Hey guys!!! Here's another college update! I know you guys are probably tired of them by now, but oh well. I recieved a letter from Southern Virginia University today and I got a scholarship !!!! Well, two actually. I got an academic scholarship for $6,000 and a housing scholarship for $2,000. Great ain't it?! Well, not really. Tuition is pretty steep, but any amount of money will help. Okay, so uh I don't know if you know that Erin is writing a story called Legacies. I. Love. It. It, like many of my stories, was started from a dream. I'm in it. My character is Alessia. I don't know if I've talked about this before..... but I think I've got a picture of her and Rath up here. If not..... i'll get one. UH. This story here, is from a dream I had. Yes, I dream about Erin's characters. UHHHHHHH to know some backstory, you should probably read her story here.
The air was thick with anger and fear. Everyone sat in the small room, the dragons from the great stained glass window glaring down at them. The room seemed to be angry with the occupants. Elle and Zara sat on the far side of the room with Saige. The boys were in the center of the room, each of them pacing like caged animals. Rath had his hands clenched at his sides, his eyes dark and angry.
He stopped moving and snatched the white-blond haired boy by the collar of his shirt. "Think, Trace!" he growled ferally, "Who would have taken her?!"
"I-I don't know! You think I'm not upset about this!?" Trace snapped back.
Rath shook Trace harshly, "You darn well be upset. It's your fault they got her! Now think! Who, of all your enemies would take Alessia?"
Alik put his hand on Rath's shoulder, a silent warning to cool it.
Saige hopped up from her seat in the corner and ran to Rath's other side. "Rath, calm down. This isn't helping. We need to find Alessia and all this anger isn't helping us find her. She's probably scared, Rath. She needs you to keep your head about yourself." She said, smiling up at him.
He let go of Trace's shirt and backed up. He sighed. "You're right, you're right."
"I promise, I'm thinking. I've been thinking since the moment I found out she was taken. You're not the only one who cares about her." Trace said darkly.
Rath glared, but said nothing.
She cowered in the corner, her hands tied to the pole behind her, her ankles bound tightly with rope. She prayed with everything she had that Rath was looking for her. That was the only thing she had to hold onto. If Trace really owed these people--these monsters--that took her as much as he did, he wouldn't be looking for her. He'd be running for the hills by now. The door opened, light spilling in through the crack. Alessia cringed closer to the pole. She didn't want them to come back. She wanted them to leave her alone. What did she have to do with Trace? She hardly even knew him!
"'Ello love," said a gravely voice.
Alessia wimpered. "Leave me alone!" she cried, tears falling down her cheeks.
He aproached her, untying her arms and grabbing her wrists. She tried to crawl away from him, but he kicked her in the stomach and dragged her out of the room. She twisted and turned in his grip, screaming and crying. She was bruised and bloody and broken on the inside. She needed Rath. She wanted to see his face, to feel his arms around her again. The man dragged her around a corner, her hip banging against a sharp corner. She cried out, feeling warmth leak from her skin. He turned and glared harshly at her. She bit her lip and kept quiet. He dragged her up the stairs, not caring that she cried out in pain each time she hit another step.
The other members of the crew watched with sneering smiles as, Red as he was called, dragged Alessia's bloody body across the deck. Alessia heard a familiar voice curse from the distance. She twisted herself around to see the voice. Trace stood, locked in a choke hold at the end of the deck. She started crying, her body rocking with sobs. Red yanked her to her feet, holding her against his side.
"Nice of you to join us, Trace." Red said. "You know, I was rather surprised to find such a gem as this among your fith. She made it easy for me to lure you out of your little hole."
"Shut up," Trace growled. "Let her go."
"Did you bring what I asked for?"
Trace shrugged himself free of his captor's grasp and threw a sack that fell with a chink! to the ground. Alessia felt Red smile. One of the other men grabbed the sack, opened it and nodded at Red.
"Now let her go," Trace growled.
Red loosened his grip on Alessia and then, faster than anyone could blink, drew his sword and thrust it through her gut. She gasped, blood leaking from the corners of her mouth. Trace rushed forward and caught her as she fell. He pulled the blade from her body, holding her limp body in his arms, looking like a lost puppy. The other men started to converge on him. He gathered Alessia in his arms and rushed off the ship.
He had to get her back to Zara and the other women quickly.
Rath sat at the side of her bed, holding her hand gently, waiting for her to wake up. She had barely survived the injury sustained by the pirates. Rath blamed her for every injury, every cut, every bruise. Trace entered the room, quietly slipping in, standing next to the door. Rath looked up at him, glaring harsly.
"Is she awake yet?" Trace asked, keeping his eyes fixed solely on Alessia's still figure.
"No, she's not." Rath answered. He had dark circles under his eyes. He hadn't slept for days.
"Rath, sleep. You're like the living dead. I'll watch her."
Rath glanced up at Trace, but his fatigue won the battle. He stood and exited the room and Trace took his place on the chair beside her, taking her hand in his. Hours later she stirred. His head snapped up. She groaned, her brow wrinkling in pain.
"Rath?" she moaned.
His heart sunk. What was he expecting? For her to wake up and ask for him? He squoze her hand.
"No, he's sleeping. He's been in here for days without sleep, waiting for you to wake up. Here's the deal doll, we'll just not tell him that you woke up, and you can wake up again for him, deal?" he smiled.
"Fine... I'm too weak to fight you, but Trace..." she struggled to talk, the bandages around her stomach constricting her air flow. "T-thank you for saving me."
She propped herself up on her elbow, trying to sit up straight. Trace stood, and stopped her, gently putting his hand on her shoulder and guiding her back down to the pillow.
"You're too weak right now, don't hurt yourself." he said.
She grabbed his collar, holding his face down close to her. She kissed his cheek gently, and closed her eyes again. His cheeks flushed as he dropped back into the chair, pleasantly surprised.
"Make sure Rath's in here next time I wake up. And don't you say a word about what just happened, or so help me when I can I'll kick your butt." she whispered, falling back asleep.
He chuckled. "Sure thing love."
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Two Posts in a day? Go go Alex!
Hahahahaha well you can tell how bored I was. I've been watching Gone With the Wind for the last like twelve million years. I'm starting to atrophy here on the couch. And goodness gracious..... why is it in my nature to be super and overly flirty? It's something that I never realize I'm doing untill it's too late. I hate myself for it, but most people know that if I like someone, it's really obvious, both to people who don't know, and the person I like. Usually. I guess it depends on what person it is. I think I need to stop. It's only causing people problems. Both me and the boys. That's probably why no one asks me out. I realized that... in an odd way, I can relate to Scarlet O'Hara. She's the main character in Gone With the Wind. She's a walking scandal. Maybe that's what I am. I'd better stop....... I need a boyfriend. UGH.
Here's the third chapter of Perfect Strangers. Enjoy, and please let me know what you think.
Here's the third chapter of Perfect Strangers. Enjoy, and please let me know what you think.
Chapter three
The movie was being shown on the back lawn of the school where a large outdoor stage was settled at the bottom of a hill. There was a sound building at the top, and the slope created a semi circle around it. There was a large white screen dropped down, set in place by heavy speakers. Kitty had come down earlier and set up a blanket for everyone, so our spot was already claimed. She and Jay sat down together and I sat on Kitty's right. She paid me little attention as she was so focused on Jay. I didn't mind though. That gave me time to think about the dream I had. What did it mean? It felt so... real. It was almost like I was reliving a memory that had been buried deep within the recesses of my mind for a long time. I was so focused on my own thoughts that I didn't notice Cam sit beside me. The movie started when the sun had set far enough that the light wasn't so bright. I hardly paid any attention to the movie. My mind wandered from place to place. From a distant land I heard Kitty whisper, “Gosh it's so cold out here.” Jay shifted and suddenly I felt lonely. I wished Tony were here to keep me warm. I sighed and leaned back, propping myself up on my hands, but they hardly had time to find the ground before my shoulders touched something.
Startled, I yipped quietly and glanced over my shoulder. Stitch was sitting directly behind me grinning like a hyena. He patted his knees, giving me an invitation to lean back. With a scowl I turned back to the movie. Concentrating on the movie was difficult for me, and so I let the movie pass by me as a blur. After it had ended Kitty started laughing.
“Oh what a wonderful movie! Didn't you just love it, Laela?” she asked, leaning over Jay's leg to look at me.
“Oh! Uh yes, loved it.” I replied.
Stitch snickered from behind me. I glared over my shoulder at him. He smiled innocently, raising his arms at his sides. We stood and gathered our things and I shivered as a breeze rushed through the area. I hugged myself, wishing once again Tony were here to put his arm around me and pull me into his side. As if someone had read my thoughts a blanket was dropped over my shoulders and someone's arm pulled me into their side. I glanced up, finding Cam staring back at me.
I glared, but found the gesture comforting. “You should know that I have boyfriend.” I said, hoping he would drop his arm, but he didn't.
“I'm only trying to keep you warm, love. No harm done.” he said, smiling at me.
I rolled my eyes but kept close. The wind had started to pick up so it was nice to have someone to block out the wind. He rubbed my arm rhythmically humming to himself. He seemed more smug than when I first met him. He tugged me closer as we neared the building as if staking his claim. When we reached the door I noticed a pretty blonde walking in line beside us. Cam was staring at her, a smug grin across his face. The girl was glaring harshly at me. Did I know her? She seemed to know Cam. She seemed to know him well enough that she hated me. I could see it in her eyes.
“Court,” he said shortly, nodding to her with a smile.
