and stepped into the back yard, which was more like the gardens at Versailles. My jaw dropped. This was amazing. No wonder it was his favorite place.

“Ayrin! Are you out here?” Stitch called into the vast garden. There was a distant call in reply. “Prepare the butterfly house.”

1 comment:

  1. Laela is going to find out Tony is cheating on her, maybe with Keltie. Someone is going to kick Tony's trash, either Stitch or Rush. Everyone will hate Tony. Laela will get her special kiss with a certain soomeone, Stitch. In the process of finding out about Tony, Laela is going to have a magic fire flare out. Vance is also going to show up just because he can. Laela will probably have a special moment as well with Vance and realize Cam is a jerk.
