Sunday, December 26, 2010


Merry Christmas!!! (A day later) I was sooooo busy yesterday hahhahah just kidding. But my internet wasn't up until late that's why this post is coming today. Anyway, I hope you all had a great Christmas and Santa delivered well. Speaking of which, I figured I would tell you what I got.

Here's the list:
  • Underwear. Who doesn't get underwear for Christmas? If you didn't I'm getting you some next year.
  • Super cute sweater that my little brother got me.
  • Purple dress coat I love it!
  • Lots of gum. Now I don't have to ask all my friends for gum!!
  • Barnes & Noble gift card
  • Socks
  • X-Men: The Last Stand. Now all I need is Origins and my collection will be complete.
  • Neclace from my brother that reminded me of the water tribe symbol. I'm a nerd.
  • Silly bands
  • Lots of chocolate
  • Never Ending Fuzzy Blanket
  • Seventeen Again
  • Prince of Persia
  • How to Train Your Dragon
  • Pajamas
  • Sorcerer's Apprentice
  • LAPTOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's where this post is coming from. My mini laptop. I've named him Kyle. Kyle Hyde. Hahah great name right? I totally stole it from a video game. My little brothers all got a DS for Christmas and a bunch of games. There were some games in there that they couldn't play, because my mom's a real big believer in the ratings. They're not teens yet, so there are three games that I have staked claim on. They are Tomb Raider: Underworld, Quantum of Solice, and Dusk Hotel: Room 215. That last game is where I got the name. It's surprisingly addicting. I'm loving it. Anyway, enough of that. I'm gonna give you some pictures of Kyle. He's so cute!!! And I mean all three of them. Kyle Hyde. Mini Kyle Hyde, and Kyle Rutland. Yep, there's lots of them in my life.

Love you guys!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Random Crossover Exercise!

SOOOOO Erin did this first and I loved it, so I had to do it myself. Naturally. Anyway, the characters are mostly from different stories. It's intended for the characters to be from the same book, but oh well. If you're going to do this yourself, make your list of ten characters before you read the questions~ it's more fun that way!!

  1. Alex Day (Shai [uh... she's not technically my character, but I write her all the time.] )
  2. Larkin Renate (Branded [working title])
  3. Seili Sagasu (The Glade)
  4. Tripp (Shai)
  5. Uruviel Ancalimon (The Glade)
  6. Alexander Reza (Branded)
  7. Quinn Karter (Shai)
  8. King Gage Foxburr (The Glade
  9. Jaycee Kudro (Branded)
  10. Tesla (AtLA: Fourth Season [that's a story that Erin writes.... again I don't own her, but she's based off of me.] )
1) 4[Tripp] invites 3[Seili] and 8[Foxburr] to dinner at their house. What happens?
    Blood. Seili wouldn't sit in a room with Foxburr after what he did to Kaeli. Seili would go crazy, grab whichever weapon he could be it his bow or his sword, and Foxburr would whip out his crazy fire magic, and poor Tripp would be stuck in the middle of it, probably cowering in the corner freaking out about magic. He's already had to deal with loosing Alex, but of course he never knew she was a magic user, but that's beside the point. I'm sure the conversation would go a little something like this.

Tripp swung the door open happily, "Welcome Seili! Now that you're here we can start." he smiled,

Seili said nothing, following the blonde back to the dining room. When he entered, he saw the other guest seated at the table. He growled, his hand flinching to his sword.

"What are you doing here you low life?" Foxburr asked, glancing nonchalauntly up at the other man.

"I'm here to kill you," Seili replied, charging for the table.

Yep, that's how it would go. Battle ensues and Tripp makes it out alive!
2) 9[Jaycee] tries to get 5[Uruviel] to go to a strip club.
"Oh come on, it'll be fun!" Jaycee urged, tugging on the pirate's arm.

"You think going to a strip club is fun? I daresay if that is your definition of fun, I would rather play with a Minsk for an hour." the crimson eyed woman replied, tucking her ghostly white hair behind her ear. "You go, I'll be fine."

"Are you sure? There's bound to be a hot guy just waiting for you there. Lots of people like... pirates."

Silence was the only answer she needed.

3) You need to stay at a friends house for the night. Do you chose 1[Alex] or 6[Alexander]?
Oh, that's easy. Definitely Alexander. He's a lot less likely to use me as a test subject for the Virus. That and he's smokin hot.

4) 2[Larkin] and 7[Quinn] are making out. 10[Tesla] walks in...their reaction?
Ya, that would never happen because Larkin is terrified of men to the point of passing out, which usually doesn't help her. But, since this is just a writing exercise,I'll go along with it.

Tesla peeked through the door, the lights were off, but there were weird noises coming from the corner of the room. Cautiously she drew water from her hip holster and molded it into a long whip before flipping on the lights. There was a scream, and then water hitting ice. Quinn sat, holding Larkin in his lap, his shirt half buttoned, and hers missing, staring at Tesla with a look of shock.

"You're a waterbender?!" Tesla exclaimed, forgetting to ask what they were doing. "I didn't know that! From what tribe?"

Quinn stared blankly at her. "Water... bender? That's a new term for it, and I'm sure I'm not from a tribe."

Tesla glared apprehensively. "Sure..."

5) 3[Seili] falls in love with 6[Alexander]. 8[Foxburr] is jealous. What happens?
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH *shot* That's just too funny. For one, they are all men, and I'm pretty sure they're all straight. Like straighter than a board. So we're gonna skip that one before my eyes bleed.

6) 4[Tripp] jumps you in a dark alleyway. Who comes to your rescue? 10[Tesla], 2[Larkin] or 7[Quinn]?
Not Larkin. She's learned after recent events that people shoot at you when you close yourself into an alley way, so she concequently avoids them like the plauge. WATERBENDERS TO THE RESCUE! They would make a pretty kick butt team and I'd be safe from Tripp in no time. But I'm sure it would take one solid glare from Quinn and he would drop me. No magic required.

7) 1[Alex] decides to start a cooking show. 15 minutes later what is happening?
"Now, we marinade the chicken for twenty-four hours," she says to the camera in front of her, smiling as if she is programmed to. "Wouldn't want tasteless chicken, would we?"

She's doing great, believe it or not she's an awesome cook.

8) 5[Uruviel] is in a car crash and is critically injured. What does 9[Jaycee] do?
Uruviel: "What the heck is a car?"

