Monday, March 21, 2011

OMG Questions....

Enjoy this little exercise. I was thuroughly entertained. I know you don't know some of these characters, but enjoy them anyway.

Twelve Characters I Love
1. Laela Price
2.Seili Sagasu
3. Kitty Leon
4. Stitch Mazigatti
5.Larkin Renate
6. Keichii Torah
7.Elbereth Calafalas
8.Mitch “Killswitch” Cornwall
9.Kaeli Brunway
10.Arden Lightwood
11.Alexander Reza
12.Vance Locke

1. If Killswitch was involved with both Elbereth and Kaeli how would Elbereth and Kaeli react when they found out about one another?
Kaeli quietly unlocked the door to his apartment. He had told her he wouldn't be in town until late that day, but she could hardly wait to see him. The familiar room was dark, but she knew her way through the halls. As she turned the corner to walk to his room, she found his door slightly ajar, and light seeping through the cracks. Quietly, she snuck toward the door, hoping to surprise him if he had arrived home earlier than planned. As she approached the door, she heard the rustling of fabric and sheets, and sounds of passionate kisses.

She threw the door open, finding Killswitch in the process of unlacing Elbereth's corset. Kaeli paled. He was cheating on her. With her best friend! The magenta haired woman jumped away from Killswitch, clutching her green corset to her chest, her face as pink as her hair.

“K-kaeli?!” Killswitch gulped, his face drawn out in a look of horror and awe. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to surprise you, but it looks like I'm the one being surprised here.” Kaeli growled, clenching her fists at her sides. “Elbereth, don't you have Keichii to be running home to?”

The knight glared at the blonde girl. “And don't you have a certain someone to be getting back to as well, Kaeli?”

The women stood and glared before packing their belongings and storming out the door, saying nothing to the other.

2. Seili and Larkin are saying their vows when the doors are thrown open and Alexander marches in demanding that the ceremony stop because he is in love with Larkin and cannot let her marry Seili. Does Larkin go back to Alexander or stay with Seili?

The doors slammed open from the back of the chapel sending a loud banging echo through the room. The crowd turned, gasping in unison, to stare at the intruder. Alexander's dark hair was wind whipped and messy, his cheeks flushed slightly He was out of breath, and bent over his knees. He stood straight and puffed out his chest, glaring up at the couple at the altar. He saw her, dressed beautifully in her white gown, blonde hair pulled up into a glorious up-do, the curls hanging down losing their hold. She was glorious, a goddess sent to earth. He gulped down a breath and took a step forward.

“You can't do this Larkin!” he cried, his fist clenching tightly. “You can't marry this man! You hardly know him, and... and I love you Larkin!”

Her pale hand lifted to her lips, trembling slightly. What had she been thinking accepting this man's proposal? She didn't love him. He wanted her for one thing, that's what all men wanted. But with Alexander it was different. She knew he meant every word he had said. She knew he loved her. Not for her body. He loved her for her mind, for her heart. Tears blurred her vision. She glanced between Seili, her ruggedly handsome elvish fiance, and Alexander's soft eyes and gentle smile. He looked as if he would cry, trembling there and waiting for her answer.

Alexander... I...” she couldn't form the words as tears slipped from her eyes.

She threw her bouquet to the ground and rushed into his arms, nearly knocking him to the floor. She wrapped her arms around his neck, crying into his shoulder. His arms locked around her waist, lifting her off the floor. The entire chapel watched, awestruck as the two embraced lovingly in the middle of the isle. Tears fell from all eyes as Seili stepped from the altar, putting his hand on Alexander's shoulder. The room tensed. Then Seili spoke.

She loves you, not me.” he said, patting Alexander once and walking down the isle and exiting the church.

3. Elbereth has a phobia that involves Laela. What is the phobia?

Elbereth is freaked out by the immense amount of magic that Laela possesses, because she's not an elf, or a goddess. She can't fathom why the gods would gift a mortal with such power when not even their offspring (the elves) have such gifts.

4. Kaeli and Vance are having a movie marathon night. What movie does Kaeli pick and what movie does Vance pick? Is Vance happy with Kaeli's pick and vice versa?
“Got it!” Kaeli cried, coming back out of her room.

She held in her hand the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy, extended addition. Vance rolled his eyes, tossing his movie choice onto the couch before her. She stopped walking to look at his choice, and dropped her shoulders in response.