She wasn't so polite as to reply with more than a huff as she twitched away, her hips swinging widely as she walked. Her blonde ponytail swayed while she walked, flicking her back.
“Girls. What are we supposed to do with them...?” he sighed, half chuckling.
I looked up at him. “Leave us alone?” We stepped inside and I shrugged the blanket and his arm off my shoulder. “Thanks for the blanket,”
I turned and made my way toward the elevator, leaving Cam standing alone. I reached the elevator, and as I reached forward to press the button, a perfectly tanned arm reached around me and pressed the button. I glanced backward, finding myself face to face once again with Stitch. He smiled.
“Enjoy the movie?” he asked casually.
“Immensely.” I replied, turning back and waiting for the doors to click open. When the doors slid open I stepped inside and turned around, blocking the doorway as Stitch tried to enter. I smirked, “Sorry, this elevator is full.”
He returned my sly grin. “Fiesty. Just like I like em.” he winked at me and the doors slid shut.
I backed against the wall, sliding to the floor. He was a... what was it that Jay had said.... Stitch was a loon. A loon that kept my brain turning and wallowing in his mysteries.
Story updates!
OKAY. Well Perfect Strangers is coming. I promise, but for right now, please enjoy this still unnamed story. This is for you Erin.
I ran through the halls of the building, my feet making no sound when they hit the floor. At the pace I was running any human would have been collapsed on the ground trying to catch their breath. I flew through the doors and onto the street, skidding to a halt on the edge of the curb. I looked around; everything looked so different from my planet. I looked up at the sky, but could not see any moons. How did these people know where they are? I heard the shouts of the woman with the camera device coming from behind me; I had stopped on the curb too long. I glanced over my shoulder and spotted her racing out of the doors.
“Wait!” she cried, “Wait I think I can help you! I know what you are!”
Not good. I took off to my right twisting and turning through people on the sidewalk. A few shouted at me as I passed. The woman followed closely. I needed to pick up speed. I needed to find my ship. I glanced down at my wrist. My collar was gone. There was no way I could track the ship now. I cursed inwardly and dashed around the corner, pressing myself against the wall and became invisible. The woman with the camera passed my hiding place and kept running for a few feet before stopping.
“Shoot, lost her.” she panted, “I knew they existed. I knew it.” She removed the camera from her neck and started pressing buttons. “And who is this Aeros character? Ah! Maybe she came with someone else. Then that means that there are two aliens on Earth. I knew that shooting star I had seen wasn't just a star. It was a ship! They found her in the forest.... maybe that's where the ship landed.”
The forest? What forest? I took a step closer to her, willing her to keep speaking.
“It's about six hours from here... I'll call Jack and we'll be on our way. Redwood forest here I come!” she struck th e air with a fist and ran off grinning like a Morgaian Banshee.
I stepped out of the alley and onto the street remaining invisible. I needed to find this Redwood forest. My ship should be there, and I needed to find it before any human did. After traveling at least a mile away from the hospital I made myself visible again. Approaching a woman on a bench, I smiled.
“Excuse me miss,” I said, drawing her attention to me. “I'm a little lost...”
“Oh dear, where are you headed?” she asked, smiling sweetly at me.
“I'm supposed to be meeting a friend at the Redwood forest... but I lost my navigation device...” Navigation device? Did they even use that term?
“Oh! You lost your map! Well, if you head out of town and get onto the highway. Take Market Street northeast toward South Van Ness avenue, turn right there. Once you hit that, drive until you hit Twelfth street and you're gonna have to make a U-turn. When you get to Lombard street, take a left. Go to Richardson avenue, and then you should hit the freeway. Follow Highway 101. Follow that until you hit Redwood Freeway. You'll be at the park in no time.” She beamed.
I nodded, and thanked her, then returned to the direction of the nearest cars. I would have to make it there by foot. That wouldn't take long. Becoming completely invisible I sped off, replaying the directions over and over in my head. I reached the forest in a record amount of time, stopping among the thick trees. Now where would my ship have landed. If they found me in the forest, wouldn't someone have heard about it? I walked silently through the forest, listening for the sounds of hikers or campers. After what seemed like an endless amount of time I found a group of hikers. I made myself visible, and approached slowly.
One of the men in the group turned to face me, a grin spreading across his face. “Hey there little lady, you lost?” he asked.
“Oh, no, no. I had a question.” I said quietly, cringing at the smell of his body. Something he and his friends had done made them stink.
“Hmm, okay, shoot.”
Shoot!? “I'm not going to shoot you.”
“Oh, no, that's an expression. It means go ahead.” he smiles.
I laughed, “Um.. okay, you know how they found that girl in the forest? Do you know where they found her?”
He paused, thinking for a moment. I concentrated on his thoughts and they became clear in my mind. The girl? What girl..... oh! That one. She looks like the girl... she fits her description. White hair. Pale skin. White dress. I took a step back.
“Why do you want to know? You know, come to think of it, you look an awful lot like her.” His friends stepped beside him, staring at me. “Are you that girl?”
I don't know how to answer them. If I say yes, what would they do? “That doesn't concern you. Could you please just tell me where she was found?”
“Sure it does, they said she escaped from the hospital... that hospital isn't too far from here either. So, are you her?”
I glared, “I told you, it doesn't matter. Now unless you want me alert the authorities of your illegal substances, I suggest you tell me where they found her.”
His upper lip curled into a sneer. His friends flanked his sides, their eyes hollow and dark.
“Tell me where they found her, or you will wish you were never born.” They laughed in response. “Wrong answer.”
I spread my arms out wide, and my world was covered in a dark shade as my eyes filled with black. I raised each of them off the ground, throwing them into trees and slamming them to the ground using only my mind. When they were all on the forest floor, grunting and groaning, I pinned them there, walking up to the boy who spoke to me and stepped on his chest, driving my foot in hard. He grunted.
“Tell me where they found her,” I demanded between gritted teeth.
“Not too far from here! She was found outside campground seventeen!!” he cried.
I kicked him in the chest again and began on my way. It took only a few minutes to find this campground, and when I did, there were no signs of my ship. I searched each inch of the forest floor until something shiny caught my eye. I rushed to it, and dug it out of the soil. My collar!! I picked it up, feeling the circuits humming to life beneath my fingertips. I held the ring over my finger and it quickly shrunk to fit my finger snugly. I took a deep breath and sighed. Now I could find my ship.
Friday, January 28, 2011
New Story:
Again, I have a college announcement to make! I got accepted to BYU Idaho today!!!!!! Now I have a problem. Which school do I choose? AHHHHHHHHHHH! Anyway, I've begun a new story, and Erin is super excited about it. She keeps asking when I'm getting a story on here, so here it goes. There's not really a title yet as this was based on a dream, but i'm working on that. Anyway, enjoy. Oh wait, here's a picture of our main characters. Terra is the girl, Aeros is the boy; also known as Yin and Yang, or Harmony and Chaos.
Blaring screeches coming from every possible system in the entire ship rang in my ears. I clamped my hands over my head trying to drown out the sounds, but I couldn't do it. I glanced to my right where, across the length of the cockpit, Aeros worked frantically to right the problems. It wasn't going to work. Even if we used our powers there was no way to salvage the ship. Something had hit us. Something meant to kill us. As I made to take a step toward him the next sound I heard will forever be engraved in my mind. The sounds of tearing metal and sparkling electric chords. Showers of sparks and the ship had ripped in two. Aeros on one piece, and me on the other. I screamed his name, stumbling backward and slamming my head on something hard, and my world was engulfed in black.
Blip!...Blip!...Blip! What were those strange sounds? Was I still on my ship? Had it survived the crash? I scrunched my eyes tighter closed, trying to recall the last moments before I blacked out. Tearing metal. The other half of the ship hurtling away through the clouds. Aeros! My heart rate accelerated instantly and I sat up rapidly, breathing quick shallow breaths. I was in a bed in a white room. There were furnishings around the room that I recognized, but some I didn't. What on earth were these things? I tried to move my right arm, but a sharp pain stopped me. I cried out and looked down at my arm. A small tube with a needle was embedded into my arm. I yanked it out and tossed it across the room. Where was I? Glancing around I noticed a woman sleeping in a chair near a window, the sun streaming in across her face. Around her neck was a strange device. I stepped quietly out of the bed, my steps making no noise as I moved toward her. Leaning down to study the device, my long white hair fell over my shoulder and landed on her face. Startled, she woke with a scream. I jumped away from her, holding my right hand out in front of me defensively, gripping it tightly with my left hand, waiting to throw her through a wall if needed.
“You... you're awake!” she cried, a smile spreading across her face. She picked up the device and held it up to her eye. What was she doing? Suddenly there was a bright flash of light and I couldn't see a thing. “This is amazing!”
I shook my head, dropping my hand and heard glass shatter. Looking up again I found the machine to my left which had a large screen that was once one sheet of glass, scattered across the floor. The woman was staring wide eyed at the machine. She had paled.
“D-did you do that?” she was pointing at the machine.
“Do what?” I asked, glaring at the device around her neck. What was that evil little box and what had it done to me?
“The TV... the screen. It shattered when you put your hand down.”
“TV?” she must have been referring to the box to my left. “Maybe. But what did you do to me? What is that infernal device around your neck and where is Aeros?!”
“What?” she looked at the black box. “It's a camera; it takes pictures of things. And who is Aeros? I don't know them.”
I raised my arm again. “You're lying! You shot our ship down, and you've captured me in this... place and are keeping Aeros from me! It's a bad idea! You have no idea who you're dealing with!”
