Friday, June 10, 2011

My Gift To You

Well, surprise! I thought I wasn't going to have this finished before I left for California in the morning, but as it turns out, I had more time than I thought I would. I'll be gone to California for the week with my choir, and I'm not even going to get to do anything fun! Now I love singing, but if I'm going to California during the summer, I want to be able to wear tank tops and short shorts and scam on boys at the beach. Nope. Not happening. I'm just a little bitter about this because I'm also missing my opportunity to hang out with Guillaume. For those of you whom I haven't told, (sorry to those who have heard this story countless times) I met this awesome band at Earthfest 3 last Saturday. Brogan Kelby, whose actually a solo artist and these guys are just playing for him until he moves on, was there, and they're amazing! I love them! His music is great, and he's hot. So are the majority of his band members. Guillaume is one of them in my opinion. I know others don't agree, but I've got a very vast taste in men. He's French. Did I mention that? His accent is amazing, even if it's being drowned by his American accent. Well, he said he'd totally hang out with me, and at first I was thinking, "Yeah right, this guy wouldn't actually hang out with me. He's too cool for that." Well, he was serious. TOO FREAKING BAD I'M GOING ON CHOIR TOUR THE ONLY WEEK HE'S STILL IN THE UNITED STATES. He leaves for France with Brogan on the 18th. The same day I will be getting home!! Here's the worst part. I would be okay if he were gone for a few weeks, but noooooo, he's not coming back until September or October for the X96 Big Ass show to play with Brogan. GRRRR. I know this sounds like a lovesick rant, and to tell you the truth, it is. I think he's really attractive, and he is funny! And I thought it was awesome that he would offer to hang out with a random girl he only met for a brief moment, and he really meant it too. It wasn't just some, Oh sure, and then he never follows through. We were planning it and everything then he drops this bomb shell on me. Cool...... Now I'm going to be stuck in California wishing I could come home just to hang out if only for one day with Guillaume before he leaves for the "homeland" as he calls it. I'll have to wait until frickin September at the earliest!!! GRR. Maybe I can schmooze with some of the other band members before then.... George might be up for it. Collin has a girlfriend, and I am pretty sure Zack does too... Braeden might. Brogan is single, but he's way out of my league. I wish I was pretty enough to have a chance to date him. Nope, I'll live. I'll settle for my dream of hanging out with Guillaume.

Anyway, enough of that rant. This is my gift to you now for dealing with that. Have chapter ninteen.

Chapter Nineteen

I swallowed the lump in my throat, blinking more than necessary while shaking my head.

“S-sorry, I don't know what I was thinking...” I muttered taking a step away from him, knotting my tie in my hands.

I could feel my cheeks grow hot, a blush spreading over my face. I excused myself and left the glass house and butterflies, walking a ways into the garden until I found a bench and sat on it, holding my head in my hands. I growled at myself. How could you be so stupid? Tony loves you, Stitch knows it, and he's just so damn chivalrous. I found myself staring at the dirt around my feet for minutes on end, cursing Stitch for being a gentleman.

“Are you alright, miss?”

I glanced up and found myself looking at Ayrin. “I'm fine... just a little flustered.” I sighed, dragging my fingers down my face before sitting upright.

“Anything I can help with?” He smiled, “I may just be the groundskeeper, but I've been told I'm a good listener.”

I sighed. If anyone would be able to tell me what kind of person Stitch was, it would be someone who worked for him. “What kind of guy is he? Stitch, I mean.”

“What kind of guy? Meaning...?” He raised an eyebrow, sitting on the bench beside me.

“You know, is he a player, or a complete gentleman? Stuff like that.”

Ayrin paused for a moment, staring up at the sky. The clouds had been painted with oranges and pinks as the sun slowly set beyond the hills. I waited patiently, staring up at the colored sky and wishing suddenly that it were Stitch sitting beside me on the bench.

Ayrin sighed, “He's not a player, no. But, not a complete gentleman either.” he said, “He's courteous I guess would be a good definition. He knows when he can't have something, and doesn't really try too hard to take it away from whomever it belongs to. Don't get me wrong now, Stitch does have a more... carnal side. There have been instances when Stitch has manipulated his way into getting what he wants, and at times he doesn't seem opposed to such actions.”

I whistled out my breath between my teeth. “Wow, seems like a complicated guy.” Complex enough to make my head spin whenever I'm around him.

“Not really. Not if you get to know him. He does have villainous streaks, but we're only human. Why the sudden interest in Mr. Mazigatti?” he raised an eyebrow again, smirking.

I blushed. “N-no reason.”

His smirk widened. “We don't know each other, so you can tell me. I promise that whatever you say to me in these next moments will be completely confidential.” He paused, his smirk being replaced by a sincere smile. “I promise.”