“You can't be serious,” Kaeli said, staring at the movies. “I hate those. Too much shooting and death.”

“James Bond has less death than Lord of the Rings, love.” he commented casually, throwing his legs over the side of the chair he sat in and waving his hand through the air. “Besides, the magic in that movie is all wrong.”

“What would you know about magic?” She glared at the blonde boy, testing him. He didn't seem like he knew what magic was. He was too... casual.

“What I know is far more than what you know, darling, so I suggest that if you don't want to find out what I know, versus what you know, we're watching James Bond.”

5. Arden is in an unhappy relationship with Kitty and realizes that he should be with Laela instead.

Arden sat with his arm around Kitty's shoulders, her head leaned against his shoulder as they watched the sunset. He watched the way the sun's rays danced across the dark edges of the water on the lake, and was suddenly reminded of the way her black hair danced in the sun while she ran, the way it fell over her blue eyes like the lake. He heard her laugh in his mind, soft and gentle, and then he heard her voice.

Arden, what are you doing with her?” she asked. “I know you don't love her. Look at you, you're not even happy with her right now. You're thinking of me... doesn't that tell you something?”

He looked down at Kitty, her sandy blonde curls framing her face when she looked up at him.

What is it?” she asked, batting her lashes at him.

I...” he couldn't do this to her, but he had to. He was in love with her. “Kitty, I don't know how to say this, but...”

Then don't,” her tone had turned dark, as if she knew what was coming. “Don't do it.”

I have to...” he sighed. “I'm sorry, Kitty. I just... don't love you. I love... Laela.”

6. Elbereth is pregnant with Keichii's baby. How does Larkin react?

“You're what?!” Larkin screeched, looking at the magenta haired elf. “With whose?!”

Elbereth sighed, she hadn't expected this reaction. She and Keichii were practically married anyway. Everyone knew that, it seemed. “I'm pregnant with Keichii's baby.” she repeated, staring casually out the rain streaked window, waiting for Keichii's form to be visible through the blur. “Didn't you know?”

Larkin paced around the room, trying to make heads or tails of the situation. Now that she thought about it, the two did seem to spend an awful lot of time together, and they had been sharing a room for the last month. Why hadn't she seen this coming? It was all a bit obvious now. How had she been so stupid? Right, she tended to avoid romantic situations, even if they had nothing to do with her directly. She looked at Elbereth, her hand caressing her stomach thoughtfully. Larkin sighed.

“What are you going to name him?”

7. Does Kitty handle commitments well?
Extremely well, actually. She's one of the best of the characters in Perfect Strangers that deals well with commitment.

8. If Vance suffered from a mental disorder what would that disorder be?

I think he does suffer from a slight mental disorder. It's a power craze! He's obsessed with being in power, and having power. He needs what he wants. He's slightly insane, to the point of violence.

9. Laela sees Stitch with Elbereth and knows that she is involved with Keichii. Does Laela tell Keichii that Elbereth is cheating or does he deserve to find out on his own?
Author's note: Keichii definitely deserves what he gets in this next passage, and anyone who knows his back story with our lovely magenta haired Elbereth, will laugh.

Laela waltzed through the door, humming absently to herself, thinking about her day at school when she noticed Stitch in a chair on the far side of the library. She smiled to herself, and then noticed the magenta haired girl bound across the library and slip into his lap. He smiled at her, putting his hand on her thigh. Laela growled, and then a thought crossed her mind. Elbereth is with Keichii... ohmigosh! She's cheating on him! Laela ducked behind a shelf of books just as Stitch looked up in her direction. Elbereth tossed her hair playfully over her shoulder and leaned forward, leaving a few feather kisses on Stitch's lips. Jealousy knotted Laela's stomach from where she watched between the books.

Suddenly someone whispered, “What are we watching?”

Laela jumped, pushing a few books off the shelf. Keichii stood beside her, grinning. “N-nothing!” Laela stammered, straightening the books that had toppled over.

Keichii stepped up to where she stood, “Didn't look like nothing,” he said, leaning over to peek through the books.

