Thursday, May 17, 2012


It's official this time. My computer is dead. It actually gave its life up this time. The hard drive crashed, quickly followed by the love of its life, the motherboard. I guess these two couldn't bear to be apart for longer than two weeks, and pulled a Romeo and Juliet. Yep, I think the motherboard killed itself because it couldn't stand to be apart from its beloved hard drive. And look at the tragedy it's caused. Which means that until I either get a new computer or somehow fix my old one, Perfect Strangers has been shelved. I would work on it if I had the chance, but it was stuck on my old computer and the backup on google docs won't open. Good thing I didn't have my WTF moment stuck on the computer. That's been safely stowed away. Good thing too. I would have hated to lose that moment. It is such a brilliant moment. Anyway, if anyone knows a good place to buy a cheap computer please let me know. Aparently my being home and using their computer is a cause of contention between my mother and I, and therefore, I will probably stop coming over. Sorry for any inconvenience on your part. I'll keep drafting in my notebooks, but you probably won't get anything for a while. Sorry darlings. Love you.


1 comment:

  1. What?! (Trembling lip and small sniffles) I'm SO SORRY!!! I feel your pain! AND I need more of this diabolical story you have concocted. Chop chop young lady. You have no excuses. ;) Oh yeah, I just used a winky face