His smile was what made me trust him. “Okay, but it has to stay between you and me. And you have to promise you won't think I'm completely mental.” I surprised myself with my vocabulary. I was starting to adopt British slang.

“Promise, you're not mental, no matter how completely mental it may sound.”

I let out a long sigh. “Whenever I'm with Stitch it seems like... like I've been around him forever. Like our souls know each other. I've...” I hesitated. If I told him about my dreams, would he think I really was crazy? “I've had dreams about him. But not your average high school fantasy dream, no these are like full fledged life moments but they are set in the past. I just don't understand it. And being here, in this place, the house, the gardens, it's like I've been here hundreds of times before everything just feels so... right. I don't know what it is about him, maybe I've met someone who reminds me of Stitch, or maybe it's Stitch that reminds me of someone else, but I just can't put my finger on it. He's just... I don't know. He's like my other half I never knew I had.”

We sat in silence for a time, staring up at the sky again. He looked between me and the sky for a time, keeping his thoughts to himself.

“As someone you hardly know, and has no particular interest in the matter, I think you should give him a chance. He'll come around.” Ayrin said, looking me straight in the eye.

I smiled, content with his advice. Without saying anything further, Ayrin gathered his things and stood, nodded his head at me, and walked off among the flowers, leaving me alone on the bench. Not a second after he had disappeared from view did a voice startle me.

“You shouldn't trust him,” it said, smirk apparent in his tone, “He's a loon.”

I glanced over my shoulder, my heart racing from the sudden sound. Stitch stood behind me, arms crossed over his chest, an amused smirk on his lips. His eyes traveled slowly over my body before he closed his eyes and sighed, taking a seat beside me on the bench. A few more counts passed before he turned to look at me, the tension between us growing.

“I suppose I should apologize for what I did today.” I sighed. “I shouldn't have put you in a situation like that. I'm sorry.”

He smiled, a deep and genuine smile. “I contributed to the situation, you're not all to blame. But one day love, if anything changes with your love life, I'll be right here waiting.” He leaned in, put his hand on my cheek and kissed my forehead.

I blushed, wanting to reach up and kiss him. I moved my hand slowly, resting it on his knee. He stiffened for a moment, and then Kitty stepped out of The Butterfly House laughing with Jay. When she saw us, sitting that close on the bench, my hand on his knee, his on my face, she stopped laughing, putting a hand on Jay's chest to stop him. I saw her, watching me with an excited smile on her face, and jumped away from him. I stood, brushing my hands down my skirt to flatten the fabric nervously.

“We should probably go. It's getting late and we have school tomorrow.” I mumbled, keeping my eyes off of the others as I made my way back toward the house.

The others soon followed, but I paid little attention to them. I needed to get back home and sort things out. I needed to hear Tony's voice telling me he loved me, and I would be okay. Everything would be okay. I made a beeline through the house to the front door, and just kept walking straight down the path. Kitty called my name behind me, her footsteps closing in rapidly, and then her hand was on my shoulder, tugging me to a stop.

“What's up, girl?” she asked, glaring at me.

“Nothing, I'm fine. I just need to get back to the school and sleep. I'm... tired.” I growled, shrugging my shoulder free from her grasp and continuing forward.

Kitty sighed, keeping in stride with me, but staying quiet all the way back to the train station. When the boys caught up, Stitch announced we would be waiting at least twenty minutes for the next train. I growled, and took my phone out of my sock and flopped onto the bench. Hey baby, I miss you. How's life back home? Anything new? How's Rush doing? I sighed again, and closed the phone, hoping he would answer quickly. I needed something to take my mind off of Stitch. My phone buzzed repeatedly for nearly a minute straight. Hey beautiful,mmm I miss seeing you everyday, my life isn't the same. No one's is. We all miss you. We're watching a movie right now, and everyone says 'Heya' and they miss ya. Movies aren't the same without you babe. I miss you. Love you. Is everything okay there? Do you need anything? I don't know what I can do since you're across the ocean and all in a foreign country, but I will do my best. I smiled, a warm rush running through my body. I wanted to curl up next to him and fall asleep in his arms like we had done on countless summer afternoons back home. The excitement about returning home hit me again with more force than before. Our plane left early Sunday morning, and then I would see my family again, and I could see Tony. Feel his strong body against mine, his soft lips on mine, his arms around me, keeping me safe.