She started to say something, but I heard nothing. My vision got hazy and my heart started pounding. Aeros. He was connecting with me. I knew my eyes had become completely black and without an iris. I happily welcomed the state of suspension between worlds. In the strange darkness I turned to find Aero's glowing figure, his dark hair waving slowly in an invisible wind. My heart leapt. I ran into his arms, burying my face in his chest, drinking in his smell. I looked up into his eyes, completely white, beneath his black hair. We were one. One being. One in purpose. Two bodies. Harmony and Chaos. Yin and Yang.
“Aeros! You're alive,” I felt tears forming in my eyes though I knew they would not fall. Our race could not shed tears unless both of the Bonded cried. “Where are you?”
“In a strange city far from you.” He said, stroking my hair softly.
I saw a flash of images cross my vision. Moving vehicles. Huge buildings. Hundreds of people. A street sight. Wall Street. It said.
“Where is Wall Street? Are you on the streets?”
He nodded. “I woke up in a heap of garbage. I don't know where the ship landed.” He looked down at me. “Where are you? What happened to your clothes?”
I glanced down at my body. I wasn't wearing my white dress. Instead I was wearing a strange spotted gown. My feet were bare and my necklace was gone. Distressed I looked up at him. “They've got me in some strange asylum. I woke with a needle in my arm and a woman sleeping in my room. When she woke she used a strange device on me. There was a flash of light and then this thing called a TV shattered. I lost control of my powers. Whatever she did caused me to break the glass.”
“Do you know where you are?”
I shook my head again feeling tears rise to my eyes. Aeros never cried. “I'm so scared. We can't be apart too long. The Elders warned us of what could happen. What you could do. They worry for Chaos. Never for Harmony. What can I do? Be too generous?” I chuckled at the thought, “You... you could destroy everything if you're away too long.”
He kissed my hair. “I'll find you. I can feel you. I'm coming. Stay safe.” He released me and the vision collapsed.
Blinking again I found myself back in the asylum. The woman wasn't alone anymore. There was a man in a long white coat and a woman in blue behind him. They were staring at me, analyzing me. I raised my right hand again, preparing to fight. The runes on my hand flared up, glowing black up the length of my arm.
“Where are my belongings?” I demanded. I shoved my hand at them, my palm beginning to itch with power. “Where are they!”
The woman in blue pointed to my dress neatly folded pile of clothes on a shelf. I made my way to them, still watching the group of people. They looked nervous. I pulled the drape off my body, leaving my naked body, white and shimmering. That was the one thing that set Aeros and I apart from the other gifted people of our race. We had been gifted above all else, blessed by the gods with their forms and powers. It was our charge to bring balance to whatever world we were in. Pulling my dress on, the material contracted to fit the contours of my body perfectly leaving my shoulders bare, and flaring out around my waist. I pulled on a pair of white shoes that also contracted to fit my feet perfectly. I fastened my necklace bearing the "Yin" symbol around my neck and when it connected
“Let me out of here.” I said, stepping toward them.
They separated and I was out of the room and running down the hall. The woman with the camera chased me out of the room, snapping pictures as I ran. I had to get away. I had to find Aeros before it was too late.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
OK, hey guys!! How's life? Mine is great! I got an email from Southern Virginia University telling me that i had been ACCEPTED!!! I can't tell you how happy I was to get that email! I had a celebration by myself.
Ok beyond that, I have to ask this. Why is it so difficult to ask the boy you like if he has a girlfriend? I struggled all day to ask him. We are great friends so I didn't want to kill the relationship, but I needed to know. It was killing me. Plus I'm super obvious when I like someone. Subtle isn't something I'm good at in that field. Usually.This time I think he knows I like him. GAH! Bah humbug. Anyway, I wrote chapter two of Perfect Strangers. Let me know what you think!!
Chapter 2- Perfect Strangers
I stared after Cam, watching the empty space where his body would have been. My mouth felt dry. My eyes were fixed and my body went rigid. A chill ran down my spine. Something didn't feel right to me; Cam had reacted so strangely, and it was almost as if the necklace had responded to his presence. My fists were pressed against my legs, my arms locked. I needed to go back to my room and call my mom. I wanted out. Too many weird things had happened today. I didn't like it. I was the kind of girl who liked normal. Heck, I didn't even like fantasy anything. Not books. Not movies. Especially not something that was supposed to be real. I stuck to action adventure. Normal. That's it.
“Are you OK, Laela. You look like you've seen a ghost.” Kitty said quietly, putting her hand on my shoulder.
I glanced at her for a moment, and then shook my head, clearing my thoughts. “Yeah, I'm fine... just... tired. I think I'm going to go back to the room and sleep for a little bit before the movie, OK?” I said, smiling and hoping she wouldn't see through my lie.
She watched me for a moment. I could tell she was processing my words, but finally she sighed.
“I'll be up to wake you a half hour before the show,” she said, rolling her emerald eyes toward the ceiling.
With a smile I stood and excused myself, and had to keep myself in control or else I would have bolted right through the door and sprinted up the stairs to my room. When I hit the hallway I suddenly felt lost. What was I thinking? I didn't know how to get back to my room. I was just following Kitty the whole way. Crap. I turned to the right, thinking that if I followed a hallway long enough I should find the foyer. Seemed logical enough. Forty steps down the hall my phone buzzed. I reached into my pocket to grab it, but it slipped through my fingers and went crashing to the floor. Growling I bent down to gather the scattered pieces, and when I had collected them all I stood, nearly bumping noses with Cam. His hot breath bounced off my cheeks, drawing a blush to my skin. I could feel the heat of his body beneath his clothes at his closeness. I swallowed hard.
“Where are you running off to?” he asked, a coy smile on his lips. He didn't move away.
“T-to my room. I'm... going to take a nap before the movie... Jet lag.” I stammered.
I took a step back and moved around him. He didn't make a move to follow, but rather stood where he was, watching me leave from over his shoulder, a calculating smile spreading across his lips. There was something off about the people at this school. I pushed against a door, opening it into the foyer. Yes! I celebrated my discovery by rushing to the elevator. I clicked the button relentlessly until the doors slid open. There was no one inside. With a sigh of relief I stepped inside and put my phone back together and dialed my mom's number. I listened to the dial tone for seven rings before her machine picked up.
“You've reached Danica Price, I'm away from the phone right now, leave me a message.” her voice chirped.
I waited for the beep. “Hey mom, it's me. Just calling to let you know that I made it safely. This school is cyclopean! Did you know dad is paying ten thousand a year to keep me here? I need you to answer this question honestly. Please. Did dad send me here because he doesn't like Tony? Or is it something I did? There's no way he would have just sent me here for educational purposes. Is it something I can atone for? Some of the people here are.... well honest to goodness mom, they are freaking me out. I've only been here for a few hours and I already have enemies, stalkers and creeps. Love you. Call me soon.”
I hung up just as the elevators dinged open at my floor. I stuck my head out of the doors and peeked around the corner, glancing up and down the hallways. No one. Good. I stepped out of the elevator, my foot catching on the door and sending me toppling to the floor. I had never been good with elevators. My mom told me that even when I was little I would have to jump out of an elevator to ensure that I stayed up right. Laying on the ground, my black hair tangled around my face and in my mouth I blew a puff of air and sent my hair flying. Groaning I pulled myself from the ground and trekked down the hall and stuck my key into the electronic lock on the door. The door clicked open and cautiously I stuck my head inside and glanced around. Empty. Thank goodness. I rushed into my room and shut the door, not bothering to kick off my shoes and fell face first onto my bed.
“This whole school is full of creeps.” I mumbled into my pillow. “I hate my life.”
I'm stuck in a forest, it's dark and I can't see a thing. I started running, trying to break free of the trees. My legs get tangled in the dress I'm wearing. Why am I wearing this? I keep running, feeling like I need to get out of the forest and find something. No, not something, someone. The urgency tugging on my chest starts to frighten me. Why do I need to find this person? With the way I feel it's almost as if this person is near death. Finally I break away from the trees and into an immense field. On the other side is a man. Lightning flashes, illuminating the scene. My eyes focused on the figure, and suddenly I realized it wasn't just one person, but two. My hands flew to my sides, bunching in tight knots around the thick material.
“Let him go you wretch!” I scream, though I have no idea why.
A laugh echoes around me like it's been amplified on surround sound and a chill runs down my spine.
“Now, now, Miss Lealais, no need to use such harsh language. You know I'll let him go,” the voice said darkly, pausing for a moment. “When you agree to my terms.”
I growled, feeling a strange sort of force prickling at my fingertips. “I would rather die.”
He chuckled. “You wound me, precious. Such ugly words from beautiful lips. If that's truly how you feel, then so be it.”
Suddenly there is someone behind me. His hands lingering on my waist and one clamping tightly around my neck. My body stiffens and my hands suddenly ignite. Flames leap from my hands and meet the man's cloak. He's burning. I take off, sprinting across the field toward the figure standing on the other side. This is the person I'm searching for. It's him. When I reach him, lightning flashes again and I see his face. It's Stitch. He looks weary, but relived to see me.
“Lealais, you shouldn't have come. You know what he wants. Don't do this for me.” He begs, tears forming on the outside edges of his eyes.
“I do this because I love you, Everard. I would never—“ My body suddenly feels insanely hot, like I'm burning from the inside. I can't speak, I can't move.