He inhaled sharply, dropping the book he held in his hand. His shoulders sagged, and he froze. Laela bit her lip, watching him. She hadn't meant for him to see Elbereth with Stitch, but it wasn't like she wanted to see the two together either. She put a hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him through her touch. It didn't seem to work though as he stormed off, knocking the cart of books over as he left. He fumbled with the books, his face flushing red beneath his long silver hair. He shoved the books onto the cart as Elbereth glanced up. She spotted Keichii and watched his eyes, glued to her, and her face turned pink. He stood up and left the books alone, staring into her eyes, but saying nothing. She fumbled for words as he stood there, but he left her without a word.

10. Alexander is set up by Arden, on a blind date with Larkin. Does the date go smoothly, and has Alexander decided that he wants to kill Arden before the date has ended?

There was a sharp rap at the door, and Alexander froze. His hand reached instinctively for the knife he kept hidden under his pillow. His fingers locked around the cold metal handle and the door flew open. Alexander jumped to his feet, raising the knife defensively.

“Woah!” Arden yelled, raising his hands in surrender. “You win, back off man!” he waved his arms in front of him, backing into the hallway. “I just wanted to tell you that you have date tonight.”

Alexander furrowed his brow. “You're kidding, right?” Alexander choked, putting the knife down. “We're on the run, for our lives, might I add, and you're telling me I have a date? Where on earth do you propose a traitor like me takes a nice girl on a date?”

Arden stopped to think for a moment, stroking the stubble that had taken permanent residence on his face. “Well, every girl enjoys a romantic walk in the moonlight, right?”

“It depends on the girl, are you going to tell me who it is?”

Arden smiled deviously. “Just put your shoes on, and come with me.”

Begrudgingly Alexander put his shoes on and walked out after Arden. They walked out of the cabin they had taken up residence in. He lead him out to the back deck and pointed to a blonde girl at the end of the deck. Alexander paused, staring at her. It was Larkin. His heart stopped for a moment as he approached her. She turned, her face flushing with color.

“So, you're my date?” she said with a smile, “Accepted.”

He extended a hand, “Romantic walk by the moonlight?”

She smiled and put her hand in his. He lead her off the deck and into the dark woods behind the cabin.

11. Seili and Kitty have been dating for a year. Where does Seili choose to pop the question?

“Run!” Seili yelled as Kitty sprinted in front of him.

Behind them came the roar of a giant creature. They had been out for a romantic stroll, but as usual things never really turned out the way he planned. He was constantly putting her in danger, walking around in these woods like this. He picked up speed, and scooped her into his arms. She squealed as he swept her off her feet. Looking down in her eyes, he smiled.

“Kitty, marry me,” he said while running.

“What?! You ask me this question now of all times?!” she cried, smacking his chest with a smile. “Not the greatest timing! But yes,”

12. Kaeli wants to end their relationship with Vance. How does Kaeli choose to do so? Heartbroken Vance has a one night stand with Kitty.
After the movie was over, Kaeli glanced at Vance, who had moved from his chair to sit with her on the couch. He looked down at her, and kissed her forehead.

“Something's been bothering you.” he whispered against her skin.

She paused. He was always so perceptive about her feelings. “I... I've been thinking, Vance. I think we need to... take a break from each other.” She said quietly.

“Take... a break?” he sighed, “You choose now to tell me that you want to break up with me?”

She pulled away from him, curling against the edge of the couch. He didn't attempt to follow, but instead gathered his things and left quietly. When he left the apartment, he hailed a cab and took it straight to his house. On the cab ride home, he dailed up Kitty.

“Darling,” he purred. “What are you doing tonight?”
“Nothing, why?” she replied.

“I need a friend.”

Be there in ten.”

13. Laela and Mitch married. How does Mitch handle Laela's death?
With a trembling hand he replaced the phone on the receiver. She was dead. This couldn't be happening to him. They had only been married for a year. They hadn't even lived their lives together, and she was dead? He collapsed to the ground, holding his head sorrowfully in his hands and wailed. They said she had died in a freak fire at her office building that afternoon. It was a gas leak they said. There were others in the building that had died, and he felt for them too, but how had his wife been claimed by the fiery death that she suffered?

“It's not fair.” he cried.

Hissing through his window the wind howled, “That's life...”

14. If there was one thing Elbereth could change about their life what would it be?

Well, there is one thing. That would be Keichii having cheated on her with a pirate. That's right. A pirate. She comes home, being a faithful girlfriend and such, and he's in bed with another woman. He blamed it on being drunk, but she knew he wasn't a drinker. At least not one to get roaring drunk. If he hadn't done this, her whole stinking life would be so different!!

