Monday, July 11, 2011

Write a novel in a month, no problem... right?

Yep, you heard it. That's my goal. My writer's group Obscurely Clear (I'm so amazing at making titles for things guys, I named it well...) has made July our novel writing month. 50,000 words in a month.

I'm way behind already. I should, if I've done my math correctly, be at 18,337 words today, but here's my word count: 12,553. Tomorrow will be spent writing all day after I get home from work and delivering job applications. No destractions, which means no internet, or Borders. Erin and I descovered we don't get much done there. Not with the surplus of great books for research and of course there is Trey. He is intruiguing, but I find I never work when he's around. Last time we were together while I tried to write, I got like three sentences written. But I did get a lot of valuable insider information about locations in my book from him, so I guess he's not that bad to keep around.

Anyway, wish me luck guys!

OOOOOH I also sent my first two chapters to Elana Johnson, my wonderful cousin (technically she's like a second cousin, but who cares.) and now famous author of Possession. If you hraven't read that book, you'rea a sinner and must repent. BUY IT NOW.  She told me she would read it over and tell me what she thinks. I am sooooo excited. She has edits due this week so it could be a while, but you guys will know when I do. AHHH!

Love you all.

Cheers, and happy writing!!