The frantic blonde dashed around the street, screaming into the phone, "You have to save her, she's gonna die if you don't! She's delusional, claiming she's a pirate and that she doesn't know what a car is. Yes, right away. Corner of Lexington and 3rd."

9) 3[Seili] has to marry either 8[Foxburr], 5[Uruviel] or 9[Jaycee]. Who do they chose?
Like i said before, Seili is straight. Besides, we saw how his and the King's relationship was. Not good. Hmmmmm well, Uruviel ends up dying, so that leaves.... wait. Jaycee dies too. Oh boy. He would probably pick Jaycee because she's human, just like Kaeli, and she's blonde, just like Kaeli, and she's short, just like Kaeli. Hmmmmm.

10) 7[Quinn] kidnaps 2[Larkin] and demands something from 5[Uruviel] for 2[Larkin]'s release. What is it?
Why the heck would Quinn kidnap Larkin? OK, well what would he demand for her release.....

"I want Alex," Quinn whispered harshly, "Bring me Alex, and Larkin goes free."

Yep, that's how it would go.

11) You get to meet either 2[Larkin] or 6[Alexander]. Who do you chose?
Alexander. He's hot.

12) 10[Tesla] challenges 4[Tripp] to a chariot race. Why?
Tesla's pretty sure she can beat Tripp. He's small. Not very strong looking, and she's a waterbender. Duh. She's gonna cheat. That's why.

13) Everyone gangs up on 3[Seili]. Does 3[Seili] have a chance in Hell?
Bring it on. He's taken on the King's army and lived, he's kick butt.

14) Everyone is invited to 2[Larkin] and 9[Jaycee]'s wedding except for 8[Foxburr]. How do they react?
"WE'RE GETTING MARRIED?!!?" the girls screamed at once.

15) Why is 6[Alexander] afraid of 7[Quinn]?
Because Quinn is an alien. That's right. He's an alien that looks like a normal person. Quinn knows everything, and he can bend water.

16) 10[Tesla] gathers everyone around to tell them a fairy tale. How does it go?
"Okay everyone, we're having story time!!" Tesla exclaimed, herding everyone into a group and telling them to be seated. "Well, I'm gonna tell a story that all of you have never heard. I guarentee it." There were a few moans from the older crowd, "It's an epic tale of one small boy and his band of friends. They were off to save the world from the evil Pheonix King...."

Captivating, I'm sure. It really is. Check out my other blog:

17) 1[Alex] arrives late for 2[Larkin] and 9[Jaycee]'s wedding. What happens? And why is 1[Alex] late?
Well, she's probably late because she was sleeping with the general and forgot to get up. If there even is a wedding. I'm sure Larkin's not happy with this arrangement.

18) 5[Uruviel] and 9[Jaycee] get roaring drunk and end up at your house. What happens?
There would be lots of singin. Singing about walking down the street, singing about pirates, singing about being drunk. Singing about singing. Uruviel has to drink a lot to get drunk. She's a pirate and can hold her own against a good brew of whiskey and rum. Jaycee.... she's a cheep drunk.

19) 3[Seili], 8[Foxburr], 6[Alexander], and 4[Tripp] all go to the zoo for 8[Foxburr]'s birthday party. How does it go? What presents do they get 8[Foxburr]?
I can tell you what Seili's gift to the King would be. The taste of his blade in his throat. There would be no safe place if these two were stuck at a zoo. Foxburr would summon his demons and there would be a rampage, I'm sure. Seili would likely be a mad man on a rampage. Alexander would make a beeline to wherever felt safest. He's good at getting away from situations like this. Tripp. He's probably looking for a control room where he feels safest. Technology comforts him. He's such a nerd.

20) Everyone gets together and start protesting something outside of your house. What are they protesting? What do you do?
Seili's probably protesting those questions where I had to write him and Foxburr together and Foxburr wasn't dead. Jaycee, is proably shouting about being killed off. She had so much to live for. Alexander and Larkin, probably the fact that they're 18 and fugitves. Tripp would be sad about losing Alex. Alex is angry about the fact that the King of her planet is still alive and she died. Quinn.... protesting the same thing, with a high emphasis on the fact that Alex is dead, and he's not. Uruviel... she's dead. So she's probably yelling about that, but making sure that Keichii is still safe. Tesla.... Maybe the fact that she's not with a certain somone yet. (Erin, hint hint wink wink).

21) 9[Jacyee] murders 2[Larkin]'s best friend. What does 2[Larkin] do to get back at them?
Awesome. A lover's spat. Well, considering all the crap that Larkin's been through and the fact that either Killswitch, Arden or Alexander are now dead, she'd be filling Jaycee (a contact that gives her information) with lead.

22) 1[Alex] and 3[Seili] are in mortal danger. Only one of them can survive. Does 1[Alex] save him/herself or 3[Seili]?
They're in mortal danger?? Alex must have been the cause of it. She has a way of doing things like that. Alex would of course save herself because she has no emotional connection with Seili whatsoever. Now if it was Quinn, or Tripp, she'd save them. Definitely.

23) Which one of them is most likely to fail at life?
Uh...None of them?? If we want to go 'fail at life' in the sense that they die, early of course, then... Jaycee, Alex, Uruviel, and possibly Alexander. I haven't decided on him yet.

24) 5[Uruviel] is trapped in a cave. 10[Tesla] comes to rescue them. What happens?
Shapaow! Waterbending attack on the rock. Lol just kidding. Tesla would for sure get her out, probably by leaving a trail of water she's bended from the entrance to wherever Uruviel ended up.

25) 3[Seili] starts a day camp. What happens?
It would be a boot camp. They'd all be training to kill the King. Yep, that's how crazy he is. Alex would enjoy the camp. Thoroughly. It's a little sad.

26) 4[Tripp], 6[Alexander], and 7[Quinn] are doing the Hokey-Pokey. 8[Foxburr] walks in. What happens?
They would. Maybe not so much Quinn as the other two. Quinn would probably be half-baking it, and the other two would be all out. Foxburr might think it was some sort of ritual to make him stronger, and join. That, or just watch wondering what the heck they are doing.

27) 1[Alex] starts to write a fan-fiction where 9[Jaycee] and 10[Tesla] are going out. What is 2[Larkin]'s reaction?
So long as she's not the lesbian anymore.... I'm sure she's fine with it. But why would Alex write something like that? She's evil, but not that evil.

28) 7[Quinn] makes an apple pie. Is it any good?
Yes it is. Quinn is a good cook too! It was his mother, she raised him good.