“Because you rejected me, you shall pay. You will be my queen. Henseforth you shall be known not by Laelais the Compasionate. You shall be known as Laelais, the Pheonix Queen. Every one hundred years you will die and be reborn from the ashes like a true Pheonix.” the dark voice hissed.
With all my will and strength I reached to my neck and yanked my necklace off. It was the butterfly pendant! I put it in Stitch's hand and a tear escaped my eye.
“I'll always belong to you. Time is but an obstacle.”
I woke up screaming, my clothes stuck to my body. A sticky layer of sweat covered my body. I was breathing so hard I thought I would pass out. I pressed my hand over my heart. My head was spinning and I had to lay back, closing my eyes or else I would have been out cold.
“What the heck was that?” I asked myself. Even now the dream was fading. I couldn't remember anything but my exchange with Stitch—and who the heck was Everard?
My door creaked open, and I screamed. Kitty screamed in response.
“Jeez! Will you calm down?” she panted, holding her hand over her heart, leaning against my door frame. “I just came to wake you up, but it seems you were already up.”
I sat up slowly, trying to calm my rapidly beating heart. “Sorry, I had a nightmare.” I sighed.
“Oh, well... I'm sorry. Uh, the movie starts in thirty minutes. You might want to shower. You look like you've come from the Amazon.” she wrinkled her nose. “We share the bathroom on this side. The door is right there,” she points to a door on the right side of my room. I had assumed it was a closet. “It connects our rooms too, so you're just lucky that Molly and her cronies aren't on this side of the room.”
I laughed and she left. Padding across the room I poked my head into the bathroom. It was quaint. There was a toilet smashed between the wall and the double sinks. On the other side of the small room was a shower. I stepped into the room and locked both doors and shed my clothes. I turned the nob to hot and stepped in. The warm water felt amazing against my skin. I closed my eyes, soaking the warmth in and suddenly I remembered the agonizing burning sensation I had felt in my dream and my eyes snapped open. THAT NECKLACE! I gave it to Stitch in my dream.... what if... what if... No that's absurd. Crazy child. It couldn't be real. I shake my head and clear my thoughts. What seems like two seconds later Kitty is banging on the door.
“Holy crow, Laela, save some water for the fishes! The movie starts in ten minutes!! Get out!” she yells.
“Sorry!!” I say, cutting off the water flow and stepping out of the shower. I yank a towel off the rack and dry my hair. My hair curls up automatically—a trait I gained from my mother. After I've dried myself off I unlock the doors and rush into my room. Raking through my drawers I yank out a dark purple sweater Tony had given me for my birthday and a pair of skinny jeans. Throwing on my clothes I rushed back to the mirror in the bathroom to fix my makeup, and then wrestled with my hair forever, finally catching it in a decent ponytail. With a sigh I went back to my room and found Kitty tapping her foot impatiently in my doorway. She looked nice, wearing a t-shirt and jeans and a flimsy jacket. I glanced at her and wondered why she was wearing something so... well cold.
“Aren't you going to freeze?” I asked her while pulling on my boots.
She smiled, “Well, the way I see it, if I wear something like this then Jay will have to let me borrow his jacket. I have a plan. Why borrow it when we can share?” she winked at me. “You know that the clothing companies are only trying to play matchmaker, right? Why else would girls jackets be so flimsy?”
I stared at her. She had a point. We stood and walked to the elevator, the doors opening to reveal the person I had no desire to see tonight.
“Ladies,” Stitch purred, gesturing to invite us into the elevator.
Kitty smiled and stepped in. I stood there, looking between him and the floor, weighing my chances of actually making it on without killing myself. Taking a deep breath I lifted my foot and stepped into the elevator and lost my balance. Kitty moved to catch me but Stitch made it faster. His arms locked around my waist, pulling me into his chest. I felt my cheeks flare up and didn't dare look at him. I muttered thank you, and righted myself, standing awkwardly in the corner of the car. Kitty glanced at me and shrugged. We rode in silence, and once we had entered the foyer Kitty spotted Jay and Cam. She waved them over, beaming wildly. When they approached Cam's face paled. He looked as if he were staring right at me, but not seeing me. I glanced over my shoulder; Stitch stood behind me glaring sternly at Cam.
“Too much testosterone...” Kitty muttered and linked arms with Jay. “C'mon guys, the movie isn't going to wait for us.”
I trailed after Kitty and Jay, leaving Cam and Stitch in their standoff. As I left, they moved closer, and Stitch whispered so quietly I had to strain to hear what he said.
“Give up now, you know you'll lose.”
Friday, January 21, 2011
HAI! Today I am officially old enough to:
Anyway, Perfect Strangers updates are coming I swear. I'm working on the plot direction right now, kinda playing with where I want things to go, and who the bad guys and all are..... They still need names and such, but I do have a request of all you blog goers.... Would you rather me keep updating simply Perfect Strangers, or would you like to read other shorts and bits of Branded. Your choice really. I'll keep writing whether or not you want to read them. But really, just let me know what you want to read and I'll keep it coming. I'll update Perfect Strangers here regardless, it just may come more slowly. Last night while I was high on pain killers I read Erin's blog post. She had a rather wonderful epiphany. My whole life makes sense now. You should read it here. It's rather amusing. Girls, this will make everything clear.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!! Love you guys!
- Be tried as an adult
- Go to Jail
- Buy dry ice
- purchase things off the TV
- Stay out past midnight.
Anyway, Perfect Strangers updates are coming I swear. I'm working on the plot direction right now, kinda playing with where I want things to go, and who the bad guys and all are..... They still need names and such, but I do have a request of all you blog goers.... Would you rather me keep updating simply Perfect Strangers, or would you like to read other shorts and bits of Branded. Your choice really. I'll keep writing whether or not you want to read them. But really, just let me know what you want to read and I'll keep it coming. I'll update Perfect Strangers here regardless, it just may come more slowly. Last night while I was high on pain killers I read Erin's blog post. She had a rather wonderful epiphany. My whole life makes sense now. You should read it here. It's rather amusing. Girls, this will make everything clear.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!! Love you guys!
Friday, January 14, 2011
OKAY, this is the end of the first chapter of my story Perfect Strangers. I hope you all like it. I hope it turns out well......
The elevator doors dinged open. I closed my eyes, preparing to step into the torture chamber filled with that awful music when I heard a voice that made my eyes snap open.
"Elevator music isn't that bad, love." Stitch said, a coy smile playing on his lips.
Kitty and I stepped onto the elevator and I was careful to avoid Stitch's eyes. Kitty smiled up at him, and glanced at me when she noticed his stare. We rode in silence for a time, stopping to gather more people on each floor. Suddenly Kitty spoke.
"So, why are you so dressed up Stitch?" she asked, giving him a long once over.
Politely he smiled, gesturing to his tux. "Because I have to drive the Headmaster and his wife to dinner this evening. They're meeting with his parents for an evening on the town."
"So you're not going to be at dinner tonight then?" I couldn't see Kitty's face but she sounded disappointed.
"No, but I'll be back in time for the movie."
The elevator doors opened on the lobby floor and everyone flooded out. I knew there were too many bodies in that elevator to begin with. Stitch made it a crowd. I waited awkwardly while Kitty finished speaking with him, wishing I knew my way to the cafeteria so I could leave them to speak by themselves. They had started whispering something, but I wasn't about to try and listen in. I glanced around, taking in the colors of the school. Bright blood red, a magnificent gold and dark charcoal black. Nice. The colors at Helm High were bland. Purple and white. Boring if you ask me. I fiddled with my hair as I stared up at the ceiling. Suddenly there was a hand on my elbow. I glanced at it and immediately wished that I hadn't.
"Hope to see you at the movie later, love." He smiled at me, a smile that sent shivers down my spine.
My skin burned where his fingers made contact. I felt a strange pull as I looked up into those mesmerizing green eyes of his. His smile widened and I had an unexplainable urge to wrap my arms around him and kiss him right there. No! Stop! Laela Price you have a boyfriend that loves you. You don't even know this kid. I yelled at myself. I pulled my arm out of his grip and took a step away from him, holding my arm at my side.
"Maybe." I said quickly and turned to leave though I had no idea where I was headed.
"The cafeteria is the other way, Laela." He said.
My body did another involuntary shiver when he said my name. The way he said it. So soft, almost a whisper. Like a lover would whisper 'I love you,' as you drifted to sleep in their arms. Careful not to look at him again I turned around and headed the other way, all the while Kitty giggled quietly behind me. She skipped up to me and linked her arm with mine. The way she smiled at me I knew she was bursting to say something. She was polite enough to wait until we had our food and were seated at a monstrous table in a gargantuan room. The food wasn't your ordinary school lunch either. It was a full catered meal. Waiters and everything. Right down to the menus. I ordered Alfredo chicken and a salad with a lemon-aid. Kitty was a little more adventurous and ordered Strozzapreti and a salad.
"He is so hung on you." she announced suddenly. "You have to come to the movie tonight!"
My face went red. "No, I'm just gonna stay in my room and--" I started
"Do what? Call your mom?"
"Yes, actually. I need to.... check up on her." I was always a terrible liar. I was actually going to call my mom and ask why the heck she let my father send me here.
"You can call her tomorrow. It's Saturday night! Come on, they only show a campus movie once a week. Tonight they're playing that new Robin Hood with Russel Crowe in it! You can't turn down a movie with such a sexy man as the lead! I know you want to come." She stared at me with her bright green eyes, pleading, battling, and winning.