15. If Larkin could say anything to Arden what would they say?

The car skidded around the corner, knocking the passengers around as Arden ripped the wheel to the left. Larkin tumbled into Alexander's lap as the back window was shot out. She screamed, covering her head, and then glancing up at Alexander to make sure he was okay. He hadn't been hurt, and as the dark SUV behind them drew closer Larkin turned to glare at their gutsy driver.

“Why the hell couldn't you have picked a faster car?!” She screamed.

16. A drunken Killswitch comes home and finds Laela in bed with Alexander. How does Killswitch react?

Killswitch stumbled through the door, singing a drunken version of “Cooler than Me,” as he swayed back and forth as he made his way to his bedroom. Or at least he thought it was his bedroom. He threw the door open and stopped, pointing with a shaking finger at the bed, whose residents had stopped what they were doing to stare at their intruder.

“Wha' the heckr ya doin in mah bed?” he slurred, the world spinning around him. He leaned against the door frame to keep himself upright. “Geaout.”

The raven haired girl buried herself under the covers behind Alexander. He just stared at him, a dour glare on his features.

“This isn't your room, stupid.”

17. Is a sweet love scene between Keichii and Kaeli possible?

The lamps had been doused, and the others had fallen asleep. Kaeli rolled over in bed. She couldn't sleep. She noticed Keichii sitting near the window. She made her way quietly over to him and sat down. He looked at her, his eyes softening. They had had a long day, full of trials and challenges, they were tired, and lonely. Keichii reached over and stroked her hair. Kaeli looked at him, trying to hide a giggle.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

He realized where his hand was, resting dangerously on her collar bone. He flinched back.

The two of them stared each other in the eyes, and laughed hysterically, rolling off the window ledge and laughing together on the floor.

18. Elbereth and Stitch are bitter rivals. What made them rivals?

She glared at him from across the room. She couldn't believe she had been so taken by his good looks. He had treated her well enough, but he had humiliated her in front of Keichii. Plus he had an uncanny ability with magic. She hated him.

19. Is a happily ever after possible for Laela and Vance?


20. Stitch undergoes a gender-swap. Who would he/she sleep with first? Keichii or Larkin?

Again. He had been turned into a girl again. Laela did this for fun sometimes, just to get under his skin. He made an attractive enough woman, but it always caused him problems. One of which was staring him right in the face. The silver-haired elf had cornered him in an alleyway, staring down at him with lusty purple eyes. He sighed, rolling his eyes.

Trust me, sonny, I'm not what you're looking for.” Stitch said sarcastically.

Oh, I think you're just what I need.” Keichii purred. “Trust me.”

Stitch curled his hand into a fist and landed a clean punch in his stomach. “Not.”

21. If Elbereth had to be stuck on a island with Seili or Kitty which would he choose? Why?

“We're going on a vacation!” Elbereth called, throwing her bags into the room. “We're going to an island in the Bahamas. It's great, and we're going to have soooooo much fun!”

Seili stepped into the room. “You've got to be kidding me.”

22. Laela and Seili are romantically involved when Laela's original love, Alexander returns from the dead. How does Laela handle the person's return?

Laela walked down the street hand in hand with Seili. Down the street Laela spotted someone who looked oddly familiar. When the crowds had cleared and she had a clear view of the man's face, she gasped, and stopped in her path. Seili turned to look at her, noticed her eyes, and followed them. He didn't know who this person was, but whatever he had done to her, had scared her.

“What's wrong?” Seili asked, stepping in front of her.

Laela opened her mouth to reply, but instead, passed out into his arms.

23. Kaeli is forced to choose who will live between Kitty and Keichii. Which one does Kaeli choose to live?
Kaeli raised her arm, the heart-shaped amulet shining around her neck. “This can't be done!” she screamed. “Neither will die!”

The Amulet flashed, and the three of them disappeared.

24. Elbereth falls in love with Killswitch. When she gets the opportunity to be with Killswitch she is happy... until she finds out that Killswitch is only using him/her to get close to Seili.

Murder. That's the story. Killswitch kills Seili. Get it? Kill-swtich? Hahahahahahhaahhahaha I'm tired.

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