29) 8[Foxburr] and 3[Seili] go camping. For some reason they forget to bring any food. What do they do?
They don't have a problem. Who cares that they forgot food. They'll kill each other. Simple as that.

30) While they are camping, they run into The Blair Witch. What do they do?
Foxburr probably summoned her. That sneaky little poop. Seili would kill her. It might take him a while, and by the time that's over, Foxburr is gone. Oh well.

31) The quiz is over. What does everyone go to do now?
They go back to their lives. Well, who ever is left alive. Seili would probably be looking for Kaeli since he's in the human realm and that's where she went back to. Tripp would go home to Alex's old house. Long story. Anyway, they'd be normal again. Mostly.

Hahahaa I did this because I wanted to. What else to do if you're sick?

Friday, December 17, 2010


So there has been soooooo much crap going on lately it's driving me to bits. I've been ready to break down and cry for the last few days. All the stress from every project that I've got going on is killing me. I've been working on my mosaic for my Mythology class. Hopefully I'll get some pictures of my progress up here, but forgive me if I don't. Oh and for all of you who commented before on my posts, for some reason they all disappeared and I can't get them back. I don't even know if you've commented recently. For some reason its not working and that makes me really upset. SO, I'm going to make a special request of all of you who read this post. Please comment so that I know if I'm crazy or not. Oh, and if you know my number, or see me, text me to tell me you left a comment so that I can check, or shoot me an email to Thanks guys. I'm really sad that all the comments are missing. Sorry guys!!! I still love you. I've enabled my blog so I can receive comments from anonymous people, so just leave a comment if you can. Thanks guys again for this, I know it's a strange thing to ask but I really do enjoy reading your comments. They make me feel cool.

Oh! I also finished these shoes I had been working on for my friend Torie. She ordered them for her brother-in-law for Christmas. He's a huge Saints fan, so that's what I did for these shoes. I am super proud of how they turned out!!! I'll post pictures as soon as I can. (I'm writing this at school)The fleur de lis nearly killed me there, but I really loved how it turned out! UH......... oh, I'm working on my portfolio for creative writing, so I have another request to make of you my 5 followers and random readers. Of the three (I say three because I am going to post a new one below) pieces that I have put on my blog, which would be the best to put into my portfolio? I've got my required pieces, but I have to insert seven others besides those. I'll be posting a few other stories and such up here and I want to know what you think. After it's all done and my portfolio is completed I'll post everything I've done here. Maybe. If I want to. So.... thanks again everyone! I love you guys!

This was an assignment we did in class. Our teacher put on some instrumental music and we were just supposed to write whatever came to mind based on the music we heard. This is what was created. I don't know what songs were played, but this one started with a dark sort of underscore with some strings and what sounded like a timpani, the music swelled suddenly and there was some sort of blast with a bunch of drums and then the strings played a dark intense and urgent spell of music. The end resolved in the same dark sounds as before with a hint of something lighter. Hope that was an accurate description and it helps you understand the piece a little better. I'll ask my teacher what the song was and maybe put it up. I would love to get his cds. There are a bunch of songs that I could use to help me with my writing. Anyway, here's my piece. It's without title. Just Song #2. Enjoy.

One more floor, I stared at the monstrous building before me , fixing my eyes on the highest floor. If he could just get up one more floor we would finally understand why our lives had been turned upside down and we had somehow become enemies of the United States.

We heard a crash over the earpiece. I tensed up, feeling Arden and Killswitch do the same. We sucked in a uniform breath and waited in intense silence for a sign that Alexander was still alive. He had volunteered himself for the job, and reluctantly we let him go. For some reason I felt my heart squeeze when he left. I didn’t understand it; I couldn’t let myself open up to anyone… especially a boy who had the ability to take advantage of me just like Ryan had. I felt my hand tightening around the walkie in my pocket.

“There are security guards everywhere!” Alexander whispered frantically over the earpiece that Arden had stolen from the security guards we encountered earlier. “I don’t think I can get to Duhn’s office.”

I bit my lip and looked at Killswitch. He was still focused on the building, his face drawn into a scowl, probably analyzing the place for the best escape routes he could see. Suddenly, I became aware of a red beam trained onto the center of his forehead, and before I had time to think about what I was doing, I tackled him to the ground as the cement block of the shop behind us exploded with the impact of the bullet. I rolled over in the debris just as another sniper took aim at Arden.

“Arden move!!” I screamed, hearing Alexander’s frantic questions hissed over the earpiece but I couldn’t answer. “Alexander, get out of there!”

Killswitch dragged me to my feet and pulled me behind him into an alley way, leaving Arden behind. I wanted to yank my hand out of his; I couldn’t be alone with him. I didn’t care if he was my friend… I couldn’t—wouldn’t—be alone with a man. Ever. I clawed at his hand with mine, hearing the recorded sounds of Ryan’s voice in my head. “Larkin, stop trying to resist this. Just cooperate and everything will be okay; tell your mother and you will all be living on the streets.” I felt tears stinging at the corners of my eyes as the memories enveloped me. Killswitch’s grip on my wrist tightened and I was yanked back to my senses.

We were being shot at. We had agreed that if something like this were to ever happen, that we were to run. It didn’t matter if we were together. It came right down to self preservation. If one of us lived to get our hands on the information that would redeem all of us, better one, than all. I felt bitter angry tears in my eyes. I wouldn’t let the monsters win again. Not this time. They had already taken so much away from me and I wasn’t going to give them more. I had to go back for my friends.

Killswitch’s grip tightened again as if he knew what I was thinking, and then the sirens reached my ears. We had learned that when the sirens came, it didn’t matter where we wanted to go before, we ran away from the sirens at all costs. A shower of brick shards fell on us from overhead, gashing my arm. I cried out in pain, but kept running, never looking back. Alexander’s voice had disappeared and I couldn’t hear Arden’s over the earpiece either. Killswitch was yelling something at me, but I didn’t hear it. The snipers… had they taken another one of my friends?

My tears burned, just like my lungs burned in my chest and my legs screamed at me to stop, to give up, but I couldn’t. I ran faster. The sirens were getting closer.

“I’ll come back for you, Alexander.” I whispered, hoping my promise would reach him and hoping it wouldn’t be too late. “I promise.”

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Book Ideas

Ok well I know you've seen that chapter from my random dreamed up story "Perfect Strangers." I'm not so sure that's going anywhere any time soon. So in the mean time, I don't even know if i spelled that right, here's another random chapter I've been working mindlessly on. It's something that I write a lot on actually because I like these characters. Let me know what you think.