I let out an exasperated sigh, "Fine! I'll come... but don't you try and set me up with Stitch. I don't want to be murdered, and I have a boyfriend thank you. I love the one I have."
"A boyfriend?! Oh man, you're just digging yourself a grave! He's sooooo into you, and if he knows you have a boyfriend, isn't that a reason for him to try harder to get your attention? You're like, the forbidden fruit and he can't resist you."
I was beginning to think that Kitty was crazy. She couldn't know that Stitch was crazy for me. He wasn't. We had only just met. It was impossible. Suddenly there were more people sitting down at our table with their food. I glanced up and found myself staring into a pair of pale blue eyes. The boy smiled, his blond hair falling over his eyes slightly.
"We couldn't stay over there any longer." his eyes never left mine. He smiled, "Hi, I'm Cameron. Most people just call me Cam, and this is my friend Jay. That's not short for anything." he winked.
"H-hey, I'm Laela." I stammered, my cheeks flushing. Why did British boys have to have such a charming demeanor?
"Ah, and American. Lovely. Did they kick you out for being beautiful?"
My face went an even deeper shade of red. "N-no! I mean, I'm not pretty. My dad sent me here to keep me away from my boyfriend, that's all."
This time it was Jay that spoke. "Not pretty? Are you daft? You're gorgeous darling." he said, smiling across the table at me. He completely contrasted his friend. Jay had dark chocolate brown eyes and dark shaggy hair and perfectly tanned skin. "That's the real reason. Your father had to send you away because America was jealous."
"Oh enough you two, she's taken." Kitty said, forking a mound of pasta and lifting it to point at them. "She's got a boyfriend and she loves him. End of story."
Cam made a hurt face, putting his hand on his heart, "I'm so offended, Kitten, I can't believe you would be so blunt. It's not like you."
"I told you not to call me Kitten, I hate that. My name is Kitty. And don't you have a girlfriend?"
He shook his head, and then turned to look me right in the eye, "Nope, I'm a free man now, but don't you fret. Everything will work out fine."
Suddenly something in my pocket vibrated and I squeaked, throwing my hand over the object quickly. With a quick half smile and a laugh I looked down to see what my hand had covered. It wasn't the pocket holding my phone, but the pocket where I had put the butterfly necklace. Putting my hand back over the pocket I looked up to find Jay and Kitty staring at me with puzzled looks on their faces. I smiled again embarrassed and muttered 'phone,' before taking another bite of chicken. They brushed it off and continued eating, making small talk amongst themselves, but Cam on the other hand kept his eyes fixated on my hand covering my pocket. It unnerved me. What was he looking at? Could he tell that my phone was in the other pocket? Suddenly and without warning the necklace vibrated again and Cam stood up.
"I have to go, I just remembered I needed to check on something in the lab. See you all at the movie tonight," He said quickly, leaving his plate at the table, only half eaten.
"Well... Cam has certainly lost it." Kitty commented, watching Cam leave the cafeteria and nearly knocking a girl flat on her butt. "What's his problem?"
"He's been this way since he dumped Courtney this morning. He was acting all weird. Kept saying something about the butterfly. Sounded like a loon." Jay replied.
My breath hitched in my throat. He said something about the butterfly?! Did he know about the necklace that Stitch had given me? Suddenly I felt a rock drop into the pit of my stomach and my appetite disappeared. Too many coincidences, and I wasn't taking any chances.
The elevator doors dinged open. I closed my eyes, preparing to step into the torture chamber filled with that awful music when I heard a voice that made my eyes snap open.
"Elevator music isn't that bad, love." Stitch said, a coy smile playing on his lips.
Kitty and I stepped onto the elevator and I was careful to avoid Stitch's eyes. Kitty smiled up at him, and glanced at me when she noticed his stare. We rode in silence for a time, stopping to gather more people on each floor. Suddenly Kitty spoke.
"So, why are you so dressed up Stitch?" she asked, giving him a long once over.
Politely he smiled, gesturing to his tux. "Because I have to drive the Headmaster and his wife to dinner this evening. They're meeting with his parents for an evening on the town."
"So you're not going to be at dinner tonight then?" I couldn't see Kitty's face but she sounded disappointed.
"No, but I'll be back in time for the movie."
The elevator doors opened on the lobby floor and everyone flooded out. I knew there were too many bodies in that elevator to begin with. Stitch made it a crowd. I waited awkwardly while Kitty finished speaking with him, wishing I knew my way to the cafeteria so I could leave them to speak by themselves. They had started whispering something, but I wasn't about to try and listen in. I glanced around, taking in the colors of the school. Bright blood red, a magnificent gold and dark charcoal black. Nice. The colors at Helm High were bland. Purple and white. Boring if you ask me. I fiddled with my hair as I stared up at the ceiling. Suddenly there was a hand on my elbow. I glanced at it and immediately wished that I hadn't.
"Hope to see you at the movie later, love." He smiled at me, a smile that sent shivers down my spine.
My skin burned where his fingers made contact. I felt a strange pull as I looked up into those mesmerizing green eyes of his. His smile widened and I had an unexplainable urge to wrap my arms around him and kiss him right there. No! Stop! Laela Price you have a boyfriend that loves you. You don't even know this kid. I yelled at myself. I pulled my arm out of his grip and took a step away from him, holding my arm at my side.
"Maybe." I said quickly and turned to leave though I had no idea where I was headed.
"The cafeteria is the other way, Laela." He said.
My body did another involuntary shiver when he said my name. The way he said it. So soft, almost a whisper. Like a lover would whisper 'I love you,' as you drifted to sleep in their arms. Careful not to look at him again I turned around and headed the other way, all the while Kitty giggled quietly behind me. She skipped up to me and linked her arm with mine. The way she smiled at me I knew she was bursting to say something. She was polite enough to wait until we had our food and were seated at a monstrous table in a gargantuan room. The food wasn't your ordinary school lunch either. It was a full catered meal. Waiters and everything. Right down to the menus. I ordered Alfredo chicken and a salad with a lemon-aid. Kitty was a little more adventurous and ordered Strozzapreti and a salad.
"He is so hung on you." she announced suddenly. "You have to come to the movie tonight!"
My face went red. "No, I'm just gonna stay in my room and--" I started
"Do what? Call your mom?"
"Yes, actually. I need to.... check up on her." I was always a terrible liar. I was actually going to call my mom and ask why the heck she let my father send me here.
"You can call her tomorrow. It's Saturday night! Come on, they only show a campus movie once a week. Tonight they're playing that new Robin Hood with Russel Crowe in it! You can't turn down a movie with such a sexy man as the lead! I know you want to come." She stared at me with her bright green eyes, pleading, battling, and winning.
I let out an exasperated sigh, "Fine! I'll come... but don't you try and set me up with Stitch. I don't want to be murdered, and I have a boyfriend thank you. I love the one I have."
"A boyfriend?! Oh man, you're just digging yourself a grave! He's sooooo into you, and if he knows you have a boyfriend, isn't that a reason for him to try harder to get your attention? You're like, the forbidden fruit and he can't resist you."
I was beginning to think that Kitty was crazy. She couldn't know that Stitch was crazy for me. He wasn't. We had only just met. It was impossible. Suddenly there were more people sitting down at our table with their food. I glanced up and found myself staring into a pair of pale blue eyes. The boy smiled, his blond hair falling over his eyes slightly.
"We couldn't stay over there any longer." his eyes never left mine. He smiled, "Hi, I'm Cameron. Most people just call me Cam, and this is my friend Jay. That's not short for anything." he winked.
"H-hey, I'm Laela." I stammered, my cheeks flushing. Why did British boys have to have such a charming demeanor?
"Ah, and American. Lovely. Did they kick you out for being beautiful?"
My face went an even deeper shade of red. "N-no! I mean, I'm not pretty. My dad sent me here to keep me away from my boyfriend, that's all."
This time it was Jay that spoke. "Not pretty? Are you daft? You're gorgeous darling." he said, smiling across the table at me. He completely contrasted his friend. Jay had dark chocolate brown eyes and dark shaggy hair and perfectly tanned skin. "That's the real reason. Your father had to send you away because America was jealous."
"Oh enough you two, she's taken." Kitty said, forking a mound of pasta and lifting it to point at them. "She's got a boyfriend and she loves him. End of story."
Cam made a hurt face, putting his hand on his heart, "I'm so offended, Kitten, I can't believe you would be so blunt. It's not like you."
"I told you not to call me Kitten, I hate that. My name is Kitty. And don't you have a girlfriend?"
He shook his head, and then turned to look me right in the eye, "Nope, I'm a free man now, but don't you fret. Everything will work out fine."
Suddenly something in my pocket vibrated and I squeaked, throwing my hand over the object quickly. With a quick half smile and a laugh I looked down to see what my hand had covered. It wasn't the pocket holding my phone, but the pocket where I had put the butterfly necklace. Putting my hand back over the pocket I looked up to find Jay and Kitty staring at me with puzzled looks on their faces. I smiled again embarrassed and muttered 'phone,' before taking another bite of chicken. They brushed it off and continued eating, making small talk amongst themselves, but Cam on the other hand kept his eyes fixated on my hand covering my pocket. It unnerved me. What was he looking at? Could he tell that my phone was in the other pocket? Suddenly and without warning the necklace vibrated again and Cam stood up.
"I have to go, I just remembered I needed to check on something in the lab. See you all at the movie tonight," He said quickly, leaving his plate at the table, only half eaten.
"Well... Cam has certainly lost it." Kitty commented, watching Cam leave the cafeteria and nearly knocking a girl flat on her butt. "What's his problem?"
