Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Just gotta write.....

I've just got a lot to say.... there's a lot on my mind. Mostly work and school. I'm seriously considering moving out. Speaking of which, Erin, what's your plan?? Text me. Also, I just found out that my friend is getting married!! What?! We just barely got out of high school! Here's my rant about getting married right out of high school. We're not old enough first off. We just barely became adults, and hardly know how to function on our own. We've been living with our parents our whole lives! We don't know how to take care of ourselves, we don't have the education to hold a job suitable to support a family, and we don't have any clue how to do things! The only thing we can do is go to school. OMG, please please don't get married right out of high school! The worst part is that he's an RM, so all he could think about is getting married! Grr.... that's just so frickin gross. I'm sure they'll have a first year, but they both have to go to school and take care of themselves. If they live with their parents... so help me. That's just wrong too. Guys, promise me you'll go to college for a while before you even think about getting married. And send me invitations when you do. Thanks.

Next item of business. Today I was at work, and we were at the Scera pool. Guess who I ran into? Kelly Watts. And may I just say he was lookin fiiiiiine. Dang guys. I still haven't gotten over him. Not at all. Man mmmmmmm he was so sexy dripping wet in the water and playing with his brother. I got really destracted you guys!! He is so good looking it's not even funny.  For any of you who went to my pageant, i was wearing my zebra striped swimming suit, which has a very deep cut in the front, so I've got some great cleavage. Not gonna lie. I wanted to go talk to him but I was at work and alas I couldn't. Grr!!!! You guys!!! He's so cute! Let's just talk about it for a long time. Here comes my Bella moment.... just kidding. Let's not. I'm just telling you he's so cute! I haven't seen him in a long time, and his hair mmmm it's gotten a little bit longer and curly, and he's got a little bit of scruff growing. Normally I'm not one for facial hair, but man he can pull it off! I feel like a loser for spending this much time talking about Kelly, but he's so cute! You guys. I need someone to keep my attention for a while. Wyatt's cute too! Ah! You guys, I shouldn't be this obsessed but I feel out of place with all my friends who every time we get together, they are always with their boyfriends. GRRRR. Guys, don't judge. I just need a man, if only for one day.

Here's my other anxiety. Moving out. It seems like tons of fun, but I'm scared. I admittedly, don't want to move out. I don't wanna grow up... I just want to be a kid forever!!! AH!!! Anyway, I decided what novel I'm going to work on for our Obscurely Clear Novel Writing Month. Branded. I've decided that this one has the most potential at getting published because of the audience these days. Everyone likes a good screw the government, we're all going to die novel. Yep. OOOOOOOOH and here's my plug for my wonderful cousin Elana's novel Possession. IT IS SOOOOOO AMAZING! Go out and buy it. Now. Get off your computer and go to a bookstore and buy it. It's fricken amazing!!!!!!

Chapter whatever i'm on is coming soon. I'm working on it. Love you all! Florida is coming soon I hope you're all excited for this!!!! I'm excited. And you should be too. It's full of surprises you'll never believe. BAHAAHAHHAHAHAH

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