Rolling over in my bed resulted in a direct beam of sunlight onto my eyes, piercing through the lids and forcing me to roll back over. I was awake now. No point in trying to go back to sleep. I blinked my sleepiness away, mostly, and sat up slower than molasses on a cold morning. My curtains had been cracked, only slightly, resulting in the bar of light that tore me from my dreams. My dreams were a happier place than my reality; I preferred living there over this. The dusty light filtered into the room just enough for me to do a mental check of my belongings. It had become a daily ritual in light of recent events. Next I scanned the room for anything that was out of place or looked fishy. Everything passed all my tests… until I looked at my dresser.
My heart stopped for a split second and then it raced. I felt my body tense up and my cheeks flush. It was missing. My prized possession, my baby, it was gone!
Arden,” I growled, throwing the blankets off of me and putting my feet on the cold floor, standing up and forgetting I was wearing only my underwear and a skimpy camisole. “I am so going to kill him.”
I marched out of my room, throwing the door against the wall and rattling the ancient frame of the house, my blonde braid thumping against my back in time with my hasty footsteps. The paint on the walls was peeling and the wooden floors were blackened with age and use. The wind whipped through the broken windows, chilling my bare skin, and the lights didn’t work. My pointed glare remained fixed on the room in the distance where male voices were echoing in front of me.
“Arden! Arden where the heck are you?” I yelled my voice still scratchy from sleep.
I stepped into the room, my brow furrowed into an ugly glare, my hands went to my hips and I puffed my chest out; the voices stopped instantly. Arden and Mitch—Killswitch as I fondly call the “Killer of All Joy”—stood huddled together over the rickety excuse of a table in the center of the room staring up at me like I had transformed into a horrid looking beast. Arden, the resident kleptomaniac, looked me up and down and smiled greedily to himself.
“Arden, where is my guitar?” I demanded, “I swear if you steal it again, I’ll chain you to Killswitch!”
“I didn’t take it!” he gave me the grin I knew all too well—he was lying. “I swear!”
I could see his fingers twitch together. “Where is it?”
“I haven’t touched it since I took it yesterday.”
“Ah hah!” I jumped forward, brandishing my finger at him as if it were a sword. I knew he had taken it, and he’s not a very convincing liar either. “It disappeared last night while I slept, now where is it?”
The sound of sweet guitar music reached my ears, drawing my attention away from Arden. I recognized the dissonant harmony in the chords as my song came to life in the dingy house. I found myself mindlessly humming the tune to the words while my body unconsciously turned toward the sound. My rage was forgotten completely as the music filled my soul, making me lose myself. The melody was beautiful, far more beautiful than I had imagined it could have been when I played it.
“You remind me of Cerberus,” Killswitch noted dully, “a furious guarder of the gates, but the soft sound of music calms your rage. That’s what we’ll call you from now on. Larkin Renate is no more. She is now Cerberus.”
I glanced back over my shoulder with a pointed glare. “Shut up, Killswitch. You’re such a joy-sucking moment killer, you know?”
He shrugged, “That’s what I’ve been told.”
My hand went to my scar that cut through the left side of my lips and my finger traced it mindlessly. Alexander, I didn’t know you could play, I thought as I wandered back down the hallway and pushed open the rickety door to Alexander’s room. He was sitting on his bed, his dark hair sweeping over his eyes as he leaned forward, hands caressing my beautiful blue Les Paul gently; the sweet sound of his playing nearly made me melt. I am a sucker for music. But you’re not worth his time or attention. He could hurt you, just like Ryan did, nagged a terrible voice in the back of my mind. I stepped back, bumping into the doorframe and startling Alexander out of his trance. He looked up, noticing me trying to quietly slip from the room without being seen, and laughed.
“Larkin,” his gentle voice stopped me in my tracks, “You’re not wearing pants.”
I dropped my gaze to my legs. He was right, I wasn’t wearing pants, and my excuse for a shirt wasn’t much better. I crossed my arms over my chest and dashed from the room, feeling my face flush, and the uncomfortable knot drop into the pit of my stomach. This always happened when I was alone with a boy. Always. I slammed my door behind me and ripped the drawers open on my dresser, pulling out one of the only pieces of clothing I had to my name; a sweater which was seven times too big and dangled over my left shoulder, and a pair of jeans. Alexander stood in my doorway when I turned around to exit. His face was dirty and his crooked smile lit his golden eyes. His clothes were tattered, just like mine; just like everyone’s.
“Arden and Mitch are looking for us, they say it’s important.” He waved his hand for me to follow him. “Now that you’re dressed, if you would follow me.” He bowed himself out of the room and started down the hallway.
I padded silently behind him, pulling my braid over my shoulder and undoing it. It stayed curly for all of what seemed to be a few minutes; a new record! When Alexander and I reached the front room, Arden and Mitch were waiting, anxious looks on their faces. They turned toward a stolen police scanner on the table of the “borrowed” house we were in. They turned the volume up on the scanner so we could hear the report. It wasn’t a good one.
“All officers are to be on high alert. The Renegades are still at large. Be on the lookout for Arden Lightwood—nineteen— Mitch Cornwall—nineteen—Waya “Alexander” Reza—nineteen—and Larkin Renate—eighteen. They are wanted for crimes against the state including larceny, grand theft auto, and conspiracy.” Commanded a dark voice, “They are not to be taken lightly; they are highly intelligent and capable of murder. Don’t under estimate their abilities. They are to be taken alive; the use of force is acceptable.”
My mood darkened as I was again reminded of my status with the nation. We were “The Renegades”, traitors to our country all for one thing; we had released a man sentenced to die for a crime he hadn’t committed.
“At least we have a cool name,” Arden joked, his smile breaking over his face, lighting his ghostly blue eyes, “‘The Renegades,’ I like it.”

Monday, December 13, 2010

Children's Book

Oh my stressed out. It's not even funny. I had this mini emotional breakdown the other day. The stress from this children's book drove me mad. I literally started crying. It was awful. I thought I had more time on my book, but the announcement in class the other day was that it was due Tuesday. That's right, Tuesday. My whole weekend was ruined by that, and my choir concert, which actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It sounded better in the second show because we were more confident, and the mics were on! YA! We went through a whole show without mics on in the choir. The orchestra had their mics on and the soloist had his on, but not the choir. Grr. Anyway, enough of that, I'm sure they will post a review in Deseret News. Eventually.