"He's been this way since he dumped Courtney this morning. He was acting all weird. Kept saying something about the butterfly. Sounded like a loon." Jay replied.
My breath hitched in my throat. He said something about the butterfly?! Did he know about the necklace that Stitch had given me? Suddenly I felt a rock drop into the pit of my stomach and my appetite disappeared. Too many coincidences, and I wasn't taking any chances.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Perfect Strangers
First off, I must say this.
Clayton and I are getting married.
It's a shotgun wedding, we'll be in Vegas this weekend. All of you are welcome to join us. We'll be in a chapel on the strip, and it shall be a glorious wedding. We're both excited. We figured if we were going to get married during the school year, we may as well do it on a three day weekend. Beyond that, I decided to keep writing my Perfect Strangers story a little bit, we'll see how this goes, its off the top of my head. I'm playing with the characters... trying to figure out how they tick.I've got to get into their heads, once that happens things will run a lot smoother. Some of the names here are odd, but I congratulate myself on being able to keep it original. Mostly. And for all you who are worried about Clayton and I, please don't be. It's all in our heads. There's no wedding.
I stared at the necklace in my hands. There was something about it that seemed... odd. It refracted the light in such a way that the tiny wings looked as if they were beating in slow motion. I stroked the long body of the butterfly with my finger and I swear it shuddered. Not wanting to question my sanity more, I stuffed it into my pocket and headed back down the hall to my room. I needed to unpack and get settled, and call Tony. That was the first thing I needed to do. Hear Tony's voice. Especially after that encounter with Stitch. It made me nervous and I longed to hear a familiar voice.
Once I entered the room, er suite, I was careful to avoid the seething glares of the other girls. I wondered what was so special about Stitch that made me the instant enemy because he and I were speaking. Sure, he was attractive and all, but if that was the only reason I knew I was going to have a hard time here. Quietly I entered my room and glanced around. I dragged my belongings out of the doorway and into the room. It was larger than my room back home and felt empty. I needed to get my pictures up. First thing I retrieved from my bag were my speakers and my Ipod. I plugged them into the wall and let the sweet sounds of Breaking Benjamin fill my room. Now, don't get me wrong, just because I listen to bands like Breaking Benjamin and Three Days Grace doesn't mean I'm some child that hates the world or my life, because I don't, I just like the uniqueness of their songs. They don't write about girls all the time. They've got a way with expressing other problems in the world and I quite enjoy it. After that I seemed to move exponentially quicker. My room was set up in a few hours and I felt right at home. The last thing I placed on my dresser were pictures of my friends and family back home. I noticed that my father never really was in any of the pictures of our family. Just my mom and my little brother Kyler. Turning away from the dresser I extracted the last picture from my bag. A photo of me and Tony at the Sweetheart's Ball. We had been caught off guard and were cracking up. Him in his tux and me in my burgundy ball gown. We had an amazing time that night, and that picture captured it all.
I placed the picture on the small nightstand next to my bed and laid down on top of the new downy comforter my mom sent with me. I extracted my phone from my pocket and dialed Tony's number. He picked up on the fourth ring, just like he always did.
"Hey beautiful," he crooned, his voice made me shiver. "Miss me already?"
"I missed you the second I stepped onto that plane." I replied, fighting tears as a wave of home-sickness washed over me. "I miss everyone. This place is ridiculous."
"As in? The people, or the place."
"Both. This place is costing my father ten grand a year to keep me here, and the room is like a hotel suite. My roommates are... well let's just say I already have a few enemies. I haven't lived here for four hours and people already want my head on a platter. Things were just so much more simple back home in the States." I sighed. "Speaking of the States, how was school yesterday?"
"Empty without you. Everyone was lost without you. We need our comic relief back. You always made things interesting and without you, math just isn't the same." he said, laughing slightly, "Though I must say that Mr. Torgi isn't missing you too badly."
I laughed. "Of course he's not. The man was probably celebrating and rejoicing to high heaven that I'm out of his hair. How's Keltie?"
"She's missing you bad. She wanders around like a lost puppy without you. Even Rush is having a hard time."
"Rush? Like, big, tough, football player. That Rush?" I found myself wishing I was back in Florida with my friends. You know things are bad when the football players start to miss you.
"Yeah, the kid looked like he was going to cry. You were doing so much for him, and I was proud of you. He's been clean for three months, and now you're gone. He's afraid he's gonna go back to the booze. He left school in a panic. I think he's chained himself to his bed."
"Very funny. I'm gonna give him a call. I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"
"'Kay, love you, Laela." he said. "Wish I could kiss ya."
"Kisses, love you." I hung up and dialed Rush's number quickly. It rang and rang and rang, and just as I was about to hang up, he answered.
"OH SWEET MOTHER! YOU CALLED!!!" Rush sounded close to tears.
"Hey, Rush. Tony said you were having a hard time yesterday. Want to talk about it?" I asked; I never tried to act like his psychologist, but sometimes things just came out sounding like that. I think secretly he appreciates it.
"I'm scared, Laela. I don't know what I'm gonna do now that you're gone." he sighed, "What if I'm at a party and because you're not there, I start drinking again? I don't want to be addicted to the stuff, but I know that if I take another drink, I'll be right back in that hole you pulled me out of."
"I'll tell you what you do. If you're at a party, and you know there's alcohol there, avoid it. I know you can do it. And if it helps, picture me guarding the drinks with a rifle. I'll shoot you if you try to take a drink. You know how mean I can get with a gun." I heard him mumble 'I know,' on the other end and smiled to myself. "Just think that if you come close, I'll shoot you, and I wont shoot to kill. I'll maim you and cripple you for the rest of your life because that's what alcohol does to you. You've been sober for three months, and you've made so much progress. Listen.... what time is it now?"
"Noon..." he replied.
"Okay, that's not going to work. What time do you get done with practice after school?"
"Around five or so. Usually."
"Okay, that would make it.... ten here. So everyday after practice I want you to call me. Tell me about your day, just talk. Talk and I'll listen. I'll always be there, even if I'm not there physically."
"That's really late, Laela. Are you sure you want me calling you that late? I can always call in the morning."
"That wont work because we're five hours ahead of you guys back in Florida. I'll be fine. You are what matters. Just remember to call, okay?" There was a harsh knock at my door and a muffled voice yelling something at me. "Hang on, Rush," I stepped off my bed and went to the door. When I opened it I nearly got hit in the face by the descending fist. "Geez, don't smash my face. Can I help you?"
The girl standing there was pale; pale and perfect. Her eyes were bright green, just like Stitch's. Her hair was dark auburn and had a slight curl to it. She smiled, "Sorry, I didn't know if you could hear me over that music." She said kindly, "Dinner's starting. I figured since you are new here I'd take you down there."
"Oh, uh, sure, just let me get my shoes on. Hang on." I put the phone back to my ear while I pulled my shoes on. "Hey, Rush, I'm going to dinner now, but I promise that we'll talk later. I believe in you. You're strong, and I know what you're capable of."
"Thanks, Laela. Have a good time. Don't talk to strangers." I could hear the smirk in his voice.
"Bye Rush," I hung up, laughing to myself.
I yanked my boots on and stepped out of my room. The girl turned back to face me as we exited the room.
"I'm Kitty, and yes, that's my real name. My parents thought it was cute. And you're Laela, the new girl and talk of the room. It seems that Molly's hating you pretty hard here. She's not used to competition."
"Who's Molly?" I felt stupid, like I should know the answer already. "Is she that red-head?"
Kitty nodded. "She's laid claim on Stitch, but doesn't seem to see that he's not interested in her. I don't think he ever will be. She's not really his type."
"He has a type?" Suddenly I wished I hadn't said anything. Kitty was staring at me with a sly smile. It reminded me of a fox. "I mean, Molly's gorgeous, why wouldn't he like her?"
"She's a witch with a capital 'B'. But you're gorgeous too, and you seem to have his attention. He's got a type," she paused to press the elevator button, "and you definitely fit it. I've seen his sketches. He told me one day when I asked why he always drew girls that looked the same, he leaned in real close and whispered," she leaned in to demonstrate, "'Because she's the perfect girl. Always has been, and always will be.'" She laughed, "Come to think of it, his drawings look a lot like you. Strange coincidence."
Coincidence... Somehow I just didn't believe that.
Clayton and I are getting married.
It's a shotgun wedding, we'll be in Vegas this weekend. All of you are welcome to join us. We'll be in a chapel on the strip, and it shall be a glorious wedding. We're both excited. We figured if we were going to get married during the school year, we may as well do it on a three day weekend. Beyond that, I decided to keep writing my Perfect Strangers story a little bit, we'll see how this goes, its off the top of my head. I'm playing with the characters... trying to figure out how they tick.I've got to get into their heads, once that happens things will run a lot smoother. Some of the names here are odd, but I congratulate myself on being able to keep it original. Mostly. And for all you who are worried about Clayton and I, please don't be. It's all in our heads. There's no wedding.
I stared at the necklace in my hands. There was something about it that seemed... odd. It refracted the light in such a way that the tiny wings looked as if they were beating in slow motion. I stroked the long body of the butterfly with my finger and I swear it shuddered. Not wanting to question my sanity more, I stuffed it into my pocket and headed back down the hall to my room. I needed to unpack and get settled, and call Tony. That was the first thing I needed to do. Hear Tony's voice. Especially after that encounter with Stitch. It made me nervous and I longed to hear a familiar voice.
