Saturday, March 5, 2011

Chapter Eight

Erin you better uphold your end of the deal here!

Here's chapter eight!

An hour later the rain had let up and Stitch and I made our way back to the school. The air was chilly from the rain, and the roads were wet, but manageable. When we pulled into the parking garage, which I was unaware even existed, the lights flickered and the rain began again. Stitch helped me off his bike, and we walked together to the elevator. We rode up in silence, and then the elevator made a sudden stop on the main floor. The doors opened, and I found myself staring into the mesmerizing blue eyes of the blond, Vance Locke. My eyes grew wide and my body relaxed; next to me I felt Stitch tense up, and his instant mood change was almost tangible.

This elevator is full.” Stitch growled.

I glared at him. “No, it's not. Come on in,” I said smiling.

So nice to see that Stitch's girl has a shred of humanity in her.” he said, stepping into the elevator.

I blushed, fiddling with a strand of my hair. “Oh, I'm not Stitch's girlfriend.”

He smiled down at me. “You're not? What a wonderful revelation. Here I am thinking that I'm going to have to sabotage your relationship so I can have a chance with you, but that's not hardly necessary, is it?” he chuckled, extending a hand to me. “My name is Vance, and you are?”

I blushed again, “Laela, it's nice to meet you. Formally.”

He chuckled again, and slapped a hand onto Stitch's back, who promptly rolled out of it and moved himself into a corner. “Yes, I do apologize for what happened earlier.” he glanced at Stitch. “So, where are you headed this evening?”

Oh, just back to my room for the night. What about you? Are you a student here?”

No, don't have the money for a place like this, but I've got friends here. I'm actually here to watch a movie with them. Do you know Cam Harding and Jay Clarke?”

I scrunched my brow. I hoped he was referring to the Cam and Jay I was thinking. “I think so. I'm new here, so I haven't learned last names yet. But I think I know who you are talking about.”

The elevator ding!ed and Vance glanced up. “Well this is my stop.”

I looked at the number. “Mine too,” I said and went to exit. I lifted my foot strangely high, and realized Vance was staring at me. My face turned red. “I have issues entering and exiting elevators for some reason. They've never been my strong point.”

He extended his hand to me from the hall. “Then allow me to assist you,”

I put my hand in his and hopped out of the elevator, leaving Stitch alone to brood. I turned to wave at him. “Thanks for getting me back to the school, Stitch. See you tomorrow.”

He nodded and glared as the doors closed on him. Vance and I walked down the hallway together, and after passing door after door I wondered where he was headed when suddenly Kitty's head popped out of our room.

Holy crap Laela! I've been calling you like crazy! Where have you been?” she screamed, her hair falling out of a messy bun on the side of her head while she yelled. “Oh Vance, hey! We wondered when you would show up.”

Vance nodded polietly at her. “I planned on just coming with you at the park, but after Stitch exploded I didn't think it was a smart idea. So I went back and changed after getting drenched. What movie are we watching?”

Batman Begins,” she smiled.

I smiled, “I love that movie! Oh Batman, he makes my life bearable.”

Vance laughed and we entered the room. I felt so much happier with all of them then I had all day. The paranoid knot in my stomach had disappeared and I could smile easily. Jay and Cam were already inside, and Molly had her girls by the door. When I entered she smiled, though I could clearly see it was a fake smile. I smiled in return and made my way across the room. Cam stood, and opened his arms to me. Hesitantly I entered them, and hugged him. He pressed me against him and held me there, despite my slight dampness. When he let me go Jay stood and grabbed me into a hug before sitting down with Kitty.

I'm going to change really fast. Be right back.” I said, and entered my room.

Be fast! We aren't waiting for you!” Kitty called as I shut my door.

Quickly I changed into a pair of Pink sweats from Victoria's Secret and one of my school sweatshirts. When I emerged Cam whistled, and Vance punched him in the leg. Sheepishly Cam retreated into himself for a moment, as if Vance had some sort of control over him, but smiled and sat up straight, patting the cushion between him and Vance. I stepped over Kitty and Jay who were laying on the floor, and settled in between the boys. I was quite comfortable, but half way through the movie, I started to get cold, and had no idea why. Then I realized it was my feet. I didn't have socks on, and they were ice cold. I shivered. Vance looked over at me and smiled, raising his eyebrows to ask if I needed anything. I mouthed the word 'Cold' and smiled. He leaned further to his right and lifted one arm, inviting me to cuddle into him. I blushed, thinking about accepting his offer when suddenly I thought of Stitch, and the warmth of his body against mine in the rain earlier. My face turned a deeper shade of red, and I shook my head. 'I have a boyfriend,' I mouthed and he nodded, turning his attention back to the movie. At the mention of Tony my stomach knotted up again. Something about his call didn't seem right today. He seemed oddly distant, and detached, but I could have been reading him wrong. Sometimes he would get moody but it wasn't something that a day of relaxing couldn't cure. I would call him after classes tomorrow.

Suddenly my phone buzzed against my stomach and I extracted it, glancing down at the screen. Rush. I stood up and bounded over Jay and Kitty, who were squished against each other on the floor, and ran across the room.

Hey Rush, what's up?” I said quietly.

Not much, just headed out to a party, and I needed to hear a voice of reason before I went out.” he replied, sounding nervous.

Remember what I said last time? Just picture me with a huge gun guarding the drinks. I'll shoot you if you get close.” I giggled.

He laughed heartily and I heard Keltie in the background calling for him. “Well I better go before she starts going off on some rant in that Irish accent of hers. Bye, Laela.”


We hung up and Kitty rolled over. “Who are you talking to? Tooooonnnny?” she giggled.

No, it was my friend Rush. It's a long story, which I will tell you later.”

Oh you better,” she winked.

My phone buzzed again. I had a text from an unknown number. There is no art to finding the mind's construction on the face. Watch your back. What on earth did that mean? And who was it from?

1 comment:

  1. Working on it. xD
    Did I mention how much I love this story? I'm pretty sure I did, but just in case you forgot... I love this story! ^^