Back to the children's book. It's killing me dead, but I finally finished it. After I wanted to claw my eyes out. I'll post some pictures when I get home, and get a chance. I have work today, which I'm sort of excited for. I am just super tired. Um, ya, and this girl that asked me to take her shifts for thursday and friday, but then she calls back and is all, "Just kidding, what I had going on fell through, so I'm going to be able to work my shifts," and as I was saying, "Well ok, then I'll---" and then she hung up. Before I could say I'll still work. Ya, so I don't know what I'm going to do. I'll probably talk to Allysa tonight. It makes me mad that I only work a few days every two weeks, so I jumped at the chance for some extra hours. Now that chance is gone I guess. Oh poooo.

I found a new program that I think I'm gonna start using for my art. It's called PaintTool Sai. Lots of people use it, and their stuff looks really good, but I'm still trying to figure it out. Hopefully I'll figure it out and be able to show you what I did.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Timp's Got Talent

Hey y'all! Before I delve into the events of the day for today, I must first tell you about last night.

To start off I was stuck at this awful rehearsal for my choir concert on Saturday. Our director gave us our music like a week ago, and this concert has been advertised in Deseret News apparently. Yha, we didn't know. Thanks Mr. Swenson for that lovely bomb there. We sound so awful!! We know like two of the songs, and those are the ones we practiced with the orchestra. OH MY GOSH. I sound like a dying cow because I sing alto 2 and those notes are funky! For the "Silent Night" song we're supposed to be the "angelic background singers" for the soloist David (and or Dallin not sure which but it's one of the two) Ballis. He sounds great, but we sound like dying cows. We don't know any of our notes, which is bad because this concert is supposed to be huge. Last year when we did it we had two apostles show up. Yep, I got to meet Pres. Uchdorf and Elder Oaks. It was fun. UHG, anyway, wish us all luck with our concert. I'll let you know how that one goes on Saturday.

Ok, moving on. After I left rehearsal (earlier than every other poor soul in that room) I drove down to the Provo library for the senior dinner dance. That was so much fun! Dinner was great, we had some sort of lemon chicken with roasted potatoes and beans and a roll that was more fluffy air than it was roll, but it tasted good. Hmmm, oh! We put our names in a drawing for prizes, and I won a free pizza delivery during class any time I want. Pretty cool, but I don't know when I'm gonna use it. Probably when I get super hungry or something. I'd feel really fat though ordering a whole pizza for myself. HAHAHAH that's OK, I'm a fatty anyway. Um the dance was FABULOUS. I discovered that I, among all my other friends, have the dirtiest dancing style. I think I'm sort of proud of that in a strange way. I had no idea I could move my body the way I did last night. It was sort of hot, I'm not gonna lie.Some kid told me I looked really good while I was dancing. He was hot too. I don't know who he was, but I don't think I'd ever seen him before. Er..... slow songs.... I never really get asked to dance, I don't know why, but it makes me kinda upset. Um, I was gonna ask Kyle to dance, but then I thought it might be weird if I had to go to class the next day and see him. He's way cute, and I wish I wasn't well.... with my crowd, maybe I'd have a chance with him. But I guess he saw me dancing and told me he wished I would have come over. Oh well. I was wearing these sexy lace tights that everyone loved, and a great red dress. Only problem with that was the fact that the dress was really flow-y, and came up when I jumped around, so put lace tights and flow-y dress together and you get a disaster waiting to happen. But it didn't, thank goodness. I had a blast, but I thought it was really weird that we had a dance on a Wednesday night instead of like a weekend. Well.... that was the senior dinner dance.


Well today was the school talent show, and may I say that the kids in the talent show today were amazing! Taylor White has amazing skill. He's only got one arm, but is still an absolutely amazing guitar player. And his voice is beautiful. Karoline, sexy as ever in her ballroom number. Chance. Oh boy. He's just weird, but his number was funny!!! He sang a song with every country in the world in it. Nolan!!! He's in my web design class. He sang that Trolololo song so good! Hmmmmm what else. Oh Alan and Tim did this amazing dance. It was super sweet! They are awesome, and their random dance to Taylor Swift's song um....... that Romeo and Juliet one. Forgive me, I don't listen to the whiny hormonal girl sing about boys and her problems. Anyway, I saw a few people recording it, so if I can get my hands on a copy I'll post it here. It was so cool!! Amy has a beautiful voice! I didn't know she could sing, but her voice is just as pretty as she is.

Um that's it. Well Kyle invited me to play Call of Duty with him, and I accepted. What was I thinking?! I don't play that stupid game!!!! I don't even know how to shoot! UHG. What we do for boys. I hate it. But oh well. I have until next weekend..... I think that was the plan... to learn how to play. Then they can watch me as I fail miserably in front of them. Oh well. Wish me luck!

Yesterday my friend sang about something random. Like completely out of the blue. He's so weird. Today Robyn sang about knifing people in Call of Duty during fourth period. It was so fun! Hahahah I love it! Oh and I found out the boy that sits in front of me in Zoology is going to the junior Olympics next year. He's a fencer! That's so cool! I didn't even know he did that until it was on the announcements today. That's super awesome. Eew and may I say that this certain girl in that class is dumber than a bag of bricks. She isn't one of those pretty girls that acts dumb to get attention, at least I don't think so because her stupidity seems genuine. Completely genuine. It's sad. She makes me want to hit my head against a wall.

Anyway, I'm checking out for now.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Yes, that describes about how I feel today. I just feel super sick. It started when I woke up this morning. It's one of those things where you wake up and you feel fine, until you actually stand up. Yes, that's the thing that hit me today. Ew. I don't even know what it is, I just feel gross. I haven't eaten anything since breakfast because that backfired on me, so I'm hungry and tired and my head hurts. UGH. I found out the other day that I have a dress rehearsal for my choir concert that it seems everyone else but me knew about. Hahahaha we all laugh at you Alex, yes I know. Thank you. Anyway, today I wanted to say two things: One, I don't feel good, and two, there's a new Zelda game coming out for the Wii(exclusive to wii, sorry all you gamecubers), and I can't wait for it. Um..... I really want to run this little story by you guys. It started as a dream, and then I fleshed it out for a creative writing assignment. Please give me some feedback on what you like, and what I could improve upon. Thanks guys!!