Once I entered the room, er suite, I was careful to avoid the seething glares of the other girls. I wondered what was so special about Stitch that made me the instant enemy because he and I were speaking. Sure, he was attractive and all, but if that was the only reason I knew I was going to have a hard time here. Quietly I entered my room and glanced around. I dragged my belongings out of the doorway and into the room. It was larger than my room back home and felt empty. I needed to get my pictures up. First thing I retrieved from my bag were my speakers and my Ipod. I plugged them into the wall and let the sweet sounds of Breaking Benjamin fill my room. Now, don't get me wrong, just because I listen to bands like Breaking Benjamin and Three Days Grace doesn't mean I'm some child that hates the world or my life, because I don't, I just like the uniqueness of their songs. They don't write about girls all the time. They've got a way with expressing other problems in the world and I quite enjoy it. After that I seemed to move exponentially quicker. My room was set up in a few hours and I felt right at home. The last thing I placed on my dresser were pictures of my friends and family back home. I noticed that my father never really was in any of the pictures of our family. Just my mom and my little brother Kyler. Turning away from the dresser I extracted the last picture from my bag. A photo of me and Tony at the Sweetheart's Ball. We had been caught off guard and were cracking up. Him in his tux and me in my burgundy ball gown. We had an amazing time that night, and that picture captured it all.
I placed the picture on the small nightstand next to my bed and laid down on top of the new downy comforter my mom sent with me. I extracted my phone from my pocket and dialed Tony's number. He picked up on the fourth ring, just like he always did.
"Hey beautiful," he crooned, his voice made me shiver. "Miss me already?"
"I missed you the second I stepped onto that plane." I replied, fighting tears as a wave of home-sickness washed over me. "I miss everyone. This place is ridiculous."
"As in? The people, or the place."
"Both. This place is costing my father ten grand a year to keep me here, and the room is like a hotel suite. My roommates are... well let's just say I already have a few enemies. I haven't lived here for four hours and people already want my head on a platter. Things were just so much more simple back home in the States." I sighed. "Speaking of the States, how was school yesterday?"
"Empty without you. Everyone was lost without you. We need our comic relief back. You always made things interesting and without you, math just isn't the same." he said, laughing slightly, "Though I must say that Mr. Torgi isn't missing you too badly."
I laughed. "Of course he's not. The man was probably celebrating and rejoicing to high heaven that I'm out of his hair. How's Keltie?"
"She's missing you bad. She wanders around like a lost puppy without you. Even Rush is having a hard time."
"Rush? Like, big, tough, football player. That Rush?" I found myself wishing I was back in Florida with my friends. You know things are bad when the football players start to miss you.
"Yeah, the kid looked like he was going to cry. You were doing so much for him, and I was proud of you. He's been clean for three months, and now you're gone. He's afraid he's gonna go back to the booze. He left school in a panic. I think he's chained himself to his bed."
"Very funny. I'm gonna give him a call. I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"
"'Kay, love you, Laela." he said. "Wish I could kiss ya."
"Kisses, love you." I hung up and dialed Rush's number quickly. It rang and rang and rang, and just as I was about to hang up, he answered.
"OH SWEET MOTHER! YOU CALLED!!!" Rush sounded close to tears.
"Hey, Rush. Tony said you were having a hard time yesterday. Want to talk about it?" I asked; I never tried to act like his psychologist, but sometimes things just came out sounding like that. I think secretly he appreciates it.
"I'm scared, Laela. I don't know what I'm gonna do now that you're gone." he sighed, "What if I'm at a party and because you're not there, I start drinking again? I don't want to be addicted to the stuff, but I know that if I take another drink, I'll be right back in that hole you pulled me out of."
"I'll tell you what you do. If you're at a party, and you know there's alcohol there, avoid it. I know you can do it. And if it helps, picture me guarding the drinks with a rifle. I'll shoot you if you try to take a drink. You know how mean I can get with a gun." I heard him mumble 'I know,' on the other end and smiled to myself. "Just think that if you come close, I'll shoot you, and I wont shoot to kill. I'll maim you and cripple you for the rest of your life because that's what alcohol does to you. You've been sober for three months, and you've made so much progress. Listen.... what time is it now?"
"Noon..." he replied.
"Okay, that's not going to work. What time do you get done with practice after school?"
"Around five or so. Usually."
"Okay, that would make it.... ten here. So everyday after practice I want you to call me. Tell me about your day, just talk. Talk and I'll listen. I'll always be there, even if I'm not there physically."
"That's really late, Laela. Are you sure you want me calling you that late? I can always call in the morning."
"That wont work because we're five hours ahead of you guys back in Florida. I'll be fine. You are what matters. Just remember to call, okay?" There was a harsh knock at my door and a muffled voice yelling something at me. "Hang on, Rush," I stepped off my bed and went to the door. When I opened it I nearly got hit in the face by the descending fist. "Geez, don't smash my face. Can I help you?"
The girl standing there was pale; pale and perfect. Her eyes were bright green, just like Stitch's. Her hair was dark auburn and had a slight curl to it. She smiled, "Sorry, I didn't know if you could hear me over that music." She said kindly, "Dinner's starting. I figured since you are new here I'd take you down there."
"Oh, uh, sure, just let me get my shoes on. Hang on." I put the phone back to my ear while I pulled my shoes on. "Hey, Rush, I'm going to dinner now, but I promise that we'll talk later. I believe in you. You're strong, and I know what you're capable of."
"Thanks, Laela. Have a good time. Don't talk to strangers." I could hear the smirk in his voice.
"Bye Rush," I hung up, laughing to myself.
I yanked my boots on and stepped out of my room. The girl turned back to face me as we exited the room.
"I'm Kitty, and yes, that's my real name. My parents thought it was cute. And you're Laela, the new girl and talk of the room. It seems that Molly's hating you pretty hard here. She's not used to competition."
"Who's Molly?" I felt stupid, like I should know the answer already. "Is she that red-head?"
Kitty nodded. "She's laid claim on Stitch, but doesn't seem to see that he's not interested in her. I don't think he ever will be. She's not really his type."
"He has a type?" Suddenly I wished I hadn't said anything. Kitty was staring at me with a sly smile. It reminded me of a fox. "I mean, Molly's gorgeous, why wouldn't he like her?"
"She's a witch with a capital 'B'. But you're gorgeous too, and you seem to have his attention. He's got a type," she paused to press the elevator button, "and you definitely fit it. I've seen his sketches. He told me one day when I asked why he always drew girls that looked the same, he leaned in real close and whispered," she leaned in to demonstrate, "'Because she's the perfect girl. Always has been, and always will be.'" She laughed, "Come to think of it, his drawings look a lot like you. Strange coincidence."
Coincidence... Somehow I just didn't believe that.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Random Character Exercise
So..... I got bored and found this ridiculous character development questionnaire. So I just took the last questions as I don't want to fill out all 100+ questions. But I decided to just Alex Day because well recently I've been writing her a lot. So..... here goes nothing!
1. What is the thing that has frightened you most? Do you think there is anything out there that's scarier than that? What do you think that would be?
What frightens me the most? Hmm.... well certainly not dying. I'm not afraid of spiders. I'll tell you what I'm afraid of. I'm afraid of losing the man that I love. The thought alone scares me out of my mind. I've gone over and over my plan in my mind but there's no way to complete it without dying, which doesn't hurt me, but it means I can never see Quinn again. Nothing could be scarier than a place without Quinn. I don't want to admit it... but maybe I am scared of dying because I'm scared of losing him.
2. Has anyone or anything you've ever cared about died? How did you feel about it? What happened?
Has anyone or anything I've cared about died... well certainly. I fought side by side all my friends in the Great Shaian War. I've lost my family, my country, and of course my planet. I thought it was gone forever until Quinn came into my life again. But beyond that I plan on losing my life. No, I'm not taking it myself, I'll fall by the hands of the King, but this will come full circle. He'll die. He will.
3. What was the worst injury you've ever received? How did it happen?
The worst injury? Well, I've lived well beyond any person, and experienced beyond the human spectrum of pain, but the one injury that I received that caused me the most pain came because of one of my experiments. He turned sour, and well.... tried to gut me. He got pretty far before my squad came to the rescue. I ended up in the hospital on Shai for three months.
4. How ticklish are you? Where are you ticklish?
Am I ticklish? What kind of question is that? If you want to know, no scratch that, if you must know, yes I am ticklish. Quite ticklish actually. Where, I will not tell you as that could be used against me one day.
5. What is your current long term goal?
To kill the King, and spread the Virus among my people once more. This is something that I've been working on for quite some time now.
6. What is your current short term goal?
To kill the King. It's really important.
7. Do you have any bad habits? If so, what are they, and do you plan to get rid of them?
Bad habits.... yes I have a few of them. I don't plan on getting rid of them any time soon. They actually help me along in my field of work. I'm in the military.... well moonlighting in the military. My actual job is to lead the Rebellion. I've got nearly half the kingdom on my side already. I think my worst habit is that I hold grudges. I don't know if I can eliminate that from my life.
8. If you were a mundane person, what would you do with your life? What occupation would you want, and how would you spend all your time?
If I was a mundane? What is that? A magic-less being? Well I suppose if I hadn't been born on Shai I think I would probably have been a doctor.... or maybe still in the military. I'd get married and have a family. Believe it or not, I would like a family. I think I could be a decent mother if I didn't have such a bad rap sheet. It's not my fault I'm good at what I do.
9. What time period do you wish you had lived in? Why? (Looking at this as an attempt to change history doesn't count.) What appeals to you about this era?
