Thursday, March 10, 2011

Bored In Class

This is what happens when I get bored in class during commercial art.

They left me alone with the newest version of photoshop, and I think I'm in love. This is my "personal logo" and I really like it. Expect a few more text experiments in the upcoming months. Just because I can. GAH THE SPACEBAR ON THIS COMPUTER IS RETARDED! I HAVE TO SLAM MY FINGERS TO GET IT TO MAKE A SPACE. IfIdon't,evenwhenIpressthebutton,thisiswhatitlookslike. Its a pain. Anyhoo, thought I would give a heads up that I'm going out of town this weekend, so a new chapter or two, depending on how hard I work, will be up on monday.

As a side note.... Dear Erin, I had a dream that you finished AtLA. It was a happy day. And I've decided you need to write the final chapters so that Tesla and Sokka can have their moment... and the rest of them can finish their adventure. Song and Zuko can love each other too. That is all. Thank you. :D Love, Alex.

1 comment:

  1. This is one heck of a logo! I don't think we had the newest version when I took the class b/c I'm pretty sure it couldn't do... THAT. I think you should try my name for kicks and giggles, yes? ;)