“Perfect Strangers” WIP book chapter

Fourteen excruciating hours on a stuffy plane sitting next to a sweaty sumo and Miss Tour Guide Barbie had nearly driven me to insanity. Her voice was shrill, almost like fingernails biting into a blackboard relentlessly. I had buried myself as deep into my springy chair as I could without suffocating from the heinous odor coming from Super Sumo, and drowned out Barbie’s voice with my Ipod. I barely survived the flight, and as soon as we touched down and were set free, I snatched my backpack out of the cubby and tore out of that terminal like a bat out of Hell. I headed straight for the luggage pickup. Waiting for it to arrive had turned into another sanity killing experience. Grandmas: My new least favorite people.
With a grunt I yanked my huge duffel over my shoulders and dragged my monstrous suitcases behind me, my checkered backpack flopping off and dragging on the floor behind them. With a scowl I made my way to the main doors where my father told me someone from the school would be waiting for me. That’s right; I had been torn from my boyfriend and my best friends, and kicked out of the country to attend Dover Boarding Academy in London, England for my senior year. Normally any girl would flip over the opportunity to live in London, but not me. Not if it meant I would never see my friends again. I had been uprooted for no apparent reason other than the fact that my father hates Tony. He never liked him, and no matter the amount of time I spent trying to change his mind, dad thought Tony was a good for nothing gang-banger. That was wrong on so many levels. Tony wasn’t involved with gangs or anything of the sort; he was just a little rough around the edges, that’s all.
When I made it to the entrance I scanned the crowd for anyone with a sign that said my name, but I found no one.
“Laela Price?” said a cold voice from behind me.
The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, a chill running down my spine. I knew I shouldn’t turn around, I had seen this exact thing on so many horror movies. When the girl turns around she’s faced with the horrid monster that’s been killing her friends throughout the film, and it finally found her. Don’t turn around, whispered a voice in my head. But, like any other girl in a horror film, I turned around. I found myself face-to-face with the most severe-looking old man I had ever seen. I stumbled back a step from my deep surprise. How did this man know my name? How did he know what I looked like? Was he supposed to be from Dover?
“My name is Mortimer Dover, Headmaster of Dover Academy.” He said in a distorted sort of voice—almost like it had traveled through a cell phone with spotty reception. “Glad that you have arrived safely.”
I stood rooted to the spot with my hands clamped firmly on my suitcases. Something about this man didn’t strike me as… right. I watched him closely, scrutinizing every detail of his expensive tailored suit and his beady black eyes hiding behind a pair of spectacles resting on the bridge of his crooked nose. My cell buzzed suddenly in my pocket making me nearly scream. I reached for it instinctively on the third ring and raised it to my ear.
“Hello?” I said slowly, never taking my eyes from Headmaster Dover.
“Hey hun!” rang my mom’s voice over the crackly speaker phone at home. She wasn’t close to the phone as I could hear dishes clanking around in the sink. She was certainly up early. “How was the flight? Has Headmaster Dover arrived yet?”
“Yeah mom, he’s right here.” I glared at him, and I could have sworn I saw the edges of his cracked old lips curl into a smile. “Listen, I’m gonna have to call you back later, okay?”
She sighed, “Fine,”
I clicked the phone shut as Headmaster Dover approached.
“Would you like help with your bags?” he offered.
“I’m fine, thanks.” I didn’t trust him one bit.
He nodded slightly, beckoning me to follow. Careful to stay a good distance behind him, I followed him to a black town car parked at the front doors. The driver waited by the car, and upon our arrival he opened the trunk and helped me with my bags before quick stepping to the passenger door and held it open for the Headmaster. My insides tightened. Everything I had ever learned about staying away from creepy old people, and not getting into cars with strangers—especially men—was crumbling before me. The driver smiled at me. He was young; my age about, with dark shaggy hair that fell over his forehead covering his sparkling emerald eyes that flashed dangerously beneath his mop. He waved his hand toward the car. Reluctantly I ducked into the car, which smelled heavily of cigar smoke. I pressed myself against the door when it closed, putting as much possible space between the Headmaster and me.
The ride was almost as bad as the flight over. I felt my chest burning, my eyes tearing up and I felt like passing out. If I didn’t get out of this car soon I would die. My hand groped around the dark door for the window controls, but they didn’t exist. Curse you stupid town car for keeping me trapped within this steel cage with a creepy old man and this toxic smoke. Just as I was about to take my chances with the road, the car rolled to a stop and the door swung open, tossing me onto the road. I gasped for the beautiful clean air, lying on the ground heaving for breath, and making a fool of myself, but I didn’t care. My long black hair twisted around my face and neck, sticking to my lips and tickling my nose. It was marvelous, but when I heard the gravel crunch at my feet, I knew the Headmaster had exited the vehicle. I sat up so quickly black shadows crept into the edges of my vision and my head felt empty. He was staring sternly over the top of his glasses and I knew right away what he had labeled me as. Delinquent.  That’s what I had always been to everyone. I never really fit in, so I did things differently, which made me a delinquent. The driver appeared suddenly at my side, his arm around my waist, guiding me upward. I didn’t know whether to be embarrassed, or brush it off, but something about his touch made my skin flare with heat.
“Mr. Mazzigati will take your bags to your room.” The Headmaster said harshly, “Follow me to collect your class schedule and uniform.”
That word was like poison. I hated uniforms. They limited my creative freedom I so cherished at my last school. I watched as the boy— Mazzigati—took my bags into the enormous building we had arrived at before trudging after the Headmaster. We entered a side door, and into a huge office. Three women sat at the desk in front of me, their hair pulled back in tight buns, clicking away at keyboards and answering phones. I cringed away from them; secretaries always creeped me out. The Headmaster turned around, raised his flat palm to my face, halting me in my place and disappeared around the corner. He reappeared carrying a bundle of clothes and a stack of paper. He all but shoved them at me and told me to read the papers—honor code, dress code that sort of thing—and handed me a room key (one of those nifty hotel ones), and directed me to the elevator, told me my floor, and then stomped away.