I've lived in all of them. I think times were simpler when people believed in magic. I didn't have to hide what I was then, and people loved me... and feared me. They feared what I was capable of, but loved me as a leader. I kept them safe from the outside. That was the only time I would go back to. The time when I didn't have to hide.
10. How private of a person are you? Why?
I enjoy my privacy yes, but I also enjoy being out in the world. I don't like people snooping around in my business, I take great lengths to secure my secrets seeing as most of them are reason for me to be sentenced to death. Yes, I guess I'm a very private person.
11. If you were to gain an obscenely large sum of money (via an inheritance, a lawsuit, a lottery, or anything else) what would you do with it?
Well, considering I've been wealthy all my life (remember when I said I had lived through all the periods of time on earth? I kept all my money) so if I were to say, inherit a large sum of money, I would use it to fund my research that I of course don't pay for. it would just be nice to have.
12. What would you wish for if you found a genie?
That the King would be dead. Things would be a lot easier if he would just die already. That would be my first wish to ensure that I got it. My second? That Quinn and I could live happily ever after without being disturbed. I want to live my life out with my husband without the hassles of the outside world. Third wish? That the next king wouldn't be such a turd.
13. What do you do when you are bored?
Research. Experiment. I've turned a flower into a man-eating plant, I've fused animals to make monsters, and I've changed the DNA structures of children and made them into monsters. Rory was my first. Remember that injury I mentioned before? He was the experiment gone wrong. Slowly he lost his grip on humanity and didn't understand anything except that I had changed him. Made him what he was, and he wanted to kill me. That's what drove him. I eventually killed him. It was a sad thing. I liked that kid. He had so much potential...
14. What is the most frightening potential handicap or disfigurement you can conceive of? What makes it so frightening?
Club-foot parasitic twins with a foot growing out of their head. They have a chimera triplet. And I can't even feel sorry for baby spiders with birth defects. It's a disturbing mental image. That's why.
1. What is the thing that has frightened you most? Do you think there is anything out there that's scarier than that? What do you think that would be?
What frightens me the most? Hmm.... well certainly not dying. I'm not afraid of spiders. I'll tell you what I'm afraid of. I'm afraid of losing the man that I love. The thought alone scares me out of my mind. I've gone over and over my plan in my mind but there's no way to complete it without dying, which doesn't hurt me, but it means I can never see Quinn again. Nothing could be scarier than a place without Quinn. I don't want to admit it... but maybe I am scared of dying because I'm scared of losing him.
2. Has anyone or anything you've ever cared about died? How did you feel about it? What happened?
Has anyone or anything I've cared about died... well certainly. I fought side by side all my friends in the Great Shaian War. I've lost my family, my country, and of course my planet. I thought it was gone forever until Quinn came into my life again. But beyond that I plan on losing my life. No, I'm not taking it myself, I'll fall by the hands of the King, but this will come full circle. He'll die. He will.
3. What was the worst injury you've ever received? How did it happen?
The worst injury? Well, I've lived well beyond any person, and experienced beyond the human spectrum of pain, but the one injury that I received that caused me the most pain came because of one of my experiments. He turned sour, and well.... tried to gut me. He got pretty far before my squad came to the rescue. I ended up in the hospital on Shai for three months.
4. How ticklish are you? Where are you ticklish?
Am I ticklish? What kind of question is that? If you want to know, no scratch that, if you must know, yes I am ticklish. Quite ticklish actually. Where, I will not tell you as that could be used against me one day.
5. What is your current long term goal?
To kill the King, and spread the Virus among my people once more. This is something that I've been working on for quite some time now.
6. What is your current short term goal?
To kill the King. It's really important.
7. Do you have any bad habits? If so, what are they, and do you plan to get rid of them?
Bad habits.... yes I have a few of them. I don't plan on getting rid of them any time soon. They actually help me along in my field of work. I'm in the military.... well moonlighting in the military. My actual job is to lead the Rebellion. I've got nearly half the kingdom on my side already. I think my worst habit is that I hold grudges. I don't know if I can eliminate that from my life.
8. If you were a mundane person, what would you do with your life? What occupation would you want, and how would you spend all your time?
If I was a mundane? What is that? A magic-less being? Well I suppose if I hadn't been born on Shai I think I would probably have been a doctor.... or maybe still in the military. I'd get married and have a family. Believe it or not, I would like a family. I think I could be a decent mother if I didn't have such a bad rap sheet. It's not my fault I'm good at what I do.
9. What time period do you wish you had lived in? Why? (Looking at this as an attempt to change history doesn't count.) What appeals to you about this era?
I've lived in all of them. I think times were simpler when people believed in magic. I didn't have to hide what I was then, and people loved me... and feared me. They feared what I was capable of, but loved me as a leader. I kept them safe from the outside. That was the only time I would go back to. The time when I didn't have to hide.
10. How private of a person are you? Why?
I enjoy my privacy yes, but I also enjoy being out in the world. I don't like people snooping around in my business, I take great lengths to secure my secrets seeing as most of them are reason for me to be sentenced to death. Yes, I guess I'm a very private person.
11. If you were to gain an obscenely large sum of money (via an inheritance, a lawsuit, a lottery, or anything else) what would you do with it?
Well, considering I've been wealthy all my life (remember when I said I had lived through all the periods of time on earth? I kept all my money) so if I were to say, inherit a large sum of money, I would use it to fund my research that I of course don't pay for. it would just be nice to have.
12. What would you wish for if you found a genie?
That the King would be dead. Things would be a lot easier if he would just die already. That would be my first wish to ensure that I got it. My second? That Quinn and I could live happily ever after without being disturbed. I want to live my life out with my husband without the hassles of the outside world. Third wish? That the next king wouldn't be such a turd.
13. What do you do when you are bored?
Research. Experiment. I've turned a flower into a man-eating plant, I've fused animals to make monsters, and I've changed the DNA structures of children and made them into monsters. Rory was my first. Remember that injury I mentioned before? He was the experiment gone wrong. Slowly he lost his grip on humanity and didn't understand anything except that I had changed him. Made him what he was, and he wanted to kill me. That's what drove him. I eventually killed him. It was a sad thing. I liked that kid. He had so much potential...
14. What is the most frightening potential handicap or disfigurement you can conceive of? What makes it so frightening?
Club-foot parasitic twins with a foot growing out of their head. They have a chimera triplet. And I can't even feel sorry for baby spiders with birth defects. It's a disturbing mental image. That's why.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
I realized that I'm such a procrastinator!!! I tell myself that I'm going to blog every day, but that never happens. I promise though that i'll make a better effort to put up a post every (or close to it) day. Well to start off, my birthday is coming up. I'm going to be 18. I feel so old. My parents decided that I can have a party here, and the more I think about it, the less people I realize that I actually hang out with. I've been stuck with the same people since like... ninth grade. Well not really. Most of them went to PG, so I guess the correct thing to say would be that I've been stuck with the same crowd since my sophomore year. Oh well though, that's what college is for. I'll meet new people, make new friends. I'm looking forward to that actually. Maybe then I'll go on more dates.... And speaking of dates, I did go on one last night with a boy named Themis (i think i spelled that right.... it's pronounced tem-eese.). Turns out my neighbor, who used to be great friends with him, now can't stand him, so I get this text message today asking me why the heck I went out with this kid. Well, the answer is because Erin and Amber were kind enough to set me up. I quite enjoyed my date actually. We all had fun. But my tooth broke. And no, it's not what you're thinking. I had a temporary filling in that tooth for a while now, and it just happened to break yesterday. We went to see the new Disney film Tangled. I adore that movie by the way, I sing the songs to myself everyday. Then we went to Farr's and got some yummy ice cream and I sat by the fire and hogged all the warmth. I hate winter. I think the most enjoyable part of it all was when I kicked everyone's butt in the game we played at Amber's house. It's called Betrayal at the House on the Hill. I had never even heard of it before last night, but it was strangely fun. I'm stealing it from Erin for my party. Anyway, I'll get around to posting the pictures for the last few days later. I'm back to watching Robin Hood.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
So I'm so sorry I've been missing for so long! AH! Anyway I've been good, nothing much going on, just trying not to kill myself with my mosaic for mythology. UGH, it's soooooooo annoying.I'm ready to be done with it. You have no idea how annoying it is unless you've done your own. Eventually I'll get a picture up here.... Maybe. Anyway I've been working on my project 365 and I meant to put my pictures here, but I haven't. Hahahah I'm such a procrastinator. Days1-4. Let me know what you think!

OK so I watched the new episode of Castle last night. I highly recommend that show to anyone who hasn't seen it. It's addicting. Anyway, this particular episode was about how Castle's book got turned into a movie, and the actress that was playing the main character came to shadow Beckett for a while to "get into character." I'll say. She's freaky! I was so frustrated with her the whole time because no one gets in the way of CastlexBeckett and lives. She made me sooooooooo angry!!! Ask Nikki, she was there. She was angry with her too and she didn't even know who Nikki Heat was. Gah! Anyway, aside from that, we also watched the Bachelor, and there are a bunch of girls that I think are crazy already. I do like Ashlee. She's cute. Plus she got the first impression rose, which is good. But there is this crazy chick! She sharpened her canines so she has fangs! She's nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OOOH and while I w as doing dishes the other night, the trailer for I Am Number Four came on and i squealed. Yes, I squealed like a little girl and jumped up and down while watching the always sexy Alex Pettyfer on the screen. Can't wait to see that movie!
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