And then there was Rush. What was I going to do with him? I loved Tony, but he had been acting so differently, and every time he called I got a sick feeling in my stomach like something was wrong. I was beginning to worry that he was lying to me about something, but I just couldn't figure out what. With another great sigh, I put my phone back in my sock. I just didn't know what to say, I missed Tony but for some reason, I just couldn't express myself anymore. Closing my eyes, I spread myself out on the bench, laying the entire length of the bench, my feet barely peeking over the edge. I put my hands on my stomach, and sat still, breathing deeply. Maybe I could just meditate away all my problems. It seemed like a good tactic until I realized meditation could only get you so far, and it wasn't very far at all. After a time of lying like a corpse on the bench, I felt someone's eyes on my body. I opened my left eye, slight enough I could see out of my lashes and noticed Stitch's stare. For refusing my kiss he suddenly seemed more than interested.

The bellow of the approaching train drew me out of my lounging on the bench; I sat up, straightening my skirt, fixing my blouse, and checking my hair. Why did I just do that? I asked myself, realizing that for the first time in so many years, I was trying to impress someone. My cheeks started to burn and I quickly turned my attention to the wooden planks on the ground, busying myself with the pieces that were warped out of place and destroyed by the weather. The planks rumbled as the train lurched to a stop at the station. The conductor stepped down, looking at us, and smiled at Stitch.

“Have an enjoyable afternoon, Mr. Mazigatti?” the man asked, taking our tickets from Stitch.

Stitch glanced back at me with a smile. “We had a great day, thank you sir.” He replied, and stepped around the conductor onto the train.

Kitty and Jay stepped in after him, and I followed after them. We took a booth with the benches facing each other, Kitty and Jay taking up one bench, leaving the other for Stitch and I. My heart rate sped up again when I sat down by the window just knowing he was so close. No. You're not single Laela. You're taken and he respects that. Leave it alone. I scolded myself. I spent the next hour staring out the window, watching as the countryside slowly turned into a booming city. When we reached our destination, the four of us exited the train, and quickly departed for the tube. As we walked, I felt a hand on my wrist, pulling me out of my contemplation. I glanced first at the hand, and then trialed slowly up the arm until I found myself looking into Jay's dark brown eyes. The others had walked on ahead of us, but Jay kept his hold on me, keeping our pace slow. For a long time he walked slowly by my side, his hand on my wrist, not saying a word, and finally, when Kitty and Stitch were far enough ahead of us, he spoke.

“I know this probably isn't something you want to hear,” he said, releasing his hold on my wrist. “But it's something that needs to be said. Stitch only did what he did because he cares. If he didn't, he would have kissed you right then. But he didn't, and that proves there's more than just admiration there.”

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. “Sure,” I mumbled.

He shook his head and sighed, “I know you don't want to accept that, but it's the truth. I've known Stitch for a while now, and it's a lesson learned in time. Sometimes he leaves me to wallow in his mysteries, but from what I know, he's never one to make a snap decision.”

I sighed again; one day out, and I was now up to my eyeballs in confusion. I bit my lip. First Ayrin tells me Stitch is a good guy, and is “courteous,” and now Jay telling me he's a good guy and only does what he does because he “cares.” Well... great. I kicked a pebble as we walked. This is just what I need in my life right now. Drama. That I've created. The sun had set completely, and the air had suddenly become chill, causing me to shiver. Now I wished I had kept my sweater, hugging myself and rubbing my arms. I always hated cold places. We finally reached the tube, and Jay moved to his place at Kitty's side. After we had boarded we took our seats, and my phone began to vibrate repeatedly in my sock. Impulsively I grabbed my phone and flipped it open, paying little attention to the caller ID.

“Hello,” I said a little too cheerfully for my former mood.

“Hey you,” replied Rush. “just checking in with the counselor.”

I laughed, picturing him winking at me. “Now, how do you feel about that?” I teased.

Fantastic,” he whispered, his voice dropping into a silky almost intoxicating tone. “Missing you terribly, but I'll survive. School is boring as ever here. I'm bored out of my mind without someone to pass notes to in English. When are you coming back for a visit?”

My heart fluttered with excitement. I wanted to tell him I would be home in two days, but I wanted it to be a surprise. I wanted to see their faces light up, hear Keltie scream with joy, have Rush gather me into his arms and swing me around, and feel Tony's lips against mine again.

“As soon as I have money to afford it.” I said, “I promise I'll come back to see my besties!”

“And you'll bring some treasures from across the sea?”

I laughed, “Yes, I'll bring some treasures for you.”

“You're the only treasure I need.”

I paused, a lump in my throat. I wished he would stop saying things like that. “Rush... I appreciate your interest, but you know I've got Tony. And I love him.”

Rush muttered something incomprehensible over his end.

“What was that?”

“Oh, nothing I was just talking to my sister. She's staying for the next month until her wedding. It's a pain in the ass.”
“I bet, she always seemed like a handful. When's the wedding? Maybe I can come.”

“November fifteenth I think.... Not entirely sure though. I just know it's in November.”

“I'll see what I can do to make it. Anything else new? News with Keltie since she never calls... it's like the girl lost her phone.”

“She did. We were at the mall last week, and her phone is gone now. We can't find it. And she's currently trying to convince her parents to get her a new one. They're not having it since she's always losing it, and doesn't pay any attention when she has one anyway.”

I could hear a few boys shouting at Rush in the background. He replied with a string of choice words.

“Sounds like quite the crowd you've got there. Who all is over?”

“Football team. They want to go out tonight... I don't know what they're planning, but it's Kai's birthday so we were all going to do something. Probably involves girls and drinking. It's safe to say I'm not going. Which was that string of profanities.”

I laughed, “Good to know you can handle yourself when I'm not around.”

The tube slid to a stop, and the passengers shifted around preparing to exit. I glanced at the others, finding them standing and waiting on me. Embarrassed, I felt my cheeks redden again as I stood up and followed them off the train. Rush went on talking about his day, how the team was doing, and his complaints about the family. When we crossed over into the school's front yard I felt an odd tightening in my stomach. I stopped walking, turning around in circles until I finally found two people, both in white shirts, standing at the edge of the gravel drive. As if they could sense I was looking at them, they turned around. Suddenly one of them raised their arm and called my name, waving me over.

“Hey, Rush hun, I have to go. Bye,” I said hastily, hardly giving him time to say goodbye before hanging up.

I made my way over to the people, boys as I noticed when I grew closer. Both blonde, and familiar. When I was close enough I smiled; Cam and Vance.

“Hey,” I said casually, waving.

Cam smiled, opening his arms for a hug. Sheepishly I tucked myself into his arms, resting my head against his chest, listening to his heart beat. It was strong, and steady, just like him. He kissed the top of my head, and I heard Vance clear his throat. As if the noise were a command, Cam let go of me quickly. I stood by his side for a moment, just looking at Vance. He smiled.

“I know we hardly know each other, and I'd like to change that soon, but do you think I could steal a hug?” He asked, his accent far stronger than even Cam's.

I blushed, thankfully it was dark. “Sure,” I whispered.

He opened his arms, and I stepped forward, tucking myself between his arms like I had done for Cam. When his arms closed around me I felt as if I might faint. There was something almost electric about his touch; warm... too warm. He held me close to him, as if drinking in my closeness, and suddenly I heard an angry shout from across the yard.

“Vance, you get your filthy hands off of her!” Stitch yelled, even from far away I could hear the growl in his words.

As if to spite him, Vance's arms tightened around me. “She's not your girl, mate. I can hold her as long as I want.” he replied, venom edging into his voice.

“She's not yours either, mate, so back off.”

I started to feel uncomfortable in Vance's arms, but he wouldn't relinquish his hold on me. He moved one arm out, and held it up so Stitch could see it, and flipped him off, a triumphant smirk on his face as Stitch came marching across the gravel. A dog started to howl somewhere in the distance, and the air grew thick with tension. I looked up at Vance, his lightning blue eyes fixed on Stitch, a smirk on his lips that dripped with disdain. His fingers pressed into my shoulder where he held me, making me flinch. I pushed away from him, and slowly he released me as Stitch grew closer, turning to confront him. Stepping away, I moved behind Cam, hiding my head between his shoulder blades. I hated fights. I especially hated them if I was the reason for the fight. I started shaking my head against his back, muttering quietly to myself.

“Stop, please, just stop.” I said over and over, wishing that someone would hear me.

“You seem awful territorial, Stitch, for having no hold over the girl.” Vance spat.

“And you're the same arrogant son of a bitch, do you ever change?” Stitch countered, digging his foot into the gravel.

“I don't see a reason to.”

“I've got plenty.”

There was silence for a time, and suddenly I heard someone grunt in pain as they dropped to the gravel. Cam stiffened.

“Stay away from her if you know what's good for you.” Stitch growled, turning around and stomping off across the gravel once again.

I peeked out from around Cam's shoulder and saw Vance pulling himself off the ground. Shocked, I dashed out, and tried to help him up, but he glared up at me harshly. In the pale moonlight I saw a shining trail of blood dribbling down his chin from the corner of his mouth, splashing onto his shirt. He wiped it away with the back of his hand and glared after Stitch.

“I'm so sorry, this is all my fault.” I said, reaching out to touch his shoulder. He flinched away from me. “Are you okay?”

“Fine, love. Nothing I can't handle.” he replied. “I'll be seeing you tomorrow, both of you.”

He turned quickly and left Cam and I standing in the dark.

1 comment:

  1. She is the thickest person I've ever met. You'd think she could put two and two together... sigh... Hurry and ocme home I want to see what will happen when they go to Florida!