Quietly I slipped from the office and into the elevator. The door opened and a pair of face suckers jumped apart, the girl fixed her shirt and patted down her hair furiously, looking extremely embarrassed.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt,” I coughed to hide my giggle as the two scrambled to their feet. “But if this is the only elevator, I need it to get to my room.”
Without answering the two dashed from the elevator and into the hallway. I stepped inside, pressed the number four and rolled my eyes when the horrid music reached my ears. Elevator Music: Rejected by All, Loved by None. They should make a song about that, and play that in the elevators. It would certainly keep my attention. The elevator lurched, and I stumbled forward, supporting myself against the doors, but as soon as they slid open all hope was lost as I found the ground rising to meet me. Funny thing is that it never did. I felt a pair of strong hands clamp down on my arms, stopping me before I met the carpet. I had always been a clumsy person, but today was an off day. I blame the jetlag. The hands pulled me to my feet, and I found myself staring into the deep green eyes of Mazzigati, whatever his first name was.
“This is the second time within the hour that you’ve nearly killed yourself toppling out of doors,” he said with a coy smile. His accent was intoxicating and his smile made me shiver. The heat from his touch made my body warm, and I had the strangest urge to wrap myself into his arms and stay there. “Don’t worry, I’ll be there to catch you every time you fall.” He winked.
Was this kid crazy? I didn’t know him, he didn’t know me, so what was he promising here? He sounded like a stalker; an attractive stalker.
“Um… thanks?” I wasn’t sure how to respond to that, and then I suddenly remembered that he had delivered her things to her room. “Oh, which room is mine… um…?” I didn’t know his name. What was I supposed to say?
“Stitch Mazzigati, at your service.” He smiled, “Sixth one down the hall and to your left.”
He stepped around me and into the elevator.
What kind of a name was Stitch? With a shake of my head I made my way down the hall and found my room. The door was slightly ajar, so I nudged it open with my foot and stuck my head inside, peeking around each corner and then stood up, walked in and shut the door behind me. The room itself was enormous. I wondered how many girls were living in this room, no scratch that, it wasn’t a room, it was a hotel suite. There was a mini kitchen, and several rooms, the living area had an enormous television sitting smack in the middle of a mahogany entertainment center. How much money was tuition around here?
I reached into my pocket and extracted my cell phone, and dialed my dad’s number. He answered on the fourth ring, but before he could say anything I pounced. “How much fricken money are you paying to keep me here?” I demanded.
He stumbled over his words for a moment before he could formulate a proper sentence. “What dear?” he asked.
“How much money are you paying to keep me here?” I repeated, a sense of urgency edging into my voice. “I want an honest answer.”
“Fifty-four thousand, nine hundred a year.” He replied casually, “Listen honey, I have to go. I have a meeting at seven thirty.”
Of course. “Bye. Love you.”
“Uh huh,” Dial tone.
With another heavy sigh I found my things piled in front of a door. Cautiously I opened it, not sure if it was vacant, but when I saw the barren white walls, I knew it belonged to me. Suddenly the door opened behind me and a few girls entered the room. I turned around and found myself face to face with the red-head from the elevator. Her eyes bugged and she gasped.
“What are you doing in here?” she asked, pointing a finger at me.
“Well, I live here now.” I replied with a smile.
You’re the new girl?” her face was beet red and she was rubbing her palms against her dark plaid skirt. “You’re our new roommate?”
I nodded.
The other girls didn’t understand the discomfort in their friend’s words, but I understood. They stared at her before flitting into the kitchen and delving into the shelves. The red-head approached me, a severe look on her face.
“Look, I don’t want to make an enemy of you within your first hours here, but if one word about what you saw earlier escapes those shiny lips of yours, you’ll wish you never transferred.” She growled.
Too late, I wanted to say, I already do. “I won’t say a word.”
There was a knock on the door and the girls in the room all scrambled to answer it, fluffing their hair and fixing their clothes before casually, but urgently ripping the door open.
“Is Laela here?” purred a familiar voice.
“Who’s Laela and why do you want to see her?” asked a brunette girl with slinky curls as she stepped forward out of the door. I could almost imagine her pushing herself against whatever male stood there.
“I know she’s here, unless she got lost, in which case I should go find her. I have something of hers.”
Intrigued I pulled the door open wider, revealing the mystery man behind the door. Stitch. He smiled warmly at me, leaning forward so his honey-sweet breath bounced off my cheeks. I felt myself blushing.
“’Ello, love,”
“H-hi, Stitch.” I muttered, “What do you need?”
He reached for my hand without looking away, opened it, and placed something in the center of my palm before closing my hand around it. With one last smile and a wink he left me standing there, blushing like a fool and slightly breathless. I opened my hand and looked down to see what he had placed there. It was a necklace with a golden chain and a beautiful golden pendant where an intricate butterfly was carved. This didn’t belong to me. I had never seen it in my life! What was he thinking? I ran after him, stopping him at the elevator.
“Stitch, this isn’t mine,” I panted, holding the necklace out to him.
“Sure it is,” he smirked.
I stared at him. What was he getting at?
“G’bye love, see you tomorrow.”
He stepped backward into the elevator and pressed a button, then he was gone and I was left with a necklace that didn’t belong to me, and a strange feeling in my stomach.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Oh my gosh, prepare for the most gush blog post ever. So tonight is the best night of my life. I'm a long time fan of Dancing with the Stars, and my ultimate fav star ever is Apollo Ohno, the famous Olympic speed skater. My friend Erin and I decided we were gonna hang out, and as all nerds do, we hung out at a book store. Yep, pretty epic if I say so myself. As we went in, Erin was all "Why are there a bunch of people camped out in the middle of the store?" We didn't really look into it that much until I was searching for a book, and she found the sign that said Apollo Ohno was coming for a book signing that night at eight. So, we got hot chocolate, called my sister and Nikki, told them to get their butts down here, and waited. Then we proceeded to stand in line and wait our turn. We felt like idiots just standing in line without his book, so Nikki picked it up, and was debating on whether or not she wanted it all the way up to the point that she had it signed and there was no turning back. But anyway, can I just tell you that Apollo really lives up to his name. I mean his greek name. Because Apollo the god is beautiful beyond all description and so is Apollo Anton Ohno.

But anyway, we were in line and got up there to meet him, he signed the book and we were off. That didn't satisfy the fan girl inside me, so I doubled back with my camera and started taking some pictures which you can find below. My sister's camera is broken, so the quality is bad. But I got some really good ones. People told me I should become a professional creeper AKA a paparazzi. Yes, I think I just found my new calling in life. Well after my camera phase was over, I wanted a hug, but all his little people shoved us away, so I went outside and we found his tour bus. Yep, we took pictures by that too. We wrote messages in the dirt with our fingers, and then...... HE CAME OUTSIDE! We were the only ones out there, so I took a deep breath and said these exact words:

"Um, can I make an odd request?" Pause...

Apollo's friend: "Sure,"

"Can I have a hug?" Pause............... for a long time.

Apollo: "Sure thing,"

OMIGOODNESS! BEST DAY OF MY LIFE. I got to hug Apollo, who by the way smells really good, and is super attractive. I was smashed against him because Zenna and Erin joined my hug, and his jacket was so fuzzy!!!! AH! Yep, floating on nothing right now. :D Loving life. Plus I got Richard Castle's book Heat Wave. I'm excited to read it! Well, that pretty much sums up my night. Erin and I decided that we are stalking book signings more often. It turns out pretty good. And when I become a famous author, I will stay for an hour, instead of just a half hour.

Pictures below:

My favorite picture! Love his face here.

This was another great proving moment for my new found
paparazzi skillz.

This was just before we hugged him.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Why All the Singing?

OHMIGOSH. I think my friends have done more singing randomly in the last two days than I have ever heard them do before. It's quite strange. Here's how it went: Today I began by singing while I did my hair. I was singing Winter Song (the first song that plays here), and then in second period (3D graphics) I started singing a random song with my friend Chris. And it only gets better from here. At lunch Kayla proceeded to sing Veggie Tales songs, while Austin sounded like a dying chipmunk singing Telephone. At least today's songs weren't about food. But that's probably not saying much. OH then in fourth period Robyn started singing about Christmas at Timpanogos. Oh boy was that song great! Love you Robyn.

So I started (and finished) the lineart for my mosaic today. I must say that it is completely epic. It took me forever to figure out how I wanted to do it, and who I wanted to do. I decided on Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and War Strategy. AH! It's sooooo cool! Anyway, you can find the picture below! It took me three hours to draw that darn owl! It started out ok, but it looked like a falcon, and not an owl. But, after three grueling hours during school, sitting in front of a computer screen for three periods (don't worry I went to all my classes, they just all involve computers today.), I managed to get my owl to look like one. It's a screech owl because I love the funny feathers on their faces that make them look like they're glaring. I'm using magazines as my medium, so for all of you close enough, please please donate your unused mags to me! I need them desperately! Here's my wonderful rendition of Athena.

This is it! Isn't it great!! Sorry about her hand. It's kinda retarded but oh well. That's my best attempt at realism. It still looks cartoony, but that's ok with me!

Hmmm OH! Today in web design we took a practice test, and I looked down the line after I was finished to see if they had finished, when I saw Jake Dyson using a pink marker. Can I just tell you that made my day right there! I told him that and he thought it was awesome. He loves his markers. New hero of the day: Jake Dyson for using a pink marker to take a test.

That should just about cover my day. I don't get to do anything tonight because I have to babysit. I'm a little nervous because I usually babysit boys, and they like to play pretend with pirates and guns and ninjas. I'm good at that, but girls? Not so much. They always want to play barbies or something. That's just not my thing. Sorry girls. Wish I could be a better babysitter, but I've got a thing for ninjas. We could play that, and maybe then our problems would be solved. They always want me to sing them songs before they sleep too, which is weird. I mean I do it, because that's my job, but they always want primary songs, and I don't know very many. Sigh......... oh well. It's money, and I need it.


P.S. I totally just ripped off Mrs. Crampton. That's how she signs all her blogs. HAHAHA I love her so much!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Horror.... of Love?

Well, that title is going to have you all wondering what the heck this crazy girl is talking about. Mostly it was inspired by a wonderfully creepy song by a band called Ludo. The song is titled "Horror of Our Love." It really is a horrific song, but I found it creepily beautiful. My bud Katy suggested I listen to it because she knew I would appreciate it, and I did. Weird as that may sound.

Moving on.

Today was well.... relatively uneventful. Not true. Ok I'm losing my mind. It's late at night and I just got off work, forgive me. Anyway, first period I have Mythology and today we took some quizzes.... those believe it or not are not boring. Usually. But then she explained our new project! A MOSAIC! I'm gonna do Athena, and it will be KICK BUTT. Yes, it will. I'll periodically post pictures through the process so that you guys can see how its coming along, and let me know what you think. Ummm. In second period, which is Creative Writing, I got to go interview my kindergartener. We're writing children's books and giving them to the kids for a Christmas present. The first day my kid, Hyrum, wasn't there. He was still out for thanksgiving, so I was really upset, but he was there today, and I think he's my new favorite child ever. He LOVES How to Train Your Dragon, and Tom and Jerry (which I don't watch), and Despicable Me (which sadly I haven't seen). This story is gonna be EPIC. Basically I'm gonna have him hang with Hiccup and Toothless and Jerry, Tom's gonna steal Hyrum's very favorite robot toy, and then Hyrum will go on an adventure to find it. Defeating Tom by throwing pumpkin pie at his face. Yep, that's my children's story. UH.... third period. Seminary. BROTHER FROST THREATENED TO BREAK UP MY CORNER! NOOOOOOOOOO! I love Alex (different Alex, I know too many of them. But this one's a boy.) too much. It's an awful thought to entertain. How could he splip up The Corner?? Probably because we talk too much. Lunch.... um my friend started singing about grapes. Yep, yesterday I sing about pie and today he sings about grapes. Well tomorrow we should just sing about food in general. UHG. Here comes the worst part of my day. THE DENTIST. Yep I was there for close to four hours, with someone prodding my teeth with a sharp pick, and the awful metallic taste of blood pooling in my throat. That's how awful it was.

Well, after that I took my mom to work, then took myself to work. OH MY GOSH! We made over $600 while I was in there! I felt so proud because I helped make most of the sales!!! Um I worked with Cessilee. She has a super cute name I'm really jealous of it. AND THEN, this adorable guy walks in and he says to her "How much does it cost to get an ear pierced?" He looked dead serious, so she of course started to tell him, I mean its our job for goodness sake, then he's all, "I just wanted a reason to talk to you. I think you're in one of my classes." Sure enough, they were in the same Business Management class. Lucky girl. She even said she now had a reason to go to class after he left. Too bad that there's only one class left. That's like a slap in the face. Of course she said that the class size was well over 200. That's her life story hahahah. Not mine, but I thought I would add it. Hmmmmm. I made my dad come and bring me food at like 9..... yes! DEL TACO! Love you daddy!! Well.... I also volunteered myself for two shifts from 4-11 on a thursday and friday. Yep, that's gonna be my life for the start of Christmas break. WOOOO! MONEY. Anyway, I'm gonna sign off now. Goodnight everyone! Love you